Saturday, April 19, 2014

Since You Are Here … Deepak Chopra, Hello Kitty, Organ Donation and Loving Everyone

Happy Saturday LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I hope you are having a terrific weekend!  If you are in the Tampa Bay area, today and tomorrow (4/19 & 20, 2014) the 39th annual Mainsail Art Festival is being held at Vinoy Park.  Definitely a fun event if you are an art lover … or an outdoor festival lover … or a "just want to hang out by the water" lover.  Basically all your bases are covered here!

Being a social media fiend, every day on Twitter I am bombarded by inspirational messages (and also some non-inspirational ones too.)  I saw this internet meme, laughed and knew I had to include it on LilyOnTheLam.

My readership is small but mighty!  They are composed of friends, family members, friends/family of friends, some of my Twitter followers, people who came across me on a Google search and liked what they saw, Spam robots in the US and various foreign countries who misappropriate my text to drive readership to their sites (HATE YOU- so many cease and desist letters- ARGH!), Lily fans in general, Lily stalkers and a very tiny minority are people who don't wish me well but yet want to know what I am doing at all times.  This teeny minority is the one I thought about when I saw the meme above.

Gratefully I have very few enemies in this life, but there are some people that for various reasons I no longer want to associate with … and I find that these are the ones who endlessly check my Twitter and LilyOnTheLam.  To this very small group, I have to say "Really?  You need to let go and move on.  There are no answers for you here."  

Life is too short to make yourself an emotional martyr, self-flagellating by reading this blog!     

But I doubt these words of "Lily (cough) wisdom" will deter them from continuing to haunt LilyOnTheLam.  So at least click on a few ads; so I can make some money, Haters!  

In the grand scheme of things, it is a public blog - so no matter who you are- read away and increase my pages viewed count!  And thank you for reading!

Meanwhile, I'll be spending time with open-minded people who give me gifts like this …

So Gorgeous and So Filled With Chocolate

And "Since You Are Here …" allow me to climb on my soap box and preach to you all.  I figure that for whatever reason you are here reading my blog today, I might as well throw in a global goodwill message!

I read a moving article about the young recipient of a heart transplant and the family of the woman who donated the heart.  I remember last year, a young woman drove to visit her older sister in college.  She swerved to avoid stopped traffic and hit a tree.  She died and her passenger lived.  Because I am an older sister, when I had heard about the accident I thought about how much anguish, guilt and sorrow I would have if my little sister died on the way to visit me.  Accidents happen and this one was no one's fault, but that does not alleviate a family's suffering.

I was happy to read in the article that the family had donated the young woman's heart and a teenager received the heart - and so far (knock on wood) has not had any organ rejection complications.

I am listed as an organ donor on my drivers' license.  With no offense intended to religions/cultures who are against desecrating a body in any way (including organ donation), I do believe that more people should be listed as organ donors.  

A high school friend's sister had a life saving bone marrow transplant from a live donor.  (More people are needed for the bone marrow registry, if you are interested - check here.)

I understand if people are hesitant to be live donors.  I feel like I live continually under Murphy's Law, so if I donated a kidney I know I would be afraid that my remaining kidney would fail.  I'm crazy and neurotic like that - luckily not everyone thinks like me when it comes to live donations.

But even for Crazy Me, I really have zero excuses about organ donation after death.  Whether there is an afterlife, whether there is reincarnation or whether the end of this life is the end all/be all - I am not going to be needing my organs after I leave this Earth.  (Or at least I hope I won't- I'm willing to take that chance!)

When I die (which hopefully is a long, long, long time from now) - carve me up and take every useable piece of me and save as many people as you can.  Then incinerate the rest of me - ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  

I read an interview with Deepak Chopra in the Tampa Tribune.  The interviewer asked him how he wanted to be remembered after he died.  Deepak Chopra answered: " … We're just a fragrance in the breeze.  What do you remember of your great-grandparents?  We're only good for a generation or two, then we fade into obscurity.  So embrace the moment."

The phrase "we're just a fragrance in the breeze" really stuck with me long after reading the interview.  Life, no matter how long you inhabit this Earth, is relatively short.  I cannot think of a more meaningful way to seize some semblance of immortality then by extending the life of another through organ donation.  

If you are not an organ donor, I would ask you to consider it.  Like the Butterfly effect (check out my post on it!), our words and actions can carry on a life of their own for decades or even longer.  

I don't know if at the end of my days I will have made any worthwhile contribution to humanity/society, but if even one of my organs could give a person more time on this Earth - that alone is a pretty amazing accomplishment.  (In my humble opinion.)

Think it over.

Be well.  Be happy.  Be at peace with your world.  This is what I strive for every day and I hope it is something you achieve with bountiful success.

Thanks again for reading!  

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