Sunday, April 13, 2014

Keep Track of Your Favorite Reality Shows More Efficiently!

Dear LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Happy Sunday!  Where did the weekend go?  I swear my weekends have been evaporating like ice cubes on a hot day.  While I am sad that AMC's The Walking Dead is over for the season, I am happy that HBO's Game of Thrones is back.  (Maybe I need to stop watching so much television?)

I have been a huge Bravo TV show fan for years.  However lately, I must admit that I am having a difficult time watching some of the Real Housewives shows.  The episodes were always catty and biatchy, but now I feel like the "mean girl" quotient has been exponentially amplified.  

To me, it's like the difference between a 2 second scuffle between pro hockey players during a game versus a lethal bullfight.  I may cheer when two hockey players throw down their helmets and charge each other (and are separated by referees and other teammates before anything happens), but I take no joy or entertainment in watching a bull get stabbed and then slowly die before my eyes.  (And yes, I did see a bullfight years ago in Spain in my wayward youth.  It was horrific and sad.  I would never go to one again.)  

I don't want to make a sweeping generalization, but I do think women get pitted against each other.  Look at working moms vs. stay-at-home mom issues.  Emotions flare whenever any one questions what makes a good mother.  It is very easy to accidentally hurt someone's feelings or ego.  So watching women tear each other apart on the Real Housewives series has gone from entertainment to leaving me feeling sick to my stomach.  

I hate to use a reference to the TV show "Charmed" but it definitely reminds me when Alyssa Milano's character was pregnant with a demon baby and was being given a "pre-natal potion" that was "pure evil" to feed the demon.  I didn't know evil came in liquid form, but I guess that's besides the point!  When I spend my time watching people treat each other with blatant disrespect, I feel like I am drinking in pure evil too!

I stopped watching "Real Housewives of New York" and let me tell you if "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" is as bad next season as it was this season, I'll be crossing it off my list as well.  

I know some people read the reality TV show recaps instead of spending an hour of their lives watching the nonsense.  I wasn't a big recap reader since I usually would watch the episodes.  However when asked me if I'd be interested in writing some reality show episode recaps, I was intrigued.  I figure if I can write deposition summaries, I could handle a TV episode recap.

So while I am staying away from recapping the Real Housewives shows, I will be putting my excess TV watching to good use by writing some content for        I enjoy the reader compliments.  One of the women who was on an episode of Bravo's "Married To Medicine" also chimed in with her views in the comments section of one of my recaps.  It's a small world!

If you're interested in reading some reality TV episode recaps, check out my writing here.  It may save you some time - reading a recap instead of watching an episode.

Of course it could also intrigue you to watch an episode … so maybe it's not a time saver but a time waster?  Whoops!  Didn't think this through very well - ha ha!

If you're a reality TV show fan, check out my recaps!

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