Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Shop Here Now! Toffee to Go!

A couple years ago, my friend NT brought a box of homemade white chocolate macadamia nut toffee from a local Tampa business to a party I was hosting.  I don't care for white chocolate, so I didn't think I would like it.  Well, I was wrong.  Darn you NT and your tasty treats!  This toffee was beyond fabulous!  It was crunchy but yet melted in my mouth.  I was instantly hooked.  My party guests and I demolished the entire box in 3.2 seconds.  Some serious yummy deliciousness.

I drove out to the small Tampa store to check it out.  The company is called Toffee To Go.  A simple name for a very sophisticated tasting toffee.  It is rich, buttery and oh-my-goodness super fantastic!  Since being introduced to this toffee by NT, I have bought Toffee to Go toffee for many housewarming gifts.  And I've used their mail order service to send a "good luck studying" gift for my little sister at University.  Everyone goes insane for this fantastic toffee! 

So the other day, I find out that Toffee to Go has opened a new store and it's now ridiculously close to where I live.  Oh Toffee to Go, are you stalking me?  I am going to weigh 500 pounds if you move any closer! 

As it turned out, my friends R&S were having a joint birthday party.  What's a good gift for a birthday party?  Oh yes... toffee!  I used the upcoming party as an excuse to go check out Toffee To Go's new store.  It is much bigger than their old store and chock full of their delicious toffee, toffee sauce and now new toffee popsicles!

I selected a one pound box of three flavors- dark chocolate pecan, milk chocolate almond and white chocolate macadamia nut toffee.  The clerk had to run to the back to get a fresh box put together - leaving me alone with a plate of toffee samples.

I secretly wonder if there is a hidden camera in the foyer to watch people gobble the entire plate of samples while waiting for their toffee order!  I had one piece of dark chocolate pecan toffee and seriously wanted to eat more and more and more.  But I stayed strong!  Darn you, Toffee to Go!

If you're looking for a great gift or if you're craving excellent handmade toffee, try Toffee to Go!

1 comment:

  1. Lily On The Lam said...
    I love when I get emails, comments and tweets on my blog posts ... here's an email from the owner of Toffee To Go (seriously check out their products TODAY - their toffee melts in your mouth.)

    Hello Lily On The Lam,

    I just stumbled across the blog you wrote about Toffee To Go. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I wish I would have known sooner so I could have thanked you sooner! We appreciate your kind words and beautifully written blog. Come by anytime for a sample and we don’t have you on video eating samples-lol

    All the best,

    Lisa Schalk, Owner
    3251 W. Bay to Bay Blvd.
    Tampa, FL 33629


Lily On The Lam wants to hear from you ... Seriously, she does ...