Friday, May 30, 2014

Gamble on this Amazing Breakfast! Pyramid Cafe - Luxor Las Vegas

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I know this was a shorter week for many U.S.-workers with the Memorial Day holiday this past Monday, but man I felt like the work week was a week and a half long!  This is what happens to me after a nice vacation! 

I have a stack of pictures from Las Vegas, New York, Durham, Lynchburg, Lexington and Charlottesville - just waiting to be blogged about ... baby steps!  So today I am going to write about Breakfast in Las Vegas!

Call me a crass American, but I looooooove long weekends in Las Vegas!  I love the shows, the shopping, the dining ... I hate the heinous amounts of secondhand smoke but other than that I love, love, love Vegas!

Another thing I love, love, love is breakfast foods!  The sweet breakfast food items always sound so wonderful, but a sugary breakfast usually makes me insane and then makes me crash hard.  So I usually opt for an omelet or other egg-based dish.  My stomach might want a sugary entree but my brain knows it is better to stick with some protein!

But on the second to my last day in Las Vegas, my judgment was getting a little cloudy.  I decided it was time to try one of the sugary breakfast entree treats at the Pyramid Cafe at the Luxor Hotel.  

My only problem was that EVERYTHING sounded so good.  Check out this list of sweet breakfast foods:  S'mores pancakes, Red Velvet pancakes, Cinnamon Roll French Toast with caramelized apples, Peanut Butter Cream Stuffed French Toast, Orange Creamsicle French Toast, Strawberry Shortcake French Toast, Bacon Pecan Waffle and ... drum roll please ... Carrot Cake French Toast!  Have I died and gone to sugary breakfast treat heaven?

I once had Carrot Cake French Toast at the South Congress Cafe in Austin, Texas.  It was absolutely amazing.  If you are in Austin, you absolutely must check it out.

But now I was in Vegas and I was TORN!  So many choices!  I read and re-read the menu and finally narrowed it down to the Strawberry Shortcake French Toast or the Carrot Cake French Toast.  

But I could not make the final decision!  

I decided to let my waitress decide for me.  She said absolutely the Strawberry Shortcake French Toast and I said "SOLD!"

Lemon poppyseed bread dipped in vanilla custard, grilled and served with sliced strawberries, whipped cream and strawberry sauce.  CRAZY DELICIOUS!  A high roller breakfast!

Unfortunately I was headed to New York City after my Las Vegas trip to buy some new work clothes, so I could not eat this entire plate of "heaven in lemon."  But I allowed myself two of the four pieces and all the strawberries.  My tastebuds were happy and later when I tried on lots of designer clothing and everything fit perfectly and beautifully, I was glad I showed some restraint!

I find that a lot of lemon poppyseed muffins/bread have a fake chemical taste.  This French Toast was very lemony, not overly sweet but still fresh and tasty.  The bread is sliced thick and is soft and velvety with a crispy shell.  I would have preferred real whipped cream whipped by hand versus a pressurized cream, but it didn't detract from the wonderfulness.  The strawberries were sweet and ripe.  The strawberry syrup was rich without being artificially or sickly sweet.

This breakfast was soooo good.  If I had a high metabolism, I would have tried a different sweet breakfast entree from Pyramid Cafe every morning that I was in Las Vegas.  But sadly I have the metabolism of a turtle, so I only was able to savor one of their fabulous breakfast items.  It was still worth it!

If you are in Vegas and enjoy sweet breakfast entrees, make sure you check out the Pyramid Cafe!

Pyramid Café on Urbanspoon

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