Tuesday, April 29, 2014

TWO DAYS LEFT: The Hedwig Countdown Continues! A Trail of Rainbow Carnage!

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

There are TWO DAYS LEFT until I see Hedwig and the Angry Inch on Broadway!  I know this may not seem like a monumental event in your own personal life, but you are wrong.  If you have not been marking the countdown in your calendar, you are probably also the type who hate kittens for being so adorable.

OK I am kidding, joking, seriously ... relax!  Now get a sharpie marker and start marking that calendar!  Oh, you keep your calendar on your smartphone?  Oops ... well consider that sharpie marking to be graffiti art.  You're the next Banksy!

Because the owl in Harry Potter was also named Hedwig, when I look for Hedwig and the Angry Inch clips to include on my Hedwig countdown I find a lot of owl stuff.  I actually considered posting one here to see if anyone would notice/comment.  However life is difficult enough that you don't need to see some nocturnal spooky eyed bird when you're looking for a transgendered international song stylist.  Am I right or am I right?

So on this "two days left" post, I give you not an owl but a YouTube clip from the movie Hedwig and the Angry Inch, the uploader said this is his/her favorite scene from the movie - and it's one of mine too.  I have quoted the "Trail of Rainbow Carnage" speech way too many times that I should be ashamed.  But I am NOT!  And the "Little Bishop in a Turtleneck" line makes me laugh every single time.  So check it out by clicking here!   

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