Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Product Wednesday: Ocean Spray Diet Sparkling Cranberry

What's tart, sparkly and delicious? 


Oh and Ocean Spray Diet Sparkling Cranberry!  I was headed home after a long day of sitting in a jury waiting room.  I stopped at the grocery store and the 4 pack of Ocean Spray Diet Sparkling Cranberry practically leapt into my shopping cart. 

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you'll know that I am the world's worst photo stylist.  I decided to place the Ocean Spray Diet Sparkling Cranberry against a book that arrived in today's mail:  Mindy Kaling from NBC's "The Office" has written a book called "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)."  I think the cover art of Mindy pursing her lips is what I look like after taking a sip of the delightfully tart diet sparkling cranberry.  Perhaps Mindy Kaling should be the next Ocean Spray spokesmodel.  Send me a finder's fee, Mindy! 

I am very excited to read Mindy Kaling's book because she is a crazy, comedic rockstar.  I want to hang out with Mindy Kaling, buy her a brioche and then say "AMUSE ME!"  I suspect she would then throw the brioche at my head, but I'd still love her anyway. 

Mindy, call me!  I'll buy the brioche! 

But back to the subject of New Product Wednesday - I love all things cranberry, so when I saw this sleek, silver can of a 10 calorie cranberry beverage, I had to try it.  I love really tart cranberry.  I hate the "juice cocktails" where cranberry is watered down with some super sweet juice.  The diet sparkling cranberry is very tart and fizzy.  It calls out for a good quality vodka and a fancy glass with ice.  It is fantastically refreshing.  This is definitely a drink I'd hide in the back of the fridge so I could hoard it all for myself.  It is beyond tasty.

If you like a tart drink, check out Ocean Spray Diet Sparkling Cranberry!

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