Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Homey Gift Idea

Looking for a great and unique gift idea?  

My friend Stacy is selling hand drawn portraits of homes via her website.  

Check out the link to see samples of her work and to learn more!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Love Life Earth Day?

Dear Readers:

Happy Earth Day!  I spent some time this morning breaking down cardboard boxes for recycling and tonight Miss LM and I are going to paint a tree - I mean paint a portrait of a tree, it's not like we're some random paint bombers ... at least not yet, you never know what the future will bring.

Before I plunge into the subject of this blog post, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for reading.  I crossed the 60,000 page views mark today.  Now I know some blogs get 60,000 page views an hour ... but for a little old blog from a little old blogger in Tampa Bay, 60,000 page views is pretty darn awesome.  My blog post reviewing Jillian Michaels' "Maximize Your Life" tour was a big success drawing many new readers.  I received some great Tweets from people in the US and the UK complimenting my post.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  It really means the world to hear from people that they enjoy my sometimes crazy, but always from the heart blogging.  So thank you for reading and keep reading!

Now back to our tale ...

Awhile back, the former Hot-lantan, soon to be Washington DC-ian (evidently DC stands for "Darling Cutie") Nicky G and I went to a numerologist in Pinellas County.  Um yeah, we did.  Haters, don't judge.  The numerologist told me that I am at the end of a nine year cycle and that I need to start things fresh and new or else be doomed to repeat it.  I expected that kind of proclamation to be accompanied with a "bwahahahahhahahhahahah" cackle and a wave of a bony finger.  Sinister, baby!

Well be careful who you scoff at (especially Pinellas County Numerologists) because fate may just smack you in the head.  In the past couple weeks, I have had not one, not two, not there BUT FOUR ex-boyfriends contact me.  Two from as far back as the beginning of this past nine year cycle.  Yes, guys I dated in 2004 have started knocking on my door!  (What the heck???)  In addition to the oldies, two exes from more recently have also appeared like whack-a-moles. (Four ghosts knocking on my door!)  

Evidently these men think that Earth Day's "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" slogan means that Lily should reduce the number of new boyfriends she acquires and reuse and recycle old boyfriends.  Um, no.

Let me repeat ... No.  

It is so much easier to go backwards than forwards.  There is a sense of comfort and I will say there is a certain peace in being with someone who knows you well.  It can be ever so tempting, but there's a reason an ex is an ex!  And 9 times out of 10 going backwards just means reviving hell - except twice as fast and bloody.  

So on this Earth Day, leave the reduce/reuse/recycle for material goods and if you're single, find yourself fertile new ground for your love life.  This is definitely an opportunity where fresh and unsullied beats reused and recycled.

Of course never overlook a great opportunity that may be staring you right in the face ... sometimes what you need is right in front of you.

P.S. I have two friends where the 2nd (or 5th time or 10th) time around proved successful for their relationships.  I treat these situations like lottery winners - for one in million (or billion) it works out, but the rest of us are usually just suckers.  You may be a one in a billion sweetheart, but your love life may not be.  Play safe!  


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thank You Jillian Michaels!

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I was so excited yesterday that uber-super fitness trainer Jillian Michaels (from NBC's "The Biggest Loser") tweeted the link to my blog review of her Maximize Your Life tour.  Jillian has 951,000+ Twitter followers, so my little blog received many visitors!  Welcome new readers!  And thank you Jillian and your Social Media team for the retweet.  Much appreciated!  

Friday, April 19, 2013

An Evening With Jillian Michaels - A Review of Her Maximize Your Life Tour

Hello Readers:

I have been an avid fan of NBC's "The Biggest Loser" for many years.  Or more specifically an avid fan of Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels.  (Read about my running into Bob Harper in NYC here.)  I have read one of Bob's books. two of Jillian's and I have been a listener of Jillian Michaels' podcast since its early days.  So when I heard that Jillian was doing a speaking tour called "Maximize your Life" and one of the tour stops would be Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida; I knew I was in.  

And when I heard there were VIP seats close to the stage that also included a private smaller group Question and Answer session, I said "which kidney do I have to sell to get a VIP ticket?"  

Luckily the price of a VIP ticket was similar to an arena concert show ticket price.  My super human ticket ordering skills got me a ticket in the 2nd row.  Jillian Michaels is even shorter and skinnier than she appears on TV - the camera adding 10 pounds and all - so I wanted to be as close to the stage as possible.  The tour might be called Maximize Your Life, but I wanted to Maximize my Jillian Michaels exposure.

With intermission and the VIP Q&A, the show was approximately three hours long.  Talk about getting your money's worth!  Because I have read Jillian's books and listened to her podcasts, I was familiar with some of the material she was presenting.  But listening to a podcast you don't see her twinkling eyes smiling at you.  Seriously I don't know if Jillian Michaels has some crazy diamond contact lenses or what but her eyes were TWINKLING.  Like a cartoon Santa Claus - it was like "I have the wisdom and you can tell I have it because my eyes are TWINKLING!"  I was mesmerized, to put it mildly.

And of course Jillian was rocking her skinny jeans - those alone are inspiration to get in the gym!

Jillian spoke primarily on three topics - nutrition/diet, exercise and self-worth.  The audience was approximately 85% women with some very endearing, emotionally men too (and of course some husbands who were just along for the evening).  The audience members were all shapes, sizes and ages.  For some I could see the emotional pain on their faces.  Their burdens were much more than the excess weight they carried on their bodies.  Watching Jillian Michaels on television, it is easy to think that just being in her presence will transform your life.  But of course true and lasting transformation comes from within -- we can't ask the external to do what we can't do for ourselves internally.  Change starts from within.  But a good motivational kick in the ass can't hurt, right?

While the nutrition and exercise informational portions of the show were interesting and good for me to hear, it was the self-worth section that made the biggest impact.  I got an A in Psych 101 so I pretty much understand all there is to know about psychology and the inner workings of the human mind (ha ha), but hearing Jillian talk through finding the origin of pain/fear/insecurities and working against repetitive habits that make you your own continued abuser was like a gigantic caffeinated wake-up call.  

This line of thought is nothing new or revolutionary to me but something about both the compassion and urgency in Jillian's voice, facial expressions and gesticulations pried opened my stubborn mind and made me listen.  She emphasized the need to switch the mantra from "Why me?" to "WHY NOT ME?"  It was amazing to watch a packed auditorium hanging on her every word.

One phrase that particularly hit home with me was about dealing with criticism.  Jillian said that sometimes what knocks the ego is good for the soul and helps us build our character.  So while we may not want to hear criticism, we need to set aside our ego and take what we can from the lesson and build on it.  Easier said than done, but ever so necessary.

On a personal note, it was special to see a video of Jillian, her life partner and their two children.  After a three year arduous adoption process to finally adopt their daughter, it was heart-stirring to see the long struggle turn into wonderful reality.  I enjoyed hearing not only Jillian's stories of working with the NBC show "The Biggest Loser" contestants, but her own personal stories.  What I find inspiring about Jillian Michaels is that she is not perfect (although her body is amazing!) - she's had her own struggles, trials and tribulations.  I feel like her stories and messages speak from the heart versus a canned commercial speech.  

The after-show VIP Q&A was even more endearing for me.  Audience members had previously submitted questions and Jillian's Podcast Producer Janice Ungaro came out to co-host the Q&A.  When I was training for my first official half-marathon walk in Washington State, each day was a struggle.  I would prefer to sit on my couch and watch television than do a 13.1 mile walk.  But I forced myself to get out there and I would listen to Jillian and Janice playfully bicker on the podcast and I would just keep walking.  Even when my legs were aching and the Tampa summer rains would catch me five miles from home without an umbrella, I would listen to Jillian and Janice's snarky comments to each other and I would smile ... and just keep walking.  I wish I would have had the opportunity to thank Jillian and Janice for keeping me company each and every time I trained.  (P.S. I have two more half-marathons this year.  Time to start training again!)

Side Note:  Speaking of Producer Janice Ungaro, before tonight Janice was a voice on a podcast - I had no idea what she looked like in person.  For some reason I must have pictured the only radio show producer I know - Robin Quivers of "The Howard Stern Show."  So as I would listen to Janice on the podcast I would picture a sassy, smart, elegant African-American woman.  Well yes that is Robin Quivers ... but Janice is a thin, elegant white woman who makes faces and does wild dances on stage that had the audience rolling.  I have to adjust my mental picture of Janice now for future podcasts!  

I think Jillian Michaels' next tour should be Anthony Bourdain-Eric Ripert style where Jillian and Janice sit on couches with potted plants around them and spend two hours good-naturedly bickering.  I would pay to see that show!

Back to the evening with Jillian:  I mean no disrespect when I say that many of the audience members were clearly broken and searching for help.  I am not disparaging them because attending a motivational speech, like an evening with Jillian Michaels, shows a person's desire to seek help and move forward.  

For me personally, I have a very difficult time asking for help.  My father died when I was very young and my mother worked full-time and went to school at night.  I pretty much raised myself.  My mother tells a story of how when I was six years old I sent the babysitter home and took care of myself.  Um hello?  How f--ked up is THAT?  I learned from an early age that I should only rely on myself, that being dependent upon others would only lead to disappointment.  This is a mindset that I have been trying to correct in myself - because we all need others.  One person cannot do it alone, 100% of the time.  

When I arrived at the auditorium, I had my hands full with my purse, my cell phone, a VIP packet and my ticket.  I was supposed to put on an orange wristband that was in my VIP packet.  I was juggling all this stuff in my hands trying to find the wristband in the packet.  A young woman sitting next to me asked me if I would like her to put the wristband on me.  Normally I would have said "no" - um hello stranger, I don't need your help - I'm fine on my own.  I can do anything I set my mind out to do - I don't need you touching me.  Leave me alone!  But I did need help - my hands were full of stuff and I couldn't figure out where the adhesive strip was on the wristband and basically I was a mess.  I sighed and said "Yes please, I would absolutely appreciate the help."   You can't imagine how difficult it is for me to say that to a stranger or even a friend. 

The young woman quickly found the adhesive backing and wrapped the wristband around my wrist.  She patted it lightly saying "There, not too tight and not too loose."  I smiled.  I needed help.  I accepted help.  And it didn't kill me.  I felt like I had learned a lesson before Jillian even came out on the stage.  

During the Q&A, audience members bravely shared their "dark secrets" and insecurities.  One woman - a breast cancer survivor - talked about how after her mastectomy and hysterectomy she no longer felt like a woman.  Her voice cracked and became quieter and raspier the more she bared her soul.  I wanted to give her a hug.  There were several other breast cancer survivors in the small VIP audience and other women spoke out their support.  You don't need to wait for Jillian Michaels to come to your town to hear words of encouragement and support.  There are support groups all around for various conditions/situations - people who have been in the same boat and can help guide you on your journey.  You only need to ask for help.

Another woman stood up - she had lost 30 pounds but even more inspiring, her daughter - a member of the US military - had lost 126 pounds and had taken leave to fly from California to Clearwater, Florida to see Jillian Michaels.  The audience gave the young woman - in her military dress uniform - a standing ovation both for her weight loss accomplishment as well as her service to our country.  Jillian gave her a hug and whispered words of praise.

The evening with Jillian Michaels was like breathing straight from an oxygen tank.  I felt energized spiritually, emotionally and physically being in her presence and listening to her straight-forward talk.  In some ways it felt like standing at the edge of a high dive - are you ready to take the plunge?  Are you ready to stop living your life emotionally numb and live in the present?  Are you ready to live the best version of your life that you can?

There was a young girl - maybe 8 years old - in the row behind me.  Jillian tailored her language as to not offend, so we heard "S Word" and "F Word" instead of the actual "swear words" during the show.  As I was walking out of the auditorium, the young girl and her mother were walking ahead of me.  The mother was carrying the daughter and the young girl asked what adoption meant - in reference to Jillian Michaels' stories about her adopted three year old daughter.  The mother gave her daughter a squeeze and said "Adoption means you are extra special."  The young girl cocked her head to the side as if contemplating this statement deeply.  Then she nodded her head and smiled.

I feel like Jillian Michaels adopted the entire auditorium during her "Maximize Your Life" show.  We all felt extra special after spending an evening with her.  If you get an opportunity to see Jillian Michaels, I highly recommend it.  

Please leave a comment - I would love to hear from you!

P.S. And don't forget to read about my running into NBC Biggest Loser Trainer Bob Harper in New York City here.  Now I just need to meet Dolvett Quince and my "Biggest Loser" meetings will be complete!

P.P.S. Hey Jillian Michaels fans - please read my blog post about a strong survivor who needs your help -

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Prayers and Love For Boston

Dear LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

The last couple days I have been viewing Tweets and Facebook status updates from friends gearing up for the Boston Marathon.  I would read them with both awe and a little dash of envy.  While I have walked several half-marathons and on one particularly ambitious day (emphasis on only ONE time) I walked 27 miles; but the thought of running 26.2 miles ... well I think it would be easier for me to sneak aboard a rocket to the moon than to run 26.2 miles.  It seems outside the realm of possibility for me and my fitness level.  

But I have friends who are made of steel and powered by positivity and jet fuel.  They are runners and they had been training for this very day.  To these friends flying from Tampa Bay to Boston to take part in the Boston Marathon was going to be a highlight of their running lives.  I envied their enthusiasm, their motivation and their fitness.  They were like warriors gearing up for battle.  They had trained and were ready to show the world the fruits of their determined labor.  

This afternoon I turned on the television between conference calls and saw scenes of chaos and a thick creeping mass of white smoke pouring out across the Boston Marathon finish line.  I felt the same gut punch of disbelief and shock as I watched the towers fall on TV on 9/11.  Surely this is a mistake, right?  Did I accidentally click on a Lifetime movie instead of the news?  This can't be happening - it's the Boston Marathon for heaven's sake.  

It was still early in the reporting and so I tried not to place any stock in the early reports.  The news reporters from the early moments of the Newtown shootings were so anxious to bring a story that many of the initial reports were incorrect.  Instead I went on Facebook and checked to see status posts from my friends.  Miraculously they were all safe and sound, but shaken and as in much disbelief as us here watching the events on television.  I know that other people did not receive the same good news when inquiring about friends, family and loved ones.    

As I now think of the Boston Marathon, my thoughts are still of awe ... in awe of first responders who put their lives on the line - not knowing how many more detonations would take place - to help the injured.  I am in awe of the medical teams working valiantly to pull ball bearing shrapnel  out of the victims.  I am in awe of the outpouring of all who choose love over hate in a time when fear could bring out our worst prejudices.  I am in awe of the wonderful Brooklyn Academy of Music projecting a lit up message on their wall "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.  NY (heart) B."  And I am in awe of those who have been personally touched by this tragedy who find the strength to keep going with positivity, love, faith and hope.

Before today, the Boston Marathon to me meant a group of determined individuals who were going to push themselves - their bodies, their hearts, their minds- to the limit.  They were an inspiration both in terms of their own personal fitness, endurance and motivation to succeed.  The events of today only solidify this view - but now it's not just the runners who I am in awe of but the first responders and the people of Boston.  

In face of tragedy, choose hope over hate ... and help where you can.

For ways to help, check out the Red Cross page on the Boston Marathon bombings.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

So Excited! Liberace - Behind the Candelabra Trailer

The moon and the stars have aligned.  I am so excited for the upcoming Steven Soderbergh-HBO movie "Behind the Candelabra" starring Michael Douglas as Liberace and Matt Damon as his lover.  

My inner nerd is doing a happy dance until May 26th when the movie premieres on HBO.

P.S.  And don't get me started on how wild Rob Lowe looks in character!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What to Keep, What to Throw Away - Approaching the Outskirts of Happiness

I received a phone call tonight from someone for whom I was once briefly enamored.  We exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes and then I cut the call short.  After hanging up, I thought for a few minutes and then texted said gentleman the following message: 

"Thanks for the call but I think it's better if we don't keep in touch."

I said a secret prayer that he wouldn't text back asking for an explanation because I wasn't sure how to nicely say "Because with each word out of your mouth, I have to fight back the urge to stab you in the eye and to stab myself for listening to you."

For better or worse, I tend to be like a light switch - I'm either "on" or "off."  There is no in-between when it comes to romantic relationships.  I know that I was once enchanted by this person, but it seems like a distant dream or something that happened to someone else.  For the life of me, I don't see why I would have been interested at all.  Which makes me a little sad.  I feel like I am in a room filled with ghosts of emotions that I am not sure belonged to me.  

But on the other hand, the call distracted me from my fuming.  Once again proving that there is always a silver lining in everything. I had a crap day at work - a new person is getting incredibly spazzy because she doesn't fully understand her role and so she's churning the corporate air into an escalation froth of ginormous proportions.  I just want to smack her and say "Stop creating chaos and for the love of God, stop throwing us all into the pit with you!"  I was supposed to go to a meditation class tonight, but I was too busy fixing all the damage the new person caused that I could not go.

When I recently went to see the play Orphans on Broadway, I sat next to a little older woman who decided to treat herself to the play while her nieces were at the next door theater watching "Matilda - the Musical."  I'm not sure how the topic arose but this woman said to me "Have you heard the saying -- Everyone should meditate 30 minutes a day - and if you don't have time to meditate 30 minutes a day, you should meditate for an hour a day!"

I laughed because that saying could perfectly describe me and what I have been feeling lately.  I haven't been making meditation a priority and I so sorely need it.  I feel emotionally weary.  Like rats of confusion and doubt have been chewing on my soul.  It's definitely some mid-life crisis questions.  (I am 947 years old for heavens' sake.  Even the undead are entitled to a mid-life crisis every now and again.)  I have been telling myself for months (hell, years) now that I need to meditate.  I'll do it once or twice and then another two years will go by.  

I received a request to participate in a pilot for the upcoming website - utilizing science to increase happiness.   I have always had shades of crusty, bitter curmudgeon on me, but recently I feel like I have been wearing it from head to toe.  Mega-curmudgeon.  Not exactly who or what I want to be or project.  So I found the invite to be of particularly coincidental timing - just when I decide I need to infuse a bit more happiness in my life I get an invitation to be a pilot member of a website that is suppose to help you find your happy?  Evidently someone or something is watching out for me.  (A reassuring thought if there ever was one!)

So I agreed to take part in's pioneer program and try it for myself.  This is day 2, so we shall see if a website can bring me closer to happiness.     

The title of this blog post is "What to Keep, What to Throw Away."  I chose this because I feel like often times we (or maybe just me?) hold on to things - people, emotions, bad memories, pain, material objects for all the wrong reasons.  While I'm not currently in a relationship, to spend any time reconnecting with a failed relationship in the form of the once enamorable man mentioned above would be a waste of time.  It was a poisonous relationship from the start.  A second chance may briefly assuage any loneliness I may feel, but it would ultimately bring more unhappiness than happiness.  And it certainly would not help me evolve from bitter curmudgeon to happier individual.

For me, I am deciding what nurtures my soul (throw that in the "keep" pile) and what and whom suck the life out of me (the "throw away" pile or dumpster as it may be.)  It's not always an easy process, but it is worthwhile.

One aspect of is to focus yourself on things you should be grateful for -- what inspires gratitude in you?  The following picture is a painting I did at Painting with a Twist in Tampa.  I am no great artist and my scene of Venice looks more like a 5 year old's interpretation, but it still makes me smile because I took time out for myself and created it.   

With an attitude of gratitude, I will keep my painting and throw away those who - whether consciously or unconsciously - bring negativity instead of positivity into my life.  

Happiness for all, dear readers!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Chicken and Waffles x Three - Restaurant Duels

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I have lived in Florida for nine years and as such, my stomach has declared itself an honorary Southerner.  I remember the first time I ever ate collard greens.  There was a charming restaurant in Safety Harbor, Florida owned and operated by Chef Dawn Algieri named "Lincoln Heights Bistro."  Chef Dawn made reasonably priced, good quality Southern cuisine.  Unfortunately due to changes in the economy and an unfortunate car accident, Chef Dawn could not continue running the restaurant.  I still miss meals with friends at Lincoln Heights Bistro, but my love of Southern cuisine endures.   

Two of my favorite Southern-style dishes are shrimp and grits and chicken and waffles.  I recently had the pleasure of having chicken and waffles three times in a week and a half.  (Which is also why I am dieting this week!)  

In my 20's (I am now 900 years old), I lived for a couple years in Los Angeles.  Hollywood, California near the corner of Hollywood Blvd and La Brea, to be exact.  Also home of Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.  In my young, dumb 20's, I thought fried chicken and waffles sounded bizarre and I never tried them.  Oh the ignorance of youth.  I can't remember the first time I had chicken and waffles, but I can remember the worst chicken and waffles I have ever eaten.  (That story is worthy of its own blog post, so I won't discuss it now!)

This blog post is about chicken and waffles from three different restaurants - Pies 'N Thighs in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York City; Brooklyn Diner's Times Square NYC location and Fire Bar and Grill here in Tampa, Florida.  (If you'd like to read more about Pies 'N Thighs, check out my banana cream pie blog post here.)

Contestant #1:  Pies 'N Thighs Chicken and Buckwheat Waffles with Cinnamon Butter, Strawberries and Maple Syrup.
Pies 'N Thighs Chicken and Waffles

Pies 'N Thighs is a small, nondescript restaurant on a corner in Williamsburg with no sign other than a handwritten sign on a piece of cardboard in the window pointing to the entrance.  The staff are reed thin, tattooed, skinny-jean wearers with generally happy dispositions.  A bakery case by the register is packed with fat, luscious looking donuts and other pastries.  The menu has Southern-style dishes, fried chicken and of course, pie.

Pies 'N Thighs chicken and waffles were pretty good.  The buckwheat waffles had good flavor, although I would have preferred a more crispy outside and a lighter waffle.  The buckwheat was a bit too dense for my tastes.

The cinnamon butter and strawberries added a nice touch, but I also would have liked a scoop of chipotle or tabasco butter as well to interplay off sweet and savory on the waffles.  The maple syrup was your regular syrup, but it did the trick.

The dish came with two pieces of chicken.  One piece of chicken was absolutely amazing - moist, tender chicken in a crisp, flavorful, crunchy shell.  This chicken eaten with a butter and syrup topped piece of waffle was amazing.  The other piece of chicken was soggy with no flavor and no crispness.  I feel like I got a piece from an old batch and one from a new batch.  Had both pieces of chicken come from the "good" batch, I would have been over the moon for these chicken and waffles.

Overall, it was a good meal.  It could have been better but if you have a chicken and waffles craving this will do the trick!

Contestant #2:  Brooklyn Diner's Stuffed Fried Chicken on a Red Velvet Waffle with Butter and Maple Syrup

After seeing "Orphans" on Broadway starring Alec Baldwin, Ben Foster and the amazingly cute Tom Sturridge, I headed over to one of my favorite midtown restaurants Brooklyn Diner.  (My favorite is the 57th street location, but this time I was at the Times Square location.)  I was craving a big cheeseburger with bacon but when I saw "stuffed fried chicken on a red velvet waffle" on the menu I knew I had to check it out.

Brooklyn Diner Stuffed Fried Chicken on a Red Velvet Waffle

I have never had a red velvet waffle before, but I have had red velvet pancakes from Tampa's local Datz Deli.  I had had high hopes for the red velvet pancakes and was really disappointed - dense, heavy and with no flavor whatsoever.  I could have been eating a heavy pillow as far as my tastebuds were concerned. With that experience in mind, I didn't have high hopes for a red velvet waffle from Brooklyn Diner.  However, my tastebuds were floored - the red velvet waffle from Brooklyn Diner was absolutely incredible.  Crunchy, fluffy with a rich chocolate taste, it was very satisfying.  The waffle must have had a lot of food coloring as it left pools of red on my plate ... and later in my intestines (enough said!)  

It is worth ordering this dish just to enjoy the red velvet waffle.  The stuffed fried chicken - well that's another story.  The chicken seems to be pounded and then a piece of cheese and a piece of what looked like thick deli pastrami was placed on top and the chicken was then breaded - like a cross between chicken schnitzel and chicken cordon bleu.  Unfortunately the chicken here was rubbery - almost like an overcooked pressed chicken nugget.  The breading had no flavor and the cheese and meat added nothing to the meal.  I had a couple bites of the chicken but then stopped eating it.  It wasn't worth the calories!

I would not recommend the chicken, but I would highly recommend the red velvet waffle!

Contestant #3: Fire Bar and Grill's Corn Flake Crusted Fried Chicken on a Jalapeno Corn Bread Waffle with Caramel Sauce, Habanero Sauce and Collard Greens.

Fire Bar and Grill's Corn Flake Crusted Chicken and Waffles

Fire Bar and Grill is a relatively new restaurant in South Tampa.  It has a very popular happy hour and a good location half-way inbetween Downtown Tampa and the Westshore Business District.  I was having brunch with Miss Cindy and as soon as I saw "jalapeno waffle," I knew what I was ordering.

Like Brooklyn Diner, the reason to order this dish is the waffle.  While the jalapeno corn bread waffle was not crispy at all, it was fluffy and creamy - almost a souffle consistency with amazing taste and heat - jalapeno and green onion flavors.

I was skeptical about the caramel sauce, but it really paired nicely with the waffle and the chicken.  However the chicken was completely overcooked and dried out.  The corn flake crust was rock hard.  I was looking for a tableside chain saw to cut through the chicken.  The habanero sauce in the silver cup in the above picture looked like apricot preserves.  I had forgotten it was habanero and dipped a large piece of the dried out chicken into the sauce.  I put it in my mouth and felt the back of my head explode on fire remembering that it was habanero not apricot preserves.  Whoops!  

I think a straight habanero sauce is too much for most people, habanero-apricot or peach preserves would have been a nice blend of heat and sweet and would have accentuated the meal better.

The collard greens were cooked perfectly.  Great texture and color.  I had previously had collard greens at Fire Bar and Grill and they were a salt lick.  These collard greens were slightly too salty, but still edible.

If the chicken had been cooked well with thicker pieces of chicken, this would be a great dish.

The winner in this Restaurant Duel of three Chicken and Waffles dishes is Pies 'N Thighs.  It had the best overall dish of all three.  Plus you can get a great piece of pie afterward!  

However if it were a perfect world, I would combine the fried yard bird from the Red Rooster Restaurant in Harlem and put it on the red velvet waffle from the Brooklyn Diner.  That would be the ultimate chicken and waffles.  

The Red Rooster in Harlem's Fried Yard Bird - Put it on a Waffle and I'd be in Love
Do you have a favorite chicken and waffles restaurant?  Leave a comment below and let me know your recommendations!

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I am sad to admit that I actually have three waffle makers - a square waffle maker, a Hello Kitty waffle maker and a waffle sticks waffle maker.  Once upon a time I also had a Warner Brother Bugs Bunny waffle maker.  I rarely ever make waffles at home, but if there's ever a waffle emergency I will be prepared!

Fire Bar & Grill on Urbanspoon Pies 'N' Thighs on Urbanspoon Brooklyn Diner USA on Urbanspoon

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Word of Kindness Is Better Than A Fat Pie - A Tale of Two Banana Cream Pies in New York

It's Another Installment of "The Brandy Chronicles" - things to do and see in New York City!
Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Happy Saturday!  I am writing this on Friday (from your distant past - oooooooooooooohhh waaaahoooooooooo [this is the sound I expect a ghost to make]).  

By the time you read this, I will probably be sound asleep - sleeping off a Ma Peche by David Chang food coma.  (Side Note:  Ma Peche is a midtown NYC restaurant in the Momofuku chain.  David Chang is the Chef/Owner.  I am obsessed with Momofuku.  Their Ssam Bar, Noodle Bar and Milk Bar are "must visits" for any New York City visit.)

I checked my Twitter account Friday morning.  The restaurant Veselka Bowery (also a "must visit" - see my blog post "The Best Desserts in New York City") had tweeted the Russian proverb "A Word of Kindness is Better Than A Fat Pie" and then accompanied that with "(Still we love a good piece of fat pie.)"  Their tweet included a picture of a cup of coffee with Veselka's own banana cream pie tart.  

I found this Tweet interesting for many reasons:

1) Because I love anything PIE (do a search on this blog and be horrified at how many times "pie" is mentioned), 

2) Because when young I studied much Russian history and had never heard this pie proverb, 

3) Because I love Veselka Bowery and its sister restaurant the original Veselka and most importantly: 

4) I had Veselka's Banana Cream Pie last night after seeing "Lucky Guy" on Broadway.  Obviously Veselka Bowery's Tweets are all about ME.  ;-)   

I gluttonously must admit that I actually had banana cream pie twice yesterday.  Once at lunch and once at dinner.  It's not a crime and I won't be shamed by the likes of you!  

"Pi Day" or "Pie Day" is March 14, to honor Pi as 3.14.  Well in my book, Pie Day was April 4, 2013.  Obviously I'm quite slow in celebrating my mathematics/dessert holidays.  It's not a crime and I won't be shamed by the likes of you x 2!

I started My Own Personal Pie Day (which I believe was the original title to Depeche Mode's hit song now known as "Personal Jesus.") at a restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York "Pies 'N Thighs."  

First off, I celebrate any establishment with miscellaneous abbreviations in its name.  I am reminded of when Miss LM and I were in NYC and saw the beacon of headwear "Wigs + Plus."  (That name is mathematical magic!)

Second, I celebrate any establishment with "Pies" in its name.  

Third, I celebrate any establishment with "Banana Cream Pie" on its menu.  I don't care if it's "Joe's Auto Body Repair + Waterboarding 'N Stuff" - I will be there!

Pies 'N Thighs is a Southern comfort food haven in the middle of Williamsburg.  Since moving to Florida, I have become a Southern food fan "gourmand."  I usually try to stick to Southern food served in the South.  Northern versions tend to be as sad and unappealing as wallpaper paste masquerading as grits.  But the allure of BANANA CREAM PIE - one of my top favorite pies - convinced me to give Pies 'N Thighs a try.

Banana Cream Pie from Pies 'N Thighs
In the looks department, the banana cream pie from Pies 'N Thighs looked like something my Grandmother would have made.  So while it was not going to be winning any international food styling contests, it did exude traditional familial warmth which I think is essential in Southern cooking.  Two fresh vanilla wafers decorated the top - a nod to Southern banana pudding.  

Pies 'N Thighs banana cream pie slice was only half-coated with whipped cream.  I believe this was to not make the vanilla wafers soggy, but for a whipped cream freak like me - I would have liked to see more whipped cream.

The filling was not bad - rustic, a little too overcongealed with chunks of banana.  It was a decent pie filling.  But what I really liked about this pie was the crust.  It was somewhere inbetween a fried cookie and pie crust.  Thicker than your average pie crust.  It was like a marriage between a cookie crumb crust and traditional pastry.  I am not sure what exactly was in that crust but it added a buttery, crunchy component to the Pies 'N Thighs banana cream pie that elevated it beyond it's "not bad" banana filling.

While I wouldn't go back to Pies 'N Thighs solely for the banana cream pie, I would go back for their chicken and waffles and faux boho Brooklyn hipster people watching.  (And I gotta try one of their humongous homemade donuts next time!)

After lunch, I window-shopped in Williamsburg and later that night I went to see the Nora Ephron Broadway play "Lucky Guy" (read about my adventures here).  My Pies 'N Thighs lunch had filled me up that I wasn't hungry again until after the play ended.  Where to eat dinner at 10 p.m. on a Thursday in New York City?  Where else but the 24 hour Ukrainian diner Veselka in the East Village!

I was not surprised at 10 p.m. on a Thursday that Veselka was still almost completely full.  I eagle-eye spotted a stool at their wrap-around diner counter and counted my lucky stars.  It's great to be in a 24 hour city again.  I miss my days in Los Angeles where you could get killer Thai food until 4 a.m. every night.  My only Tampa Bay 24 hour city experience is a trip to Walmart.

I ordered dinner but was stopped mid-bite when the two sassy Asian men sitting across from me ordered a whipped cream laden concoction.  I grabbed my delightful, moderately accented server Arthur and hissed "WHAT IS THAT?"  Arthur looked amused by the cloak and dagger intrigue and said "That's the banana cream pie."  I looked Arthur dead in the eye and said "I am going to need that NOW!"  Arthur grabbed my dinner plate to box up the leftovers and within seconds a banana cream pie tart was sitting in front of me.  I think it's safe to say that Arthur saw a ferocious intensity in my eyes that necessitated quick pie delivery service.

The Banana Cream Pie at Veselka

Unlike the banana cream pie at Pies 'N Thighs, Veselka's banana cream pie was not stingy in the whipped cream department.  A happy, fluffy piping of sweet, fresh-tasting whipped cream anointed this gorgeous little tart.  The filling was silky smooth with just this perfect creamy, thick pudding to lovely banana pieces ratio.  It was like eating velvet if velvet were banana-flavored.  This pie filling was exactly what banana cream pie filling should be.

Unfortunately, then I came upon the crust.  I like to think that I am a physically strong person ... a physically strong person who could not do a pull up to save her life, but a strong person nevertheless.  I could barely wield my knife and fork to break into the granite-like tart pie crust.  The bits I did manage to carve off had too much of a raw-flour taste.  I decided my banana cream pie experience would be much better if I just ate the "innards" of the tart.

My sister Squidge makes some of the best pastry pie crust I have ever had, so perhaps Veselka should hire her to be their Senior Crust Maker Extraordinaire. 

Not strong enough to tackle this crust!
If this were a perfect world, there would be one clear winner in this Tale of Two Banana Cream Pies.  However if this were a perfect world, I would be independently wealthy with a posse of Yorkie puppies who all look like Southern California Puppy Star Misa Minnie.  (Read my blog post: Upping the ante on super-cuteness: the ballad of Misa Minnie here.)  Looking at my adorable, but non-Yorkie puppy cats, I can say that while it is a good world; it is not a perfect world.

If you're looking for the perfect Banana Cream Pie in New York City, I would recommend getting a piece from Pies 'N Thighs and throwing away the filling.  Keep the crust and then fill it with the filling from a Banana Cream Pie tart from Veselka.  By joining the two you will have the most amazing piece of pie and have visited two great neighborhoods in New York - Williamsburg and the East Village.  Pie and two field trips?  That's a win-win-win, in my book! 

While I was eating my Banana Cream Pie at Veselka, Miss LM texted me.  I sent her the two pictures above and confessed that I had eaten banana cream pie twice in one day.  Her response?  "I'm sensing a Banana Cream Pie Tour of New York blog coming ..." and then she inserted a crystal ball emoji.  Well Miss LM get yourself to a psychic phone hotline because YOU ARE CORRECT.

So back to the beginning of this blog post and Veselka Bowery's Russian proverb tweet that "A Word of Kindness is Better Than A Fat Pie."  LilyOnTheLam.Com Reader - I think you are fabulous, wonderful, beautiful and a testament to all humankind.

Now give me some pie. 

September 2013 Update:  I am sad to learn that Veselka Bowery has closed.  However their East Village diner-style location is still open - check it out!

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I bought the following awesome Chicago Metallic mini pie baking pan for my sister.  It was a shameless attempt to have her bake me pies.  I'm still waiting ...
Veselka on Urbanspoon