Thursday, November 24, 2011

Much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Readers!

I am having the most wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you are as well.  My cheeks literally hurt from smiling!  I am extremely grateful for family and friends this holiday season.  I am also grateful for my wonderful readers.  I have received some very nice and unexpected comments and emails about my blog posts.  Thank you very much for reading and writing to me - it is all very much appreciated!

And on a personal note, much thanks to the certain someone who has been causing me to smile ear to ear all day -- I'm going to need a massage for my sore cheeked face!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

And just to make sure I keep the requisite amount of "Lily snarkiness" in my blog posts, here are some things I am NOT thankful for this year ...

1)  Whole Foods Market ... this time of year your deli sells "sinfully scalloped potatoes."  At least there is truth in advertising, because these potatoes are certainly from the DEVIL.  Rich, creamy and I am sure artery-clogging.  I don't even like scalloped potatoes and yet I salivate at the thought of these damn things.  I am going to sprinkle holy water over your entire deli counter!

2)  Whole Foods Market and my friend Jill!  You may remember my friend Jill from my blog post about the restaurant Sea Change in Minneapolis, MN.  A couple weeks ago, I went to her house to steal the life force from her new son ... ahem, I mean snuggle and cuddle her new son.  Jill made this gorgeous, fantastic, beautiful chicken salad (which if my crappy Dell laptop hadn't died, I could have shown you a picture of it.)  Well for dessert, Jill busts out this chocolate pecan pie from Whole Foods.  (Yeah you heard me Whole Foods, you made my list TWICE for things I am NOT thankful for!)  I don't even like chocolate pecan pie and yet this horrid, horrid, horrid Whole Foods pie was mind-blowing.  So much so that it will be eaten today for Thanksgiving dessert.  Grrrr, darn you Jill for introducing another Whole Foods item for me to hate!

3)  I am NOT thankful for the hours and hours in the gym that it will take to burn off items #1 and #2.

Oh wait, it's Thanksgiving - I'm supposed to be saying what I am thankful for?  Sheesh, why didn't anyone tell me?
1)  I am thankful for the Angel of Motorcycles who will hopefully keep my step-dad safe on his new motorcycle.

2)  I am thankful for my gorgeous mother, who probably started cooking the turkey at 2 a.m. Thanksgiving morning - as our family Thanksgivings get earlier and earlier each year.

3)  I am grateful that in less than a month, I will be on an adventure with one of the coolest chicks I know - my  baby sister.

4)  I am extremely grateful that in a world where ridiculously smart 8 year olds can determine the contents of a Hello Kitty giftwrapped box with one shake (New Game Show Idea Alert: "Name that gift-wrapped present!"), that the gift inside the box was very well-received. 

5) I am grateful that I have a plethora of lotions and exfoliants to deal with stubble burn (read my blog post here, if you don't know what I am talking about!) because I absolutely refuse to refrain from hours-long kissing sessions with a certain Bad-ass Bandit!

6)  I am grateful that I have met someone who is a world class sweetheart who doesn't mind taking a pomegranate for a walk in Ybor on a Monday night.  (This is NOT a euphemism, but feel free to send your ideas for what it would mean if it were a euphemism to!)

7)  Overall, happy for friends, family, health and the new laptop that will be arriving soon!

Happy Turkey Day to you all!  Do not get trampled at Black Friday sales!  I'll be shopping via computer!

One last thought ... I follow @TinyBuddha on Twitter - because honestly, shouldn't we all follow a Tiny Buddha?  TB's quote for today was:

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." ~G.K. Chesterton
I like that quote a lot.  (No wonder I follow you, @TinyBuddha!)  Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.  I am so grateful, words can't even describe!

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