Friday, September 26, 2014

Will You Be My Chip Buddy? The Queens Head, St. Petersburg Florida

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I am extremely happy that the weekend is here.  If you know me or are a regular reader of; you may know that I love, love, love breakfast foods and brunch!  So with the weekend upon us, I thought it would be a good time to have a Sunday brunch restaurant review!

Today's post is about The Queens Head Restaurant and Euro Bar in St. Petersburg, Florida.  I have no clue what a "Euro Bar" is.  I was hoping it meant 1) Hot Europeans hitting on me at the Bar, 2) a bar full of Euros that I can spend at my will or 3) a fancy European candy bar.  

When I walked in to The Queens Head, there were only Floridian locals sitting at the bar.  There were no big bowls of free European currency.  And while I received some flirty looks, no one looked like they were going to hand me any free chocolate bars.  So still no clue what a Euro Bar is, but I was hungry and thirsty and I wanted brunch!

For this brunch at The Queens Head, I was accompanied by Miss Kentucky and her friend Sassy Ms. S.  Although The Queens Head is an Anglophile's dream (check out the Brit tabloid-wall papered bathroom!), I spotted the French "Croque Madame" on the Brunch Menu.  Unlike a traditional Croque Madame sandwich, this one was served on raisin toast.  I was intrigued.

Miss Kentucky and Sassy Ms. S ordered a breakfast sandwich with chips (French fries) in it, called a Chip Buddy.  Now I love a good breakfast sandwich, so I was hoping their Chip Buddy wasn't better than my Croque Madame.  No one likes a heaping side of BRUNCH REMORSE in the morning!

My Croque Madame arrived and I was even more intrigued.

Unlike a traditional Croque Madame where the sandwich of sliced cheese, sliced ham and bĂ©chamel sauce is in one piece and topped with a fried egg.  This raisin bread sandwich had diced ham, cheese and pickled onions.  It was cut into fourths, topped with an egg on a plate that had drizzled berry syrup on it.  

Now I love sweet and savory when it comes to breakfast.  I am the girl who wants the eggs and the pancakes.  I don't like just one or the other.  I felt the diced ham on this Croque Madame was somewhat skimpy.  Charge me an extra $1 and give me a slice of ham, please.  However other than that, I was in love with this non-traditional version of the Croque Madame.  The raisin toast with the cheese, ham, pickled onions and the sweet berry syrup with the lush richness of the fried egg ... well it was just a heavenly combination and one I ate up with vigor.

The ladies also ate their chip buddy breakfast sandwiches just as fast as I inhaled my Croque Madame.  Sunday Brunch at The Queens Head was a hit!

Also to note - the service was prompt and very friendly.  The atmosphere was relaxed.  The patrons were extremely social.  It felt warm, homey and very "neighborhood hangout."  I would definitely come back to The Queens Head, especially to check out their wonderful sounding dinner menu       

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It's A Triangular World and I Am A Triangular Girl - My Snack Obsession (Day Two)

Happy Wednesday LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

It's New Product Wednesday!  Reviews of products that are new or new to me!

The other week I wrote about my new favorite snack food, a.k.a. MY SNACK OBSESSION.  In keeping with the theme, I am going to write about another snack that I find crazy tasty.

I was on a Jet Blue flight to New York City and the flight attendant had a gigantic snack basket as big as the plane itself.  God bless an airline with a wide variety of snacks!  Now normally when I fly Jet Blue, I feel obligated to get the Terra Blue potato chips which are the first snack the airline ever offered.  (Little flight snack trivia for you, darlings!)  But on this particular flight I was feeling like throwing off the chains of convention and snacking recklessly!  I selected ...

Pop Corners White Cheddar Popped Corn Chips.  Now normally I don't like white cheddar-flavored snack bites because the "cheese dust" tastes way too artificial for me.  But I have to say these Pop Corners white cheddar chips were the exception to the rule - the cheese flavoring tasted authentic, real and non-chemical.  The chips had a satisfying crunch without a greasy taste.  I was a happy flyer with this lovely snack.

Later on the flight, the suave male flight attendant came back and offered me a second bag.  I didn't want to appear gluttonous - I mean you never know who you're going to meet on a plane.  What if my Prince Charming was on the flight?  What if he said "It was love at first sight until I saw you take a SECOND bag of Pop Corners!"  Instant trauma, people!  

But I have to say when the flight landed, I wish I had had a second free bag from JetBlue.  My life is full of triangular regrets! 

Sadly I don't think I would buy these, but only because I know I could NOT STOP EATING THEM.  They are delicious and definitely would be on my Snack Obsession list!  Thanks a lot JetBlue for giving me one more snack to add to my obsession list!  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

On Communication and Ego ...

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I read an interesting article entitled "75 Nice Things People Say To Shut Up Your Feelings."  I'd argue that not everything on the list of seventy-five is actually "nice" but it makes for a catchy title - or at least it caught my eye.  

I recently was trying to express how I was feeling disappointed and upset and the person I was talking to kept telling me my comments were illogical.  (Um yeah, as if that will somehow change the way I feel?!)  I read the article afterward and started ticking off all the statements that were made during the course of the conversation ... #27, 43, 51, a variation of 52.  The person I was talking with was - consciously or unconsciously - on overdrive to negate and/or minimize my feelings.

In grad school, I spent a lot of time reading about and discussing the notion of "intent" as it relates to Criminal Law. For example, the difference between first degree murder and manslaughter in the eyes of the law (in the United States) revolves around a type of intention called "malice aforethought."  Which by the way, if I ever decide to become a drag queen, Malice Aforethought would TOTALLY be my drag name.  

Other than a kick ass drag queen name, malice aforethought means a conscious intent to cause death or grave bodily harm.  I find that when people are trying to justify causing hurt feelings, the notion of intent usually comes into play as some sort of excuse.  One "Classic Lilyism" - a catchphrase I use when talking about emotions and feelings - is "If I run you over with my car, but didn't intend/mean to do it - do you hurt less?"    

I have a huge pet peeve when someone tries to negate what I am feeling by playing the "intent" card.  Suddenly I am pushed from a position of expressing my feelings to having to defend how I feel.  If someone didn't intend to hurt me, suddenly I have to explain why I still am hurt "sans intent."  When I am forced into conversations such as this, I visualize if I were laying under a car bleeding and having to defend why I am hurt!  "Just because you think my bleeding is illogical, doesn't mean I am not bleeding!"  

The Tony Gaskins' quote "You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop and what you reinforce" comes to mind as well when I feel someone is minimizing how I am feeling.   

I think it can be difficult to have a conversation about feelings because it can be easy to listen from a place of ego or defensiveness instead of empathy.  Here is an interesting article called "Getting Defensive: Get Over Yourself" which talks about getting rid of the ego when listening.  

In my new job, I spend a good part of my day feeling stupid as I am learning one billion and one new things.  I hate feeling stupid.  I wish I could just open a box and know it all.  I know there is joy in learning and surprising yourself blah blah blah, but I really hate the struggle.  Lucky for me, each day I find I am learning more and more and I look forward to the day (please be soon!) where I go an entire work day without feeling stupid.  

But until then when I find myself getting stressed, overwhelmed and feeling completely "stupid,"  I say to myself "Let go of your ego.  Embrace the discomfort."  It is a mental reminder that if I set aside my ego about feeling like I should know everything RIGHT NOW ... or having a bruised ego because I don't know everything RIGHT NOW.  

If I set my ego aside and stop thinking about what I think I should know or how much I still don't know; I am trying to focus on the moment, understand what is behind my feelings of being overwhelmed and then work through it without letting the emotion or fear of it sweep me away.  Sometimes it works to calm me down, sometimes it does not. 

I wanted to insert a good quote about the benefit of trying and never giving up, but when I did a Google images search for "always try" - one of the images that came up was a sandwich with the description "Grilled Pepperjack cheese sandwich with apple slices, avocado and spinach."  

So while I wanted to say you (and I) should always try - I guess Google Images would like to amend that to "You should always try ... different types of grilled cheese sandwiches."  At the very least your stomach will be happy ... unless you're lactose intolerant.  And if so, then perhaps Google Images is sadistic.  

This blog post has taken a cheesy turn (get it? Cheesy - ha ha!)  I guess in conclusion, if I were giving advice I would say:

1)  Listen with empathy not ego - do not try to shut up someone's feelings (or negate them or minimize them or pooh-poohing all over them) when they are trying to express how they feel

2)  Whether someone intends to hurt you or not, doesn't necessarily evaporate or mitigate the hurt.  

3)  Always try ... whether it is to be a better listener, more empathetic person, a better you or just trying a new grilled cheese recipe ...  

Friday, September 19, 2014

Great Quotes To Live By

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

This is my 128th blog post this year, which officially makes this year - 2014 - the year of the most LilyOnTheLam blog posts.  (Suck it, 2012!  Your record is broken!)  For those of you who regularly read - thank you for your interest/support/morbid curiosity!  And click some ads while you're here, baby needs to make some money!

As Ferris Bueller says in the classic John Hughes movie, "Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."  I feel like my life is moving at 500 miles per hour and recently I have been telling myself to slow down and remember a certain moment - how it made me feel, what I liked, what I disliked ... and truly enjoy what I can when I can.  I've been trying to keep a journal (yes, on top of already writing on LilyOnTheLam - what can I say?), but I have not been making it as much of a priority as I should.

I have been having a lot of adventures and have another whirlwind month of adventures coming up.  It's exciting and hectic and sometimes scary, but it is the chaos that is my life. 

I stumbled upon a quote on Thursday that very much summarized how I feel - I had never heard it before, have no idea where it came from other than an annotation of "Pinterest" (um is that an acceptable crediting in the MLA Style Guide??)  So I have no idea who first uttered this quote, but whomever you are - it's a good one.

"If you can't stand for me, 
then don't lean on me."

Ooof!  That is sooooo good!  I consider myself loyal and emotionally generous.  Sadly I have encountered those who wouldn't stand on my behalf but yet have no issue asking me for help.  The line between emotionally generous (and generous with time, money, friendship, etc.) and doormat gets hazy!  I have to remind myself the adage "surround yourself with people who have your best interests in mind."  

I am too fickle to get a tattoo - I can't think of anything I would want on my body forever.  However, "If you can't stand for me, then don't lean on me" is something I would strongly consider if I ever did get a tattoo.  

The quote is SO TRUE!  TOO TRUE!  

So on this Friday before entering what is probably a well-deserved weekend, I hope you make yourself a top priority - and surround yourself with people who will stand for you when needed.  Life is short, follow your heart! 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Excuse Me, Is That A Sandwich In Your Drink or Are You Just Happy To See Me? Hash House A Go Go, Orlando Florida

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I hope this day is finding you the best and brightest that you can possibly be!

If you are a regular reader of LilyOnTheLam, you will know that I have recently spent some time in Orlando Florida with a one Mr. Cardamom Monroe, internationally renown Hello Kitty fan, looking for homes for sale.  Mr. CM is being relocated to Florida and needs surroundings suitably lush to be called "Lily East."  As I have always been good at spending other people's money, I was more than happy to accompany Mr. CM on his house hunting expedition.

Mr. CM's Realtor had told us that the Las Vegas restaurant Hash House A Go Go had opened a location in Orlando.  The restaurant bills itself as having "Twisted Farm Food."  Now if you want to fully understand who LilyOnTheLam is as a person, you need to know the following things:

1)  LilyOnTheLam likes breakfast - and all things in hash form.

2)  LilyOnTheLam likes houses.

3)  LilyOnTheLam likes anything and everything "a go go."

4)  LilyOnTheLam is pretty twisted.

So I insisted that Mr. CM take me to Hash House A Go Go for Sunday brunch.  

The food itself was scary.  I thought the Cheesecake Factory had large portions.  This place makes Cheesecake Factory look like a starvation camp diet plate.  Mr. CM and I were served these gargantuan platters of food, covered in sauces and gravies.

I had the entree best known for its appearance on the TV show "Man Vs. Food":  The Fried Chicken Eggs Benedict.

It is sage fried chicken with fresh spinach, bacon, tomato, griddled mozzarella, chipotle cream and scrambled eggs on grilled mashed potatoes - all on a fresh split biscuit.  With a gigantic steak knife (a.k.a. dagger) stuck in the middle of it.  Since I'm not currently planning on engaging in a killing spree, I was a bit amiss as to what to do with this weaponry.

The fried chicken eggs benedict might as well have been a bowl of mashed potatoes drowning in very hot chipotle cream gravy because that is all I tasted.  The spicy factor seared my tastebuds and the rest just tasted like one note incredibly fatty, heavy blandness.  

If you like massive portions of overly spiced, doughy tasting food covered in gravy, you'll love this fried chicken benedict (which is not a traditional eggs benedict whatsoever).  But I was unhappy.  I ate about 1/6th of this monstrosity and felt sick to my stomach.  (And trust me, my stomach is used to eating some heavy duty fatty foods.)

This was a "Hash House A No No."

Mr. Cardamom Monroe went with some egg thing - if I remember correctly this is the Farm Scramble.  But I could be wrong, I was too busy wishing I had ordered a waffle instead.

Mr. CM was not impressed with his meal either.  We looked sadly at the table of waffles and pancakes next to us.  WHY, WHY, WHY didn't I just order a pancake as big as my head?  I had to go "all fancy" and get the "as seen on TV" entree.  

I would definitely go back to Hash House A Go Go to try one of their monster pancakes but I will steer clear of the eggs on potatoes on biscuit dishes - no flavor!

But there is one bright spot of my brunch at Hash House A Go Go.  I wanted to start my meal with a Bloody Mary.  The server asked "a regular Bloody Mary or a BLT Bloody Mary?" What?  I was intrigued!  What is a BLT Bloody Mary?  The server said "It's like a Bloody Mary with a BLT on the side."  Mr. Cardamom Monroe and I looked at each other, still not comprehending what this cocktail was supposed to be.  But we decided in this land of twisted farm food, it's either "Go big or go home!" so I ordered the BLT Bloody Mary.

Out comes a spicy bloody mary with a large romaine leaf submerged in the drink, a piece of beefsteak tomato and a cold piece of bacon.  At the base of the drink is a square of sandwich bread-looking melba toast and a packet of mayonnaise.  An interactive cocktail!

I slathered the melba toast with mayo and then began the assembly.  I pulled out the wet piece of romaine lettuce and placed it on the mayo-ed toast, then the tomato and then the bacon.  I really liked the flavor of the lettuce since it had a generous soaking of my spicy Bloody Mary on it.  The tomato was tasty.  

The bacon however was too cold from sitting in the icy drink.  It had a heavy congealed fat taste to it.  Perhaps they could have given me a skewer and a candle so I could have warmed up the bacon table side?  The melba toast was nice but I would have preferred a slice of lightly toasted white bread as a BLT to me both has the crunch but also the softness of the bread.  Melba toast just has the crunch.

As far as restaurant gimmicks go, this was a cute one.  But probably not one I'd try often.  Because my entree was already food for 12, to have a drink with a side sandwich was just waaaaaay overboard.  I could hear my arteries hardening and my thighs expanding as our coffee cups were refilled.

I'd like to go back to Hash House A Go Go to have a pancake as big as my head.  They have them in traditional flavors (Banana, Brown Sugar, Apple Cinnamon) and non-traditional ones like Snickers, Strawberry Frosted Flake, Mango Coconut and Blackberry Granola.  They also have bacon waffles and sausage waffles.  I definitely need to go back to try a bacon waffle.  But I'll definitely pass on their non-traditional eggs Benedict platters.  I am not a fan of those! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

New Product Wednesday: Lean Cuisine Monterey Jack Jalapeño Stuffed Pretzels

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you've been reading my posts this past week, you'll know that I have declared an anarchist state and have been posting "New Product Wednesday" reviews (reviews of products that are new or new to me) every day OTHER THAN WEDNESDAY.  Stop the madness and get this girl a calendar!

But TODAY is WEDNESDAY - and I have decided to honor "New Product Wednesday" on a Wednesday.  After all, I can be a traditionalist too.  As part of my sad and unhealthy "Summer of Processed Food" and search for comfort food while starting a new, stressful job; my eye spotted these little bad boys in my frozen food section!  Lean Cuisine Monterey Jack Jalapeño Stuffed Pretzels.

Now first check out the writing in the purple circle.  This small box has TWO servings of the 190 calorie pretzel bites each.  You get 4-5 pretzel bites per serving.  

I love a good pretzel.  I am an obsessed fan of jalapeños.  And I have been the President of the Cheese fan club since 1823.  I thought these pretzel bites would be amazing ... 

The verdict?  They're OK.  If I were on a strict diet and having a really intense comfort food craving, these pretzel bites might get me over the hump.  But in the taste and satisfaction department, ehhhh.  The pretzel crust was somewhat pretzel like. The cheese was a little spicy but didn't really taste like cheese.  It was bland and tasted watered down.  I ate four bites - 190 calories - and felt like I hadn't eaten anything.

I think I would have been more satisfied if I went to the mall, got an Auntie Anne's pretzel (340 calories each) and ate half of it with a half ounce slice of Pepper Jack cheese.  It'd be about 30 calories more than the Lean Cuisine pretzel bites, but I think my tastebuds and my stomach would be more satisfied.

Now that being said, if it's late at night and you want some lower calorie food that feels like higher calorie junk food; having a box of these in the freezer might be your answer.  But for me, it's just not bringing it in the taste department.  I most likely would not buy these again.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

In The Land Of Comfort Foods, I Am Not Comforted!

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

If you read yesterday's blog post, you'll know that I spent most of this summer eating processed food and just trying to keep my head above water in my new job.  

Thankfully I have found that shortchanging myself on sleep, barely moving and eating all processed food was the surefire remedy to killing myself - and have since changed course direction.  

But I have a TON of product reviews to write about from my "Summer of Processed Food," so even though it's not Wednesday I am going to do a "New Product Wednesday" product review where I write about a product that is new or at least new to me.

As I was stressed with my new job, I could tell I was definitely seeking comfort from food.  And one of my comfort food faves is macaroni and cheese - it's starch, carbs, cheese, fatty goodness.  What's not to love?  Sadly, if you read my post from yesterday I haven't found a lot of "love" back from these frozen, processed comfort foods.  Yesterday's post on Stouffer's Cheeseburger Mac macaroni and cheese cup was a bomb - and not in a good way.  So today we stay with the macaroni and cheese genre with a review of "all natural" Evol Chipotle Chicken Mac & Cheese.

This darling little box looked healthier than the other processed mac and cheese frozen options.  And it's name is "Love" spelled backwards.  Surely that stands for quality and mondo deliciousness, right?  Well to my tastebuds, Evol spells "Not Tasty" or "ytsat ton."

I had high hopes for this trendy looking box of designer mac and cheese.  I have a love for anything with the word chipotle in it.  I followed the product cooking directions and came up with this ...

The entree has a crumb topping.  I mixed up the mac and cheese and tried it.  It did taste smoky, but I couldn't see or taste any chicken.  It also was dry as the Sahara.  I think of mac and cheese as lush and saucy.  This is not a reduced calorie entree, so where is the sauciness of this mac and cheese.

It was better than Stouffer's cheeseburger mac cups, but not by much.  I ate four bites and threw it away.  I wasn't going to waste my calories on this entree.

Sorry Evol - I didn't love or evol your product.  No comfort found in this comfort food dish!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mucho Mustard: A Tale of Mac and Cheese Disappointment

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:  

I started a new job (same company, different group) early this summer.  I'm basically working three times harder for like 3 cents more a month.  Now I know I should be grateful that I have a job, but it's definitely been an adjustment because with triple work comes 100 times stress.  

At first, I was in survival mode - I stocked my freezer with microwaveable entrees that I could heat in 3 minutes and scarf down with my telephone on mute as I was on the 10th of 30 conference calls on any given day.  And I was constantly sitting from at least 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. straight.  I was lucky if I had a minute between conference calls to run to the bathroom.

Well as you may imagine, this processed food-no movement lifestyle quickly made me very sick.  I felt lethargic.  I started gaining weight.  Overall, I just felt unhealthy.  My first project manager I ever worked with at my company dropped dead at his work laptop, while he worked on a Saturday.  This is a sad fact that I had forgotten for several years, but it popped into my head lately.  Here's the deal - my company doesn't pay an extra bonus if you drop dead at your work computer on the weekend.  And frankly, my ghost is not going to have an upsurge of pride if I die "on the job."  In fact, my ghost will probably shriek "YOU DUMBASS!"  

So after several months of "just trying to keep it together" at the cost of my own health, I've turned the tide and am trying to keep a more balanced life.  My kitchen is filled with lots of produce from a farm stand in Plant City, Florida.  I wear my pedometer and I have a daily steps goal.  And I feel so much better.  Again a reminder that usually one needs to work smarter versus work harder.  

BUT from my triage/reactionary/just keep it together days, I have a ton of product reviews of processed food entrees!  So even though it is Sunday, let's declare it my "New Product Wednesday" day with a product review of Stouffer's Cheeseburger Mac flavor Mac Cups.  Portable, frozen, macaroni and cheese.

As my round belly will attest, I love comfort foods.  I love carbs, I love dairy, I love meat.  A cheeseburger mac macaroni and cheese cup sounded like heaven in plastic.

But ohhh, ohhhh I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

Get a large spoon, fill it with French's plain yellow mustard, then insert it in your mouth and swallow the mustard.  This is what Stouffer's Cheeseburger Mac Cups taste like.  Now if you like plain yellow mustard, run to your store and buy as many of these mac cups as you want!  

BUT - if you're like me - who rarely ever likes plain yellow mustard (maybe on a really good hot dog, but otherwise fetch me some stoneground mustard or tarragon mustard or Grey Poupon, baby); then you're not going to like these cheeseburger mac cups.

They seriously had no flavor other than mustard.  It was not meaty.  It was not cheesy.  It was just mustardy.  The pack comes with two individual serving cups.  I took 2 bites and threw both cups away.  I wouldn't feed this to anyone I cared about.  

I had high hopes for these little cups of comfort food, but I was left sad and looking for something to wash out the mustard taste in my mouth.

Sorry Stouffer's, on this one I am going to pass!    

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Chocolate Homecoming - One of Lily's Favorite Desserts

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I originally am from the Twin Cities - Minneapolis and St. Paul - of Minnesota.  While there are many, many, many wonderful aspects of the Twin Cities, the cold winters have kept me away from continuing to live there.  However, I try to go back once or twice a year to catch up with family and friends.

If you a regular reader of LilyOnTheLam.Com, you may realize that I have just a tiny bit of a sweet tooth.  OK, I love sugar!  I wish I didn't love it as much and I try not to indulge it too much (and by too much I mean 24 hours a day as opposed to my more prudent 22 hours a day of sugar consumption).  I don't smoke and even though my Instagram account may protest, I don't drink a lot of alcohol.  But sugar, yes that's the big monkey on my back.  Total addiction.

I joke that my Instagram account should be called "Booze and Desserts" because the majority of my photos are just that!  

Well one of my favorite desserts that hasn't made it to my Instagram account is from Wuollet's Bakery in Minnesota.  They have several locations in the Twin Cities, but I go to the one at their Grand Avenue location.  

They have a "Chocolate Whipped Cream Cake" that is instant sugar shock, but oh what a wonderful way to get zapped!  I only get a slice of this cake once every 2-3 years because it is so rich!  

This picture is actually two years old, from the last time I had a piece of this cake.  I had forgotten about it and recently stumbled upon the picture and knew I had to share on my blog.

You can buy this cake by the slice or in a 9 inch whole cake.  It has a moist chocolate base, the sweetest creamiest whipped cream filling, another slice of chocolate cake and a rich slathering of fudgy chocolate ganache with a whipped cream rosette.  It is heaven - rich, chocolatey, decadent, creamy, smooth, melt in your mouth, beyond compare cake.

It really is over the top on sweetness and richness, so unless you love a really rich dessert I would not recommend this one to those who don't worship ultra decadent desserts.

But for those who love decadence, get yourself over to Wuollet Bakery and have yourself a slice of this chocolate heaven!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Loopy Again: My New Snack Obsession (Day One)

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you didn't get a chance to check out yesterday's post about helping rebuild Cephas' Hot Shop in Ybor City (Tampa), Florida - please take a moment to read it.  (Thank you!)

Happy Saturday!  I hope your weekend is going well.  Mine is social event central- lots of fun activities with lots of amazing people!  Even though it is Saturday, I am going to declare it Wednesday as in my "New Product Wednesday" blog posts where I review products that are new or new to me.  

When I was in Virginia visiting "The First Lady of Lynchburg," I enviously noticed that she belonged to many "box of the month" subscription services.  Boxes of goodies and fun products arriving on your doorstep every month?  It's like Christmas every month!  When I returned from Virginia, I started researching "box of the month" subscriptions and was shocked to learn that there are hundreds, maybe thousands even of these box subscriptions - socks of the month, fruit of the month, vacation of the month ... who knew?  I was mesmerized by all the options! 

My sister Squidge has relocated from Minneapolis to Chicago for a new job.  I like Chicago a lot but I don't care for the cold, windy winters!  However in support of Squidge's new move and new home city, I have sent her two "box of the month" subscriptions.  One is the Japanese candy gift box Skoshbox; which I will review in a later blog post.  The other is Naturebox where you pick 5 treats to have mailed to you each month.

Side Note:  I'm thinking of starting a Kickstarter donation campaign to fund my new business "CatBox" - where for an annual fee, I'll send you pictures of some of my 1200 cats each month.  Who could resist pictures like this?

This cat was so bored listening to my work conference call that he flipped over on his back.

After ordering a Skoshbox subscription for my sister, I decided my step-dad needed a subscription too.  Then I thought the two little donut-loving stars of my 400th Blog Post also needed a monthly box of Japanese candy to share.  I received the CUTEST picture of them extremely happy with their box of candy!  

My sister received news of her NatureBox subscription first because a gift subscription notice is emailed to the recipient and they can then choose five products for their first NatureBox.  Squidge was so excited by this gift and said there were so many good "natural" snack choices.  

Well as much as I like giving gifts, I also like RECEIVING gifts - and in an impulsive mood, I ordered my own six month NatureBox subscription.  (As if I need more snacks in the house!)

My first box arrived rather quickly and I enjoyed all of my items, but one of the snacks in particular has set off a new SNACK OBSESSION.  It is NatureBox's Salt and Pepper Lentil Loops.  

Now I must say I have been a fan of "all things in LOOP form" since I was a small child.  (Check out my blog post on my recipe for Loopy Vodka cupcakes!)  So call a snack food "Loops" and I am all over it.  But LENTIL loops?  Really?  Could they be any good?

In a word:  "Freaking YES!"  These salt and pepper lentil loops are savory, spicy, tangy, crisp, crunchy and absolutely addictive!  I've already selected the five items for my next month's NatureBox and they are ALL these darn tasty treats.  Yes, five bags of lentil loops are headed my way in the next delivery.  Each bag has three servings that are 130 calories.  It is very difficult to stop eating these delicious, spicy loops o' lentil and potato.  I'm going to have to hire a security guard to keep me away from my pantry once these delicious morsels arrive!

If you're looking for a good gift idea or a great snack source, check out and these yum-a-licious lentil loops!  

P.S. I was not compensated for this blog post.  However, if you want me to get some freebies too, sign up for NatureBox at this link and I'll get referral credits!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Please Donate - My Colon Needs Your Help!

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you are a long-time reader, you may remember my posts about "The Guru of My Colon" Cephas Gilbert and his Cephas' Hot Shop in Ybor City, Tampa, Florida.  If you have not read these posts, check them out here:  

Urban Chickens, Aloe Shakes and the Guru of My Colon

I am not an urban drug lord!

I am not an urban drug lord! Part 2

I have been going to Cephas for YEARS after the wicked paramour Reymundo the Truth Dodger introduced me.  His fresh aloe shakes, fresh coconut juice and tamarind juice drinks kept my much abused body feeling somewhat normal.  And his Jamaican food is AMAZING.  

Unfortunately Cephas' Hot Shop has been shut down because it needs kitchen improvements to sustain a food license, according to Creative Loafing Tampa.  A GoFundMe page has been set up on behalf of Cephas to raise the $15,000 needed for improvements.  I am donating because Cephas is a local fixture of the colorful characters of the Ybor City scene - and also because my colon needs more of his aloe shakes!  

If you like reading LilyOnTheLam or if you like my colon or if you like supporting a good cause, I'd ask you to please donate to Cephas' Hot Shop Rebuilding GoFundMe page.  I am going to and I hope you will too!  

This Cat Hopes You Donate!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Perfect Saturday: Living in the Moment, Enjoying The Moment

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

Happy Monday!  How was your weekend?  Mine was absolutely fantastic.

When I was sixteen, my paternal Grandfather was suffering from Alzheimer’s.  In the mornings, it was like his memory had been wiped clean.  I only visited my grandparents one to three times a year so I did not take it personally that my Grandfather had no idea who I was.  But it broke my heart that he had zero recognition of my Aunt – his daughter – who lovingly and faithfully cared for him day in and day out.  

However in the evenings, it was like someone turned on a flashlight in the darkness.  My Grandfather would look at me with full recognition.  He had absolute and complete total recall of all of my and my mother’s major life events.  He would even ask me about things I had long forgotten about, which made me wonder how much our brain retains of our lives even when we are unaware,  He died less than six months after I had last seen him, but I hold those rare lucid discussions near to my heart. 

My maternal Grandfather had suffered a similar fate.  As he lived in Taiwan, I did not get a chance to see him often during my childhood.  On my last trip to see him before he passed away, I spent a week with him.  However he was in a complete fog to all around him.  He did not speak and did not appear to be cognizant of the world.  We took him to his favorite Japanese restaurant and he seemed to enjoy eating chawan mushi.  It made me very happy to see him happy.  

However, next we had to stop him when he quickly used his chopsticks to pick up a golfball size of wasabi and tried to eat it.  The look of pity mixed with sadness on my mother’s face as she saw her father intellectually and spiritually wasting away in front of her is a look I wish I could erase from my own memory. 

Fifteen minutes before my mother and I were leaving to go to the airport to fly from Taiwan back to the United States, my maternal Grandfather looked up from his wheelchair and focused on my face.  The fog had been lifted and he said to me in English “thank you.”  

I was overjoyed that the veil of darkness had lifted even for a precious moment and that he could truly see me, know who I was and know that I was there for him.  However I was  overcome that it was right before I was leaving.  I had spent over a week there and before I leave, he finally “wakes”?  It didn't seem fair.  

But I told myself that this moment - however short - was a gift.  Better to have one moment than no moment at all.  

Within five minutes, the fog had returned and my maternal Grandfather was staring off into space again.  I stopped feeling sad about that the lucid moment came right before I was leaving.  Instead I offered a thank you to the universe for this very brief moment with my Grandfather and then I headed to the airport.  It was the last time I saw my Grandfather before he passed away. 

This weekend has made me think a lot about living in the moment and appreciating moments for what they are versus wishing for more.  

Friday night, the infamous Cardamom Monroe drove from Orlando to Tampa to take me out to dinner.  His new home purchase – a grandiose estate that he insists on calling “Lily East” in deference, reverence and homage to yours truly – has successfully passed the appraisal and home inspection stages.  The pathway to house closing is near.  Very exciting!  

Unfortunately as a soon to be new resident of Florida, Cardamom Monroe does not know that driving from Orlando to Tampa on a Friday during rush hour is hell on Earth.  It took him almost 3 hours to drive what usually takes 1.5 hours.  I bided my time waiting for Mr. Cardamom Monroe by doing some major clothes shopping.  My convertible trunk was fully packed by the time Mr. Monroe entered Tampa air space.  Ca-ching!

In his ever present need to “Keep up with La Lily,” Cardamom made some exquisite purchases of his own.  Everyone coast to coast knows that Cardamom Monroe has got style for kilometers and his purchases were excellent.  

After our shopportunities, Mr. Monroe and I went for bad sushi at Zen Bistro Grill + Sushi at International Plaza Mall.  The service was terrible, the food was mediocre to inedible but the Tito’s vodka pineapple jalapeno infusion was TO DIE FOR – so lesson learned that I will only be drinking at this particular sushi restaurant.  

BUT who was later seated at the table next to me, doing some late night sushi dining?  It was Miss Spokesmodel herself!  One of my friends is a model for the Home Shopping Network (I am ALL ABOUT SHOPPING in all forms and mediums).  I haven’t seen her in ages but all of a sudden, Miss Gorgeous Thang gets seated next to me.  Her date was a stunningly hot man.  Two fabulous women having late night sushi with two gorgeous men – it was like we were twins for the evening!  So while the restaurant sucked, I was glad for a killer cocktail and a chance to catch up with a knockout model friend.

Given the late Friday night start, I didn’t go to bed until past 2 a.m. which was unfortunate because I had agreed to do the Tampa Bay AIDS Walk with Ms. Kentucky on Saturday.  This is the second time in two years that we have participated.  When my alarm went off Saturday morning, I let out a shriek of “WHY GOD WHY?” and cursed a blue streak against Ms. Kentucky and her devious ways making me do a charity walk.

I may have been extremely tired but I looked ADORABLE.  Camouflage hat, Prada sunglasses, cute little black and green spandex-y capris and a hot pink extremely flattering top.  One never knows whom one will run into at a charity walk in St. Petersburg, you gotta look cute!  And I was bringing it! 

The actual walk itself is very short – 2.5 miles and the year prior it had only been 1.2 miles while frankly felt like 0.7 miles.  Last year, Ms. Kentucky had declared that this physical activity had earned us brunch.  In my best Jillian Michaels impersonation I scoffed that this “walk” had barely earned the parsley garnish on the lackluster brunch we would later have at Birch and Vine at the Birchwood Hotel.  

So this year I told Ms. Kentucky that in addition to the 2.5 mile walk for charity, we would be doing an additional 2.5 miles before she could eat brunch.  We had to do better at “earning” the right to eat.

Because Ms. Kentucky is a trooper with a positive attitude and a heart of gold, she agreed to do the five miles … but I suspect somewhere in her home is a voodoo doll with my picture taped to it and a hundred pins stabbed into it.

Before the walk, we stopped at the The Hooker Tea Company in St. Pete to hydrate.  I ordered a ginger peach tea which I mistakenly thought would be super yummy like the Republic of Tea’s ginger peach black tea blend.  

BUT OH NO ... OH GRANDMOTHER BEULAH, THIS TEA SUCKED DONKEY BUTT.  It tasted like dirty bark and made me want to cry!  

I dumped two stevia packets in it and that just made it taste like dirty bark with stevia.  But I was extremely thirsty, so I kept drinking it and then fervently complaining to Ms. Kentucky after each and every tastebud-destroying sip.  Did I mention that Ms. Kentucky has the best attitude ever? 

We did the Tampa AIDS Walk and talked with several fabulous people along the way.  In homage to my mother, I acquired a Walgreens backpack full of swag from all the vendors at the start line.  If you need a pill box or a floppy visor, I have eight hundred of them!  

I then made Ms. Kentucky walk further and further.  At about 6 miles, she flopped down on the ground in temporary defeat.  As a good friend, I rushed to her side, snapped a picture of her and texted it to Ms. Toledo who instantly responded with “Is she OK?”  I responded back “I haven’t had a chance to check yet, too busy texting pictures of her dead body to people.” 

Ahhh, it’s a wonder I have any friends at all!

I inspired Ms. Kentucky to get up by doing a Happy Dance of “Do it for brunch! I promise we’ll go to the first restaurant we see!  Get up!  Get Up!” which was the follow up song to my “You gotta REV IT UP” which I said ad nauseam to Ms. Kentucky the last mile of our walk.  The fellow charity walkers found this hysterical as I hopped like a bunny shouting “REV IT UP!  REV IT UP!” – and like a toddler with an audience, I sashayed, shimmied and gave my all for cheap applause.  

Seriously it’s a wonder that Ms. Kentucky didn’t turn around and just leave me there.  But she didn’t – and we had brunch, raised money for charity and walked almost seven miles together by the time we were done, so I call that a WIN-WIN-WIN! 

After I returned home, I showered and lost all motivation to do anything.  I answered some emails and found out that the nicest, older gentleman who I volunteer with had passed away that morning.  He truly was the sweetest man, very unassuming and just content to be of any help he could when we volunteered.  I volunteered with his wife a lot and I said a prayer that she had support around her during this sad time.

I felt like the news about the death just sucked up the little energy I had left in me.  Lack of sleep + too many cocktails + early charity walk + sad news = sleepy Lily.  That’s “New Math” for you oldsters.  I decided a long nap was needed.

When I arose from my coma – ahem nap – I spent an hour on the phone with the man who will be now known as Mr. Crushable – as it is very easy to have a crush on him and he can very easily crush me.  Which is gag-tastic to admit to because I like to pretend I am SuperLily – impervious to all hurts!  But evidently I left my cape of invincibility at the dry cleaners.  

Mr. Crushable is awesome but he’s also like 3 steps forward, 4 steps back.  He tends to be this super cool guy and then after awhile he has to be a douchebag just to remind you not to depend on him or rely on him.  It’s really sad.  

Growing up in a low rent transient apartment complex filled with drunks, addicts and the mentally ill; I have a very low tolerance for inconsistent personalities.  If you are nice one moment, then a raging loon the next; I am going to have my own personal freak out.  I’d rather someone be an ass 100% of the time then be nice 60% of the time and a mean arsehole 40% of the time.  I don’t like to constantly guess if I am with Dr. Jeckyl or Mr. Hyde.  Patiently waiting for the other shoe to drop was never my forte.

But Mr. Crushable was Dr. Jeckyl for the moment and we had a really lovely talk that I enjoyed very much.  

Next on my “Perfect Saturday” agenda was driving down to Madeira Beach to see the man known as “Malibu Ken Doll” ‘s new beach house.  MKD used to live very close by so having to drive 45 minutes to visit him is a slight pain, BUT the reward of being so close to the beach is awesome. 

As I drove out to Madeira Beach, I thought about my phone call with Mr. Crushable.  I thought about my time with my two grandfathers and how I had to focus on the good times versus the overall sadness of the situation.  I wondered if I needed to take that approach with Mr. Crushable – just enjoy the good moments in the actual moment and expect nothing more than that.  But for me that is probably much easier said than done.  

MKD and I hung out at a fabulous dive bar called Screwie Louie’s – which might as well be called Screwie Lily’s.  I watched a silicone blond order a side salad (who is having a side salad at 10:30 p.m.?) as a Sopranos extra older man stared at her, hoping he’d get a kiss or a fondle after she finished her side salad.  But the look on the plastic lady’s face was telling me that the Sopranos extra wasn’t even going to get a hug at the end of this night!  Side salads are rarely ever the prelude to a hot and heavy make out session.  

After cocktails and fun chatter with Joe the Bartender, MKD and I went for a moonlit walk along the beach.  The water was warm and the air was slightly cool – in other words, perfection.  The sand was sooooo fluffy soft.  I enjoyed feeling the tide splash my feet as we walked along the beach carefree and happy.

When I lived in Los Angeles, I dated a guy (a.k.a. Steve the Criminal – because his name was Steve and I found out later on that he was a criminal).  Steve the Criminal lived in a tiny beach cottage in Manhattan Beach.  I loved his little cottage because everything was multi-functional.  The kitchen table folded up into the wall.  He had a futon for both his bed and couch.  Everything in the home could be folded up for quick storage.  The entire house was less than 300 square feet and yet it had everything one would need.

Steve the Criminal and I used to hang out at Hermosa Beach, watch the sunset and go for night walks along the beach.  Although I have lived in Florida for 1000 years, I rarely go walking on the beach at night.  It tends to be beach days – or even sunset watching, but then leave.  Walking along the beach at night with MKD, I was shocked to really realize how little in my entire time in Florida that I had spent at the beach at night.  I really need to take advantage of living in an area with such great beaches.  Life is too short, seize the moment! 

MKD and I sat on the beach after our walk.  There is something so peaceful about hearing waves crashing on the beach.  It was like perfect meditation.  Complete bliss.

And to end my Saturday, before I went to bed I saw pictures from my friend Jason (a.k.a. theinspiration behind my Loopy Vodka cupcake)’s wedding in New York.  Guests had started posting pictures during the reception and it looked like a gorgeous event.  Seeing all the happy faces, I felt like it balanced out hearing about the death earlier in the day.  A reminder that "yes there are endings, but then there are new beginnings too."

I feel like my Saturday was filled with all these great little moments.  It was absolute perfection.  I felt like the entire day was reinforcing my earlier thought about how I should just enjoy the moment in the moment versus thinking too much of tomorrows, the future and “what ifs.”

Sunday morning I woke up and had to pack for my next trip.  Mr. Crushable sent me a text message – Mr. Hyde must now have control of his phone because it was a douchebag text.  I just shook my head – whenever things are good with Mr. Crushable, he has to follow it up with ridiculousness.  Really truly sad, but predictable.

The rest of my Sunday was absolutely spectacular (I’ll blog about my wacky Sunday another time!).  I am going to hold dear to my heart all the wonderful little moments I had this weekend.  So much unbelievable loveliness for one weekend.  I feel truly blessed!  I hope you all had a great weekend as well!  Thank you for reading!