Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Monkeying Around: New Product Wednesday: Trader Joe's Gone Bananas Chocolate Covered Banana Slices

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

Boy, did Memorial Day Weekend go by fast!  I took a few days off to do a five day weekend visiting a friend in Lynchburg, Virginia.  I have been to Roanoke, Richmond and various parts of Virginia around DC, but this was my first time to Lynchburg.  I'll be sharing some of my Lynchburg (Lexington and Charlottesville too) adventures in weeks to come.  Stay tuned to!

I am currently transitioning between my current job and an intense promotion to a completely new job in the same company.  Which basically means I am trying to do three jobs at the same time and feeling like I'm not giving anything 100%.  It seems like my "to do" list is 9 billion miles long.  I have to center myself and focus or else I'll go spinning off into stress land!  

I find that many people get so overwhelmed just by the size of their "to do" list that they paralyze themselves and then they can't do anything!  That "to do" list is definitely not going to get any shorter if all one does is stress out about how much they have to do!  So I am trying to stay organized, stay focused and not give in to stressful feelings.  Easier said than done, but ever so necessary!

Today's "New Product Wednesday" (items that are new or new to me) is about a Trader Joe's product I have been raving about to many friends.  In fact, I made my friend drive to Charlottesville, Virginia to buy this product.  

When Dole started selling chocolate covered banana slices "Dark Chocolate Banana Dippers" (and now strawberries too), I was really excited.  They are in portion control packs and I thought it'd be a great, lower calorie dessert option when the chocolate cravings strike.  Plus Costco sells a larger quantity pack for those who want to save money on their per unit purchases.  

However, I was highly disappointed.  The Dole chocolate covered banana slices tasted like absolutely nothing.  Bland, bland, bland.  If you're going to take in the extra calories, you better be loving what you're eating - am I right?  Or am I right?

But then when Trader Joe's opened in South Tampa, I saw this item in the freezer case …

Trader Joe's Gone Bananas! Chocolate Covered Banana Slices.  Four slices for 130 calories.  They are not packaged into individual portion control packs like Dole's are, but less packaging is better for the environment.  

There are many Trader Joe's products I like, but would these frozen chocolate covered banana slices be like the Dole ones?  Was this a box of chocolate-covered disappointment?  I wasn't sure if I wanted to set myself up to have my chocolate-covered hopes dashed again!

But the agile little sock money in a kicky hat drew me in.  Maybe I had one more chocolate-covered chance left to give the frozen banana community.

And the result?  Chocolate-covered banana deliciousness!  Trader Joe's Gone Bananas frozen chocolate-covered banana slices are definitely NOT bland.  The dark chocolate is incredibly rich and lovely.  But what really makes the frozen treat is that Trader Joe's uses Thai bananas that are frozen at the right point of ripeness.  The Dole banana dippers tasted like underripe bananas with absolutely no flavor.  The Trader Joe's bananas are incredibly sweet.  Talk about decadent treats!  Each of these frozen bites are a true delight.  

If you're looking for a rich, frozen, chocolatey, banana treat with an adorable sock monkey on the box, THESE are a "must buy, must try, must eat!"            

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