Monday, April 21, 2014

THE HEDWIG COUNTDOWN BEGINS NOW! Alan Cumming Medley of Hedwig Songs

Dear LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you are a regular reader, you will know that I have many eccentricities (a.k.a. "This biatch be cray-cray!).  One of my loves (a.k.a. obsessions) is the John Cameron Mitchell movie musical "Hedwig and the Angry Inch."  When I heard Neil Patrick Harris was going to play Hedwig on Broadway, I bought my ticket faster than you can say "Internationally Ignored Song Stylist."

I am extremely excited for this musical on Broadway, but also a bit scared since I am so RAVENOUSLY IN LOVE with the movie and John Cameron Mitchell's portrayal of Hedwig.  I fear that I will be let down by the Broadway show.  But I am willing to fly to New York and take that chance!

(Seriously I'm nuts - I own a DVD of the movie, but also have it digitally from iTunes so that I can access the movie any time, any where.  Hello INSANE!)

My friend and I are also seeing the sublime Alan Cumming in a revival of Cabaret (another movie I am obsessed with) while in NYC.

While I will be posting regular blog posts from now until I see "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" on Broadway, I will also be posting daily "mini LilyOnTheLam" Hedwig countdown clips until the day I see the show.  Because I am that insane and that excited!  Care to join my insanity?

To start my "HEDWIG COUNTDOWN!" I am combining my love of Hedwig and the Angry Inch with my love of Alan Cumming by attaching this link to a YouTube video where Alan Cumming does a medley of Hedwig songs.


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