Wednesday, April 9, 2014

New Product Wednesdays: Trader Joe's Pita Crisps with Cranberries and Pumpkin Seeds

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Welcome back to "New Product Wednesdays!"  I used to have a weekly LilyOnTheLam feature where every Wednesday I would feature a product that was new or at least new to me.  Since Trader Joe's has (FINALLY) come to South Tampa, I thought I would re-establish "New Product Wednesdays" to feature some of my new favorites (and not-so-favorites) for my local readers who wish to check out the Trader Joe's experience!

Normally I try to keep chips, cookies and crackers out of my house.  The reason is because I have ZERO impulse control. Apparently I took that potato chip slogan "Bet you can't eat just once" as some sort of federal law against eating in moderation.

However when I went to Trader Joe's, I went on an empty, growling stomach.  (Hello worst mistake EVER and I do it way too often!  I'm an idiot!)  Needless to say, all sorts of "naughty" items hopped into my shopping cart.  I did show some restraint - instead of the 400+ calorie ice cream sandwiches, I went with 70 calorie mini chocolate ice cream cones, for example.  So I wasn't completely off my rocker, but still …

One item that looked fun and interesting were Trader Joe's Pita Crisps with Cranberries and Pumpkin Seeds.

Astronaut Hello Kitty says: In space, no one can hear you scream or eat.

130 calories for 9 pita crisps
These little darlings were able to stay in my cupboard for a grand total of four days before I opened the bag.  I'm pretty sure that's a world record in my house.  

These pita crisps are definitely a "must purchase."  They taste like little squares of cinnamon toast, not in a chemical way like a certain cinnamon toast cereal out there.  But really like a classic cinnamon autumnal toast.  They remind me of my childhood - eating bread slathered in butter, sugar and cinnamon before going off to battle - err, I mean my all-white except for me and a few others - elementary school.

These pita crisps would be OVER THE TOP with a shmear of goat cheese and a thin slice of strawberry.  

They were soooo good, I had to put these pita crisps on lockdown.  I need to hire a security guard to keep me out of my pantry.  I seriously could have eaten the entire bag and would have had a big smile on my face!

If you like crunchy, cinnamon-y, sweet but not overly sweet, pita crisps - you need to try these Trader Joe's Pita Crisps with Cranberries and Pumpkin Seeds!

What's your favorite Trader Joe's product?  What is your least favorite Trader Joe's product?  Let me know in the Comments section! 

P.S.  If you're a USA Network "Chrisley Knows Best" fan - check out my April 8, 2014 episode recap at AllAboutTheTea.Com.

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