Monday, November 21, 2011

A Lemon's Obituary

My Dell laptop died Sunday.  It melted down in a raging hot fury.  It's been acting up for quite sometime.  It was never perfect, even when brand new.  There was always something going wrong and out of whack.  A lemon from the start.  The worst Dell laptop I have purchased out of the past four that I have owned.   

I am 40 pages to the end of Steve Jobs' biography by Walter Isaacson.  (The beginning was really interesting, the middle was really boring and painful and the end is picking back up to be interesting again.)  I haven't had an Apple computer since I was in grad school, but perhaps I will go back.  I am keeping my fingers crossed for some good Black Friday deals as situations like these always come about when least financially prepared for it.  My excess money is going toward my next international vacation in December.  Not a great time to have to shell out some extra cash.  I am hoping the Geek Squad can wave a magic wand and resurrect the Dell until I have more time to research laptops.  Luckily, I have my work laptop to fill in the gap in the meantime.

Unfortunately, I am bemoaning the loss of pictures I took in anticipation of future blog posts.  It appears that the slate has been wiped clean, whether I wanted it to be that way or not.  Like the somewhat wise/somewhat silly book on change: "Who Moved My Cheese?", perhaps I should view the death of my laptop and the loss of my data/pictures as a fresh start and embrace it rather than mourn it.  (It's been awhile since my last back-up and I only have myself to blame!)

Fresh start ... new beginning ... 2011 is wrapping up ... 2012 is just around the corner.  Who do I want to be in 2012 and what do I want my life to look like?

Right now, my worldview vision is so myopic that all I can think is "I want to be a person with a functioning laptop." 

But perhaps, it's time to think beyond the narrow scope and really consider what I want out of the rest of 2011 and into 2012.  Fate may be telling me to stop looking one step ahead of me and start thinking of my long-term plans.  Or maybe fate is telling me not to buy any more Dell laptops!

Henry Miller wrote:  "All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditaed act without benefit of experience."  So perhaps my only plan need be to leap into the dark and reap the joys, sorrows and growth that comes from it.

As John Burroughs wrote: "Leap, and the net will appear."  Sometimes you just have to take risks to keep your life moving forward.  My friend NG told me once: "I never have to worry about you.  You always land on your feet."  I took that as a very strong compliment.

It's a wide crazy world out there ... time to embrace it and see what the next chapter of my life will be.

However, no matter which direction I set sail, I hope to be better at backing up my data on a more regular basis in the future!

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