Friday, September 26, 2014

Will You Be My Chip Buddy? The Queens Head, St. Petersburg Florida

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

I am extremely happy that the weekend is here.  If you know me or are a regular reader of; you may know that I love, love, love breakfast foods and brunch!  So with the weekend upon us, I thought it would be a good time to have a Sunday brunch restaurant review!

Today's post is about The Queens Head Restaurant and Euro Bar in St. Petersburg, Florida.  I have no clue what a "Euro Bar" is.  I was hoping it meant 1) Hot Europeans hitting on me at the Bar, 2) a bar full of Euros that I can spend at my will or 3) a fancy European candy bar.  

When I walked in to The Queens Head, there were only Floridian locals sitting at the bar.  There were no big bowls of free European currency.  And while I received some flirty looks, no one looked like they were going to hand me any free chocolate bars.  So still no clue what a Euro Bar is, but I was hungry and thirsty and I wanted brunch!

For this brunch at The Queens Head, I was accompanied by Miss Kentucky and her friend Sassy Ms. S.  Although The Queens Head is an Anglophile's dream (check out the Brit tabloid-wall papered bathroom!), I spotted the French "Croque Madame" on the Brunch Menu.  Unlike a traditional Croque Madame sandwich, this one was served on raisin toast.  I was intrigued.

Miss Kentucky and Sassy Ms. S ordered a breakfast sandwich with chips (French fries) in it, called a Chip Buddy.  Now I love a good breakfast sandwich, so I was hoping their Chip Buddy wasn't better than my Croque Madame.  No one likes a heaping side of BRUNCH REMORSE in the morning!

My Croque Madame arrived and I was even more intrigued.

Unlike a traditional Croque Madame where the sandwich of sliced cheese, sliced ham and bĂ©chamel sauce is in one piece and topped with a fried egg.  This raisin bread sandwich had diced ham, cheese and pickled onions.  It was cut into fourths, topped with an egg on a plate that had drizzled berry syrup on it.  

Now I love sweet and savory when it comes to breakfast.  I am the girl who wants the eggs and the pancakes.  I don't like just one or the other.  I felt the diced ham on this Croque Madame was somewhat skimpy.  Charge me an extra $1 and give me a slice of ham, please.  However other than that, I was in love with this non-traditional version of the Croque Madame.  The raisin toast with the cheese, ham, pickled onions and the sweet berry syrup with the lush richness of the fried egg ... well it was just a heavenly combination and one I ate up with vigor.

The ladies also ate their chip buddy breakfast sandwiches just as fast as I inhaled my Croque Madame.  Sunday Brunch at The Queens Head was a hit!

Also to note - the service was prompt and very friendly.  The atmosphere was relaxed.  The patrons were extremely social.  It felt warm, homey and very "neighborhood hangout."  I would definitely come back to The Queens Head, especially to check out their wonderful sounding dinner menu       

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