Tuesday, April 8, 2014

"Gay of Thrones" Is Back!

Dear LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you are an HBO's Game of Thrones fan and a sassy biatch, you have to check out Jonathan Van Ness' series on FunnyOrDie.com called "Gay of Thrones."  It is a sassy recap series by California hair dresser, Jonathan.  He started recapping season three in a series that had a surprise twist!  Now he's back to take on season four.

But warning - don't drink any liquids while watching - you will probably spit it out all over your laptop while laughing hysterically!  Consider yourself warned.

"Gay of Thrones" is a must see after you watch each episode of Game of Thones if you like sassy, snarky humor!  If you don't, well … I guess there's always feeding pigeons in the park!

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!     

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