Saturday, June 28, 2014

My 400th Blog Post: To The Donut-Loving Hapa Children of The World

Happy Saturday LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I have been putting off writing, because I knew the next thing I posted would be my FOUR HUNDREDTH blog post.  I felt like I couldn't just write my typical travel, cocktails or "why sometimes my work is annoying" story for the 400th post!  I decided to wait to see if something "400-worthy" would happen in my life.

Even though I have fun stories of my recent trip to New York City (Actor John Lithgow was sitting next to me at Kenneth Branagh-Alex Kingston's version of "MacBeth"!  I was in the front row for "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" and Neil Patrick Harris kissed the guy sitting next to me!  I was in the front row for "Of Mice and Men" and I am pretty sure James Franco is now in love with me! [OK maybe not.]) ... and even though I want to compose a sonnet to the "Hot Sauce" cocktail I had last night at "The Avenue Eat/Drink" (Sriracha vodka + jalapeños = So Happy Lily) … were any of these events "400 worthy?"  I didn't really think so …

I had read a quote that a friend posted that said "There's no need to rush.  What's meant for you always arrives right on time."  I decided to wait a little longer.

Then this morning I woke up … regretting that I had worn 5 inch heels to a 4 hour concert the night before (but hey I could see over everyone's heads!  See video from the concert on my YouTube page.)  I puttered around like an old man with a bad attitude while I ate breakfast (brunch?) and watched a "Daily Show" episode I had on my DVR.  Finally I decided to get "productive" and pulled out my laptop to check Twitter and Facebook.  

(Side Note: For 11 months I have successfully and quite happily been off Facebook - due to wanting to avoid time wasting, negativity and overall haters.  However I recently returned in a limited capacity because (1) I need access for my social media volunteering and (2) three friends are having babies and I wanted to keep track of when they give birth.  Instead of my 270+ friend list, I have a much smaller contacts list - please try not to take offense if you're one of the 210+ who I used to have on my FB.  And hey if you are offended, you have a large number of people to form a support group with - so there's the silver lining!  Please send me royalties from the "I Hate Lily" t-shirt sales and save me a piece of the "Lily Is Annoying!" sheet cake.  Thanks and much appreciated!)

OK back to the story at hand - sore feet, not productive, turning to social media … My friends Mr. Hawaii and Mrs. Former Camp Director have two beautiful, young daughters who are 1/2 Asian and 1/2 Caucasian.  They posted a picture of the girls eating donuts.  They looked so cute, the picture could have been a donut ad.  (Get those girls a modeling agent STAT!)

(Side note: I am not just oohing and aaahing over these kids because one happens to be named LILY … a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet ;-)  But hey, chances are if you name your kids Lily, I will probably write in my blog about how smart, beautiful and wonderful they are … think it over.)  

Now as a woman, I've been asked if I am having children for basically the past 300 years.  In fact, some people I know think that I must hate children because I chose not to pop a half dozen from my uterus.  (Some people are stupid.)  

I don't hate kids.  I love them … in limited amounts, where I can buy them toys, cute outfits and sugar-laden snacks and then leave for a cocktail when they start to have a meltdown.    So when I saw this lovely picture of these two beautiful young children eating donuts on a Saturday morning, I did feel a strong stirring inside my soul …  

a strong, 


desire to … 

have a donut.

But since I don't live in a Dunkin' Donuts, I continued to scroll down my Facebook.  I saw a picture of a handsome young boy in a baseball uniform.  My friend Ms. Syracuse, who is soon to give birth to her first child (who should be named Lily regardless of gender), had shared the picture.  I thought it must be one of her friends' children, but then I read the text with the picture.  

The young boy is named Baylor Fredrickson and he is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 German.  He is six years old and he has leukemia.  This is not a Facebook/internet hoax, but a real story.  (See the ABC news story here.)

Baylor needs a bone marrow transplant in less than three months.  However he needs a donor who is almost a perfect match, which would almost surely mean a "hapa" (mixed race) donor - in this case, 1/2 Caucasian, 1/2 Asian.  Evidently, only one out of every 70,000 Americans fits this profile.

I am not 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 German.  But I am 1/2 Caucasian and 1/2 Asian (Chinese and Polish).  I thought about my friends' lovely half Asian-half Caucasian daughters who are younger than little Baylor.  I thought about my sister who is 1/2 Chinese, 1/2 Irish.  What if they were in young Baylor's shoes?  Wouldn't I want to encourage every 1/2 Asian, 1/2 Caucasian in the world to register to see if they were a bone marrow donor match?  

Yes! I'd be wanting to pound on every door - ask everyone and anyone who could, to please help.  

If only one in every 70,000 Americans is 1/2 Asian, 1/2 Caucasian, then reduce that pool of hapa people to those who are medically eligible to donate bone marrow and then reduce that pool of people who would be a suitable match genetically to young Baylor … and then reduce that pool to people who have signed up on the bone marrow registry … the odds of finding Baylor a match in less than three months felt mind-blowing.  To counteract these low odds, they need to raise the number of 1/2 Asian, 1/2 Caucasian potential donors who are on the registry.  There are currently over 12,000 patients still searching for their match.

The post on Facebook urged everyone to share the post with anyone they knew who was 1/2 Caucasian and 1/2 Asian and ask them to go to the Asian American donor program to register for a free kit that will be mailed to your home, you take 4 cheek swabs and send them back.  (The link is only for those who live in the United States.  If you live outside of the U.S., you can go to this link.)  There are also frequently asked questions pages that give more information on the process. 

And even if you are 100% Asian, I would encourage you to register as a potential bone marrow donor as there is a lower number of ethnically Asian donors on the U.S. registry.  A classmate's sister's life was saved from a bone marrow transplant from an Asian-American donor.

I just stared at my laptop screen processing the story in my head.  I am "the one" in every 70,000 Americans who is 1/2 Caucasian and 1/2 Asian.  Four little cheek swabs could mean the difference between life and death for a fellow Asian-American - whether child, man or woman.  Knowing that the odds are so against finding the right genetic match under the current limited donor registry, how could I continue to scroll along my Facebook and ignore this opportunity to add one more person to the donor registry - one more potential match for someone who is fighting cancer?  

I Googled "bone marrow transplants" to see how invasive the procedure would be.  I reviewed the steps on how bone marrow is removed in a quick procedure.  For me personally, I found the procedure to be an acceptable task if I were found to be a match.

I had absolutely no excuses why I should NOT register with the Asian-American donor program.    

I went to  and reviewed the requirements to register.  I met the medical criteria and requested the cheek swab kit to be mailed to my home.  (I also gave a charitable donation, which is not required but I thought that keeping the registry going helps save lives.  I spend money on cocktails and concert tickets, shouldn't I try to also give some money to organizations that help cancer-stricken individuals in America too?)

My Registry Request Submission Acknowledgement from Be The Match

The Twitter account for the "Be The Match" Bone Marrow Registry is @BeTheMatch.  I was happy to see this Tweet was currently being retweeted: Know someone of Asian and Caucasian heritage? Ask for a cheek swab:

There are several registration drives in various cities as well, find out more about them here

I hope that six year old Baylor Fredrickson finds the match he needs, but hope alone is not going to make this happen.  I registered for the bone marrow donor registry because in cases like this, actions NOW mean more than well wishes or sympathy.  This is definitely not the time to put things off tomorrow that you should do today.  

I hope you will urge everyone you know (and yourself) who are medically eligible, to sign up for the bone marrow registry TODAY - and for the case of Baylor, especially reach out to your 1/2 Asian, 1/2 Caucasian friends, neighbors, acquaintances.

Thank you to all the LilyOnTheLam.Com readers, whether this is your first time reading or if you have read all FOUR HUNDRED of my posts.  I hope you will tell the story of the need for bone marrow registrants to every person you know and urge them to tell everyone they know.  For more information on requesting a home kit, please go to this link.

I cannot think of a better topic for my four hundredth blog post- it took me only a few minutes to request the home kit.  It won't take much time to take four cheek swabs at home and mail the kit back in.  But the return for my few minutes of time is so potentially great.  I couldn't turn my back on an opportunity to help.  I am glad I did it and I hope others will too.  

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Raunchy, Gritty, Somewhat Inappropriate … And Yet Surprisingly Sweet (Movie: Obvious Child)

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I am back from my NYC trip and I wish I had one more day to lounge before heading back to the Rat Race.  But I am Junior Global Rat, Esquire and I guess there is no rest for the wicked!

Ms. Bermuda and I had free passes to see the Jenny Slate film "Obvious Child."  (Thank you,!)  So I was more than happy to finish work and head to the movie theater where I didn't have to think … and didn't have to break out my wallet!    

From the very first few minutes of this movie, I thought "Uh oh, this may be TOO MUCH for me."  I'm not a prude in any way, shape or form.  While I may refer to myself as a "gentle, hot house flower" - anyone who knows me would spew liquid out of their nostrils while drinking if they thought anyone actually believed me to be such a delicate creature.  So if a movie is going to get me going "uh oh," then it must be off the charts.

Jenny Slate - formerly of "Saturday Night Live" and presently for pop ups on Comedy Central's "The Kroll Show" (as in Nick Kroll) - stars in this grunge-tastic film about abortion.  Yes, abortion.  Saying I enjoyed the film probably makes me a heathen destined to the volcanic lands of the here after, but I'm pretty sure my ticket to that place was purchased a long time ago.  (And I believe in reincarnation anyway, so there!)  Overall, my thoughts about Jenny Slate's movie "Obvious Child" are in the title to this post … "Raunchy, Gritty. Somewhat Inappropriate … And Yet Surprisingly Sweet."  

At times I was squeamish.  At times I was grossed out (hello opening monologue!)  But what surprised me the most about a film on what I think is a sad subject, regardless if you are pro-life or pro-choice; is how sweet I thought it was at times.  Life isn't pretty and neither is this movie.  The end was probably too sentimental and unrealistic, but hey that's what I love about movies.  If I wanted a dose of reality I would watch the news.

I don't think this movie will be the "feel good hit of the summer," but I thought it was an excellent performance from Jenny Slate and I hope to see more films from her in the future.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

All The Way ... To NYC

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

My promotion to a new job is in FULL MANIC SWING!  My last job was a global role, but I had a smaller team so even though some of my days started at 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. with conference calls - it was by my own choosing and never more than twice a week.  

Now I log on at 5 a.m. and I already have fifty emails waiting for me.  (Thanks a lot, Asia Pacific team!)  Instead of having a "Farmer Lil' gets a head start on the day.  I am SO productive!" feeling.  I start out feeling cranky and already behind in my work.  I've been working crazy hours and trying to stay positive and focused.

Thank Baby Jesus for VACATIONS.  

I was supposed to have a five day weekend in NYC,  but that was BEFORE the new job.  Instead of three vacation days, I decided to work 1.5 days from the hotel and take only 1.5 days off.  Sadly a "half vacation" day turned out to be 6 hours of work, took the afternoon off and then 4 more hours of work in the evening.  But I made the best of my limited time!

Priceline hooked me up with an awesome hotel that I will write about at another date.  Luckily their WiFi is fast, so I can work super-fast.  I churned through meeting after meeting - no breakfast, no lunch, just crankiness!  But finally, finally, FINALLY ... it was time for me to go.  I had a Broadway Matinee to see!

I have been a Bryan Cranston fan since his days of playing a self-absorbed dentist on "Seinfeld."  When I heard he was playing President Lyndon Baines Johnson, a.k.a. "LBJ" on Broadway in the play "All The Way," I knew I had to go!

Side Note:  One of my friends said "Wait, weren't you just in NYC?  Didn't you just see a bunch of Broadway shows?"  Um, yes.  But that was end of April/early May.  This is June.  See the difference? 

I bought my ticket before "All The Way" won the Tony Award for "Best Play" and Bryan Cranston won "Best Performance By An Actor in A Leading Role in a Play."  But hearing that the show won awards made me even more excited!

In short, the show was beyond excellent.  I see why it won "Best Play" - the dialogue, intensity and pacing was riveting.  I was engrossed in every single second of this show.  I highly recommend it.  

I was anxious to see "Heisenberg" himself, Bryan Cranston, up close and personal.  I was in the third row and when he gave a speech on power, he looked right at me.  But after about two seconds, I completely forgot I was watching Bryan Cranston.  He so completely became LBJ that I forgot about the actor himself, the Seinfeld dentist, the Malcolm in the Middle dad and the Breaking Bad Meth Maker.  I was transported to 1963, amidst Martin Luther King Jr., Hubert Humphrey, J. Edgar Hoover, George Wallace and many others.

Bryan Cranston was nothing less than 1000% stellar as LBJ.  He ping-ponged between the emotions of an American President carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.  If you have the opportunity, you should see the play.  He had tears in his eyes several times during the show.  He would rant, then tell jokes, then cry, then howl.  And the audience was inhaling every moment intensely. 

I must admit I am more well-versed on the Kennedy years vs. LBJ's time in office.  I basically knew that he was the driver for the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, but also has the legacy of the escalation into the actions that would turn into the Viet Nam war.  And of course the ushering in of "The Great Society" programs to push the American people out of poverty.  He made so many changes at a pivotal time.

Spoiler alert for anyone who doesn't know US History - when LBJ was elected, confetti and streamers fell down upon the audience in the theater.  I swear I had a bucket of foil confetti strips all over me.  I grabbed a handful off my chest and shoved them in my purse so I could take the following picture ... This was just a fraction of the confetti that was on me!

Bravo Playbill for honoring LBGTQ Pride with the colors in the Playbill logo
I had no doubts that Bryan Cranston would be wonderful in the show.  What I didn't expect was how good the other actors were.  Brandon J. Dirden played Martin Luther King Jr.  I had never heard of Mr. Dirden before, but it will be a crime if movies/TV and other Broadway shows don't grab him as fast as he can.  He played the role true and whole.  It would have been easy to do a shallow imitation of Martin Luther King Jr., but Mr. Dirden breathed life into the man as a regular human as well as a civil rights leader.

Peter Jay Fernandez was wonderful as Roy Wilkins.  Ron Campbell infused George Wallace with a tenacity and pluck.  I didn't know when I watched him on stage that Mr. Campbell was in my favorite movie musical "Hedwig and the Angry Inch."  Small world!

The role of J. Edgar Hoover is normally played by TV actor Michael McKean.  However in the performance I saw, the understudy Tony Carlin was in the role.  Tony Carlin is no slouch - he's been in various movies and TV shows.  He played Hoover without being campy or overly evil - it was "just enough."  

Actor Eric Lenox Abrams infused every scene with intensity and bottled rage that was endemic of trying to push for Civil Rights against a hostile South and a stubborn Congress.  His voice was booming with the pain of generations.  William Jackson Harper also gave heart as well as anger, lighting up every scene he appeared in. 

I am going to pretend I didn't secretly squeal "OH MY GOD, IT'S THE DAD FROM 90210" when I saw James Eckhouse on stage.  I doubt the 90 year old man in the seersucker suit sitting in front of me was sharing my same recognition moment!

I also didn't know that 84 year old Minnesota native and mesmerizing actor John McMartin was in the show.  Every scene he was in was a treat for the audience.  I was so glad to see him in person. 

Another welcome surprise was seeing Ethan Phillips.  I swear he has not aged in 40 years.  I remember seeing him on reruns of the old show "Benson" and "Star Trek: Voyager."  He played four roles in the play.  Even when he was in a small role, he did it well.

Last but not least, Robert Petkoff as Hubert Humphrey was the heart of the play.  Imploring LBJ for change but having to swallow his pride and his thoughts.  It's a twisted dance trying to get any legislation through, but the Civil Rights Act?  I still don't know how the bill passed when parts of the country were actively lynching and declaring themselves above Federal law. 

The tragedies of the murders of American civil rights' workers, James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael "Mickey" Schwerner were a heart-breaking backdrop for parts of the play.  They were barely in their 20's and yet so dedicated toward civil rights and education in the South.  I can't imagine risking my life at such a young age for others.  I was still in college, partying, sleeping and oh yeah occasionally studying.  

"All The Way" had me thinking long after the show had ended.  Which I think is a sign of a truly good play.  I can't shake its grasp.  An excellent show.  

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

New Product Wednesday: Bowties and Butterflies - Trader Joe's Farfalle with 4 Cheeses and Spinach

Happy New Product Wednesday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

It's time once again for products that are new or new to me!  After a couple weeks' hiatus from Trader Joe's products, I have returned to my reviews in honor of the new South Tampa Trader Joe's!  

Today's product review is Trader Joe's Farfalle with 4 Cheeses and Spinach.  Farfalle means butterfly in Italian, but for some reason we call Farfalle pasta "Bowtie pasta."  (Much to my Sicilian's friend ire!)

Whether you call it bow ties or butterflies, I love the Farfalle pasta shape.  I find it holds a nice amount of sauce which gives a great pasta to sauce ratio in each bite.

I have been working like a fiend wrapping up my old job and starting a new job for my current company.  I have a lot to prove to my new team and there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do everything I need to do.

Given the heightened stress environment, I knew I would need to stock my freezer with some easy to make meals.  Now I try not to have a diet heavy on processed foods, but sometimes you just have to go for convenience.

Trader Joe's has several pasta items that range from 300-450 calories.  When I saw that Trader Joe's had microwaveable farfalle pasta with four cheeses and spinach, I knew I had to try it.

This pasta is very easy to make.  The sauce is rich and creamy with a tart cheesy taste.  There is a decent amount of spinach, although I'd love even more.  The entree itself was very filling and made my taste buds happy as well.  

I will definitely get this entree again.  It tastes incredibly rich without being a million calories!

If you're looking for a quick heat and eat meal, check out this entree from Trader Joe's.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Broadway, Stop Trying To Bankrupt Me!

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

It has felt like this entire week was one long "Friday the 13th" - someone close to me was going through an extremely painful crisis and I was trying my best to help her.  Now on the actual "Friday the 13th," it looks as if (knock on wood) that all may be resolved in a good fashion - but I am so scared that things will fall through that I don't want to exhale just yet.  Still holding my breath and praying!  Fingers still crossed!

Very soon I will be seeing "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" on Broadway for the 2nd time and this time from the front row!  Neil Patrick Harris - in his role as the testy Hedwig - took a giant gulp of water and spit it on two women who got up in the middle of the show and made half a row (including me) stand up so they could get up and go to the bathroom.  It's only a 95 minute show people!  Go to the bathroom before the show starts!

I heard today that when Neil Patrick Harris finishes his run as Hedwig, the wonderfully witty actor Andrew Rannells will be taking over as Hedwig.  Many people know Andrew Rannells when he originated a role in The Book of Mormon.  I was not able to get tickets to The Book of Mormon on Broadway until I think year two of the show, so Andrew Rannells was no longer in the show by the time I saw it.  

I am pretty sure this is a master plan from Broadway to bankrupt me, because of course now I also want to see Andrew Rannells when he performs as Hedwig.  He is very different from Neil Patrick Harris and I can't wait to see what he does!

I have never seen a show on Broadway twice.  I have seen some shows a 2nd time (Wicked, Les Mis) when they are in a touring company show locally but I have never seen a Broadway show twice.  "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" is going to be my record for show I have seen the most times on Broadway!    

I may be eating ramen noodles for all meals from now until 2025, but I am going to make sure I see Hedwig with Andrew Rannells in the lead role!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I feel like Queen Social Butterfly as I will be going from party after party after party this weekend.  Usually I have been the one hosting parties, so it's great to go to several events where my only duties are to eat, drink and have a great time!

P.S. If you have time this weekend, go see "22 Jump Street" - I had lower hopes for this sequel but it really delivered in laughs.  Mindless fun.  A great distraction from a long, difficult week!  Make sure you stay for the credits!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Product Wednesday: Take Route Eleven To Potato Chip Heaven

Happy New Product Wednesday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

It is once again the time where I review products that are new, or at least new to me!  Memorial Day Weekend I went to visit my friend FLL (First Lady of Lynchburg) in Lynchburg, Virginia.

I knew it would be a great weekend of shopping, eating, sightseeing and wacky adventures.  And FLL delivered!

We had lunch at a local downtown restaurant that had a small general store-type display (Market At Main).  FLL said that I had to try the local potato chips under the brand name Route 11.

Now you don't have to tell me twice to try potato chips.  

I grabbed three flavors: Lightly Salted, Sweet Potato Chips and "Mama Zuma's Revenge" habanero flavored potato chips.  If I was going to truly experience Virginia potato chips, I couldn't just try one flavor - right?  That's right!

I was also happy to see that the Sweet Potato chips were made with organic sweet potatoes from Quail Cove Farms.  I have never heard of Quail Cove Farms, but it sounds lovely!  Evidently the farm is in Machipongo, Virginia.  

I have never heard of Machipongo either, but I am pretty sure it's my new G-rated swear word.  MACHIPONGO! 

The Lightly Salted Route 11 potato chips were perfection.  Not greasy, just the right amount of salt, crisp, crunchy, delish!  

The Sweet Potato Route 11 potato chips had great sweet potato flavor - and again not greasy, just the right amount of salt, crisp, crunchy and delicious.  I'm not a huge fan of Sweet Potato chips, but these are really good.

But then the most beautifully decorated potato chip bag - the Route 11 Mama Zuma's Revenge habanero-flavored potato chips - attacked me with a fiery vengeance!  I had three chips and then ran screaming, wishing I had a milk product to extinguish the fire!  They were SO HOT!  Serious MACHIPONGO!

A lone tear skated down my face.  I couldn't do it.  I just could NOT do it.  They were too hot for me!  I love potato chips, but these were just too hot!

There are six other Route 11 potato chip flavors, so even though Mama Zuma's Revenge was too hot for me I bet I'll find some more favorites from their other flavors.  You can buy them online here.

They also sell Route 11 merchandise, in case incredibly hot potato chips are not enough for you!  They have chip and dip baskets.  They also have gift tins and boxes.  Talk about an amazing gift!  (My sister and I sent our father a mixed flavors case of Route 11 potato chips for Father's Day!  We sent them early to make sure they arrived before Father's Day - and he was very happy to see them!)

You can also visit their factory in Mount Jackson, Virginia - a fry viewing and free potato chip samples!

Check out these Route 11 Potato Chips if you're looking for a non-greasy, crunchy, delicious potato chip!

Monday, June 9, 2014

You're Welcome!

Happy Monday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

So last night, Ms. Wisconsin and I ate homemade lasagna and then went on a five mile walk.  I would have preferred to have eaten lasagna and then sat on the couch - HA HA HA!  (Sad, but true!)

I wore my "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" Broadway t-shirt as we walked in the muggy Florida air and I sweat so profusely that I looked like a drowned rat - in a Broadway t-shirt.

Hedwig and the Angry Inch is my favorite movie musical, so when it went on Broadway I had to see it - from the third row! And I loved every minute of it.  I still love John Cameron Mitchell's rendition more, but Neil Patrick Harris was still pretty darn amazing.  In fact, I loved it so much that I have front row tickets later this month.  I have to see it one more time before it leaves Broadway at the end of this summer.

When I arrived home late last night, I saw that "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" won four Tony Awards!!!  I'm pretty sure my sweating up a storm along Bayshore Boulevard in Tampa, Florida in a "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" at the Belasco Theatre T-shirt is why the show won.  I mean, what else could it be?  I am also pretty sure Neil Patrick Harris will be sending me a mini muffin basket as a "thank you."

Neil Patrick Harris via Skype at the Paley Center's How I Met Your Mother
PaleyFest Event - March 2014

I might as well sit on my front steps and wait for those delicious muffins!  Until then I have only two things to say to the cast and crew of "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" on Broadway:

1)  See you soon!

2)  You're welcome!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Best Quote EVER!

Happy Thursday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

It's been a busy week but the weekend is almost here!  I cannot wait!

Last night, "Ms. Morris Day and The Time" and I went to see "Steel Magnolias" at American Stage Theatre.  If you are in or near St. Petersburg, Florida - go see this show.  It is a great production of the classic play/movie.  Since I volunteer at a local Tampa Bay performing arts theater, whenever I go to other theaters in Tampa Bay I am bound to bump into at least a couple people I know.  Last night, there were four people I knew - 2 on stage, 2 in the audience.  Since my "day job" is non-artistic, it's fun to hob knob with the artsy types.

But enough about last night … on with today's post - the majority of which I wrote earlier in the week!

I think of Twitter like a Magic Eight Ball or Fortune Cookie.  I'll log in and check my newsfeed and every now and then words of wisdom will pop up that seem appropriately timed.  (P.S.  This is all part of my master plan to become the next big self-help guru.  I have determined that Oprah and Deepak Chopra are both famous and well-to-do spiritual (or quasi-spiritual) gurus and their names rhyme.  From this I have deduced that the only thing I need to do to gain fame, fortune and become the next great self-help guru is to change my name to Loprah.  Read more about my theory on this in my prior blog post here.)

So consider this a Loprah teaching moment … and send me large amounts of cash … and diamonds … and a couple of Oprah's favorite things ...

On Monday, I saw the following quote on my Twitter feed.  Of course I had pre-written Tuesday and Wednesday's blog posts, so had to wait until today to share the quote with you all …

It is:

"Pray as if it's up to God, work as if it's up to you."

That quote just says it all to me.  I was having dinner with one of my favorite people in the world and we talked about how no one is coming in to rescue you or give you a winning lottery ticket.  Nothing comes on a silver platter.  We are our own knights on horseback.  We both sadly know too many people who are waiting on an external event to create internal change.  Change comes from within.  

So on this busy Thursday, I will be praying as if it's up to God and working hard at my job as if it's up to me!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

New Product Wednesday: Mamie Jo's Kitchen Pecan Cheese Wafers

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

If you are a regular reader, you may be aware that on Wednesdays I post "New Product Wednesday" product reviews of items that are new or at least new to me!  In honor of the first Trader Joe's opening in South Tampa, I have dedicated New Product Wednesday for the past several weeks to Trader Joe's products.

However this week we are going to take a break and feature a  non-Trader Joe's product.  Stick with me people, you won't regret it!

Growing up in the Northern Midwest, I never thought of Florida as being part of the "Old South."  Living ten years in Florida (man, does time fly!), I still don't really consider Florida to be the South - although I have noticed a few "y'all" and "bless her heart" sayings have crept into my every day vernacular.  

This past Memorial Day weekend, I went to visit my friend (who I have self-appointed as "The First Lady of Lynchburg") in her home of Lynchburg, Virginia.  I have worked in Roanoke and Virginia Beach and visited Richmond and the DC-adjacent Virginia suburbs, but I had never been to Lynchburg.  To me, parts of Virginia are still "the Old South."  

Now I have also recently been in Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina on a business trip.  I was working incredibly long hours and had no time to explore the area.  I made one exception to visit my favorite Lebanese deli, but other than that I was chained to my computer.  I bemoaned to FLL (First Lady of Lynchburg) how sad I was that I did not have a chance to visit my favorite foodie paradise in Chapel Hill, North Carolina - the massive wonderful food emporium- Southern Season.  It's like NYC's Eataly but with a Southern flair!

Being raised outside of the South, I do not have the genteel etiquette and sensibilities of a Southern Belle.  Although I do have some social graces.  If a person offers me a gift, I usually do the "oh no, I couldn't … that's much too kind … no really, I just couldn't" 2-3 times denial before accepting said gift.  I don't know why, I just do.  

So when FLL heard that I had not had a chance to go to Southern Season, she pulled out a container of "Mamie Jo's Kitchen's Pecan Cheese Wafers" for me.  

Instead of doing my normal "Oh no, I couldn't possibly …" response when offered a gift, I swooped down on the plastic container of sharp cheesy wafers with gigantic pecans like a cracked out owl on a mouse!  I scurried away with my treasure and I am pretty sure I didn't even say "Thank you."  I needed to lock this gift in my suitcase before FLL changed her mind!  When it comes to pecan cheese wafers, the only word is "YES!"

I am not sure how I managed to not crack into the plastic tub before returning to Florida.  Extreme human restraint?  But let me tell you, the minute I walked through my door I turned on the television and out came the pecan cheese wafers.

I noticed on the label that it says they "freeze beautifully."  Which made me smile and laugh.  My friend Ms. Kentucky and I are going to see American Stage Theatre's production of "Steel Magnolias."  I have never seen the play, but I have seen the movie more times than I can count.  I also remember that there is a line in the movie about recipes in the "freezes beautifully" section of a cookbook.  So seeing "freeze beautifully" on the Mamie Jo's Kitchen Pecan Cheese Wafers label made me think of Dolly Parton.  

When I was in Las Vegas, I was surprised to see that there were Dolly Parton slot machines.  Listen, nothing is better than winning money while Dolly is singing "Jolene."

I won $109 at the Las Vegas airport while Dolly was singing her heart out.  It may have annoyed the man sitting next to me, but my wallet loved every single minute of it!

  In the American Stage Theatre production of Steel Magnolias, local actress Tia Jemison plays "Truvy" - the Dolly Parton role.  I am extremely excited to see Tia play Truvy as she was wonderful in Stageworks Theater's production of "A Raisin In The Sun" and American Stage Theater's "The Wiz."    

But enough about Dolly Parton, how did the Pecan Cheese Wafers taste?

Like absolute Southern Heaven.  

Incredibly cheesy with a sharp, rich, buttery cheese taste and the pecans were so amazingly fresh.  I had to pace myself because I wanted to gobble up the entire plastic tub (45 calories per wafer).  

Mamie Jo's Kitchen has a Facebook page that lists where you can buy their products.  If you like sharp cheese shortbread with hearty, tasty pecans, you HAVE to try these little buttons of delight!  They are sooooo delicious.  And they do freeze beautifully.     

P.S.  See Steel Magnolias at American Stage Theatre through June 15.  Read the Tampa Tribune's review of the play here.

P.P.S. I am so happy that the insanity around the new South Tampa Trader Joe's seems to have died down.  I drove there the other day and 1/3 of the parking lot spots were actually open!  Of course by the time I came out of the store, there were only 3-4 spots open … but it was the first time I had shopped at the new South Tampa location without wanting to stab everyone I saw in the head.  Progress!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Role Reversal

Happy Tuesday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Yesterday, I officially started my new job.  Same company but big promotion to an area of the business that I have never worked in.  It's a global role managing a large team.  I know I can do it, but part of me wishes I could fast-forward six months from now to when I actually know what I am doing.  I hate feeling stupid in new roles.  But I remember how stupid I felt when I started my old job and how quickly I started to get up to speed, so hopefully this "Age of Stupidity" shall pass quickly.

Plus if I fast-forward six months, I'll miss out on a lot of great beach and pool days.  This past weekend, I had my first beach weekend in a very long time.  I also had my first pool day of the season!  I also now have renewed my sunglass tan lines.  Time to buy some bronzer to cover up around my eyes!

Several of my friends contacted me to wish me a "Happy First Day of the New Job," which was very nice!  Everyone I know is insanely busy like me, so when people remember events in my life - big or small - I always feel an extra special warm fuzzy!  

But I have to say that the "Happy First Day" message that made me smile the biggest and brightest was a nice long email from my baby sister.  

I remember the first time my baby sister drove me somewhere.  I kept staring at her behind the wheel not comprehending that she was almost an adult!  In my eyes, she was still three years old - so why was she driving the car??

I had that same feeling when I got this email from my sister wishing me luck in my new job and talking about career topics.  I thought "Holy cow, when did the little toddler who I used as my hair and make-up doll become an ADULT?"  

To get advice from my baby sister and exchange ideas on life decisions blows my mind.  I have changed her diapers!  OK a really long time ago, but still!

When I first started having to adjust to my baby sister as an adult, I had a more difficult time treating her like an adult.  The usual "want to protect loved ones from the world - don't make the same mistakes I made!" line of thought.  But now I see more and more of the accomplished, educated adult when I look at my sister and less the toddler who used to steal bubble gum from my backpack.  It's getting a lot easier to see her for who she is versus who she was.  I still miss the jelly bean-eating toddler, but I love the adult my sister has become as well.  

It's a crazy role reversal for me, but there's also a certain kind of peace and contentment when you're able to worry less about a younger family member and cheer more - as in cheer about her life accomplishments.  It's a new era, but a really exciting and fantastic new era. 

I hope your week is filled with lots of warm fuzzies and happiness!  

Monday, June 2, 2014

Caffeine and Stunted Career Goals - A Lovingston, Virginia Adventure

Happy Monday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I recently was visiting a friend in Virginia.  Now my neighbor spends a great deal of time in Washington DC for business, so he believes that only Northern Virginia is the true Virginia.  Probably in the same vein that I think my home state of Minnesota is really only 4 cities - Minneapolis/St. Paul metro, Rochester, Winona and Duluth (OK OK maybe Bemidji too).  But like Minnesota, there's a lot more to Virginia than the cities directly surrounding Washington DC.  (Please don't send me hate mail!)

I have worked in two cities in Virginia, but I was excited to see the places my friend would show me of her new adopted state.  We were going to spend the day in Charlottesville, but my friend ("FLL" - who I have appointed "First Lady of Lynchburg") wanted to show me Trager Brothers Coffee in Lovingston, Virginia first.  Trager Brothers is a 100% organic, family owned and operated micro-roastery.  

Now I was onboard to check them out because 1) I like coffee and 2) Trager Brothers Coffee reminds me of the character Tig Trager from the FX TV Show "Sons of Anarchy."  My friend, Ms. Toledo and I had met the actor Kim Coates who plays the rough and tumble biker on the show.  He called me "honey" and my friend "sweetie" or maybe it was the other way around.  I was a little too starstruck-smitten to speak.  I'm pretty sure my response was "Wahh blahs heh heh oof."

Anyway … enough about TV crushes … back to COFFEE!

We arrived at the cute open air roasting area/coffee counter.  There were two teenage girls working the front end of the store.  They were very funny and nice.  They definitely added to the friendly, down-home feel of the organic micro-roastery.  The teens professed their love of actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt and I said I knew a woman who knows the writer of "(500) Days of Summer," so basically that makes me BFFs with JGL.  The teenage girls were suitably impressed with this random factoid.

The coffee was absolutely delicious.  Rich, bold, robust, clean-tasting … the perfect pick me up!  My friend, however, had to order the "Nuthugger" - latte with chocolate and hazelnut.  Because I have the maturity of an 11 year old boy, I kept saying "Nuthugger" and then laughing to myself snidely.  It is a wonder I have any friends at all.

I was enjoying the strong, delicious coffee and still giggling about "Nuthugger" long after it was no longer funny, when a young lady walked in.  Evidently Trager Brothers Coffee attracts all ages.  This lovely young lady was sporting a very Southern hat.  I told her I loved her hat and she turned and said "Thank you, I made it myself."

Whaaaaaaaat?  I was standing in the middle of a 100% organic coffee micro-roastery feeling sudden stunted career goal angst.  I went to school for 19 years (21, if you count pre-school) and I couldn't make a hat to save my life!  I was having a latte with a side of midlife crisis!  This young girl may possibly be the next big hat designer!  Maybe I need to go back to school?  Oh the talent of youth!

I told her that I absolutely needed to take a picture of this hat.  She said "Wait" and angled the hat just right to show it off … evidently she is also a great photo stylist and model.  This kid is a triple threat and she likes organic coffee houses!  I'm feeling more shlubby by the minute!  I need more coffee to deal with this ...

Overall, I very much enjoyed my morning coffee at Trager Brothers Coffee.  The location is gorgeous.  The coffee is rich, robust and just darn yummy.  The staff is incredibly friendly.  And the patrons are evidently young and talented!  If you're not in Virginia, you can buy their coffee online here.  My friend stocked up on several bags!

Maybe FLL will try to make her own "Nuthuggers" at home.  Bwahhahahahah! 

If you like coffee, check out Trager Brothers Coffee!