Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Politics of Numbers

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

If you are in the U.S., I hope this Memorial Day weekend finds you well.  A thank you to all who have served America's military.

This holiday weekend, I am visiting a friend in a city I have never been to before ... which I will write about in a future post.   

This week two people died - one a 79 year old in jail, convicted of murder.  The other, a 22 year old who most likely killed himself after allegedly killing and injuring many others.  They both had the same birthday as myself.  What are the odds?  Is there some sort of universal message in this?  

(For the record, an actress and an actress/singer also have the same birth date as me and I am not aware of them committing any homicidal sprees ... yet.)  

It just seems an odd, sad, freakish coincidence.  I once read in a birthday book that supposedly every one born the same month and day as myself do not know when to feed or starve hunger ... emotional, physical, financial, etc.  Let me tell you, that one sentence has stuck hard and fast into my brain.  I don't necessarily believe in astrology, but I can't help but ponder ...     

I'd like to think there is some grand design and a purpose/reason for everything ... but sometimes I think life is just randomly freakish or freakishly random.

Can one make sense out of the senseless?

I have no answers.  I have only a prayer - that those who are hurting find peace.

Happy Memorial Day - may only happiness and joy find you this weekend.  

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