Monday, September 15, 2014

Mucho Mustard: A Tale of Mac and Cheese Disappointment

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:  

I started a new job (same company, different group) early this summer.  I'm basically working three times harder for like 3 cents more a month.  Now I know I should be grateful that I have a job, but it's definitely been an adjustment because with triple work comes 100 times stress.  

At first, I was in survival mode - I stocked my freezer with microwaveable entrees that I could heat in 3 minutes and scarf down with my telephone on mute as I was on the 10th of 30 conference calls on any given day.  And I was constantly sitting from at least 6 a.m. - 3 p.m. straight.  I was lucky if I had a minute between conference calls to run to the bathroom.

Well as you may imagine, this processed food-no movement lifestyle quickly made me very sick.  I felt lethargic.  I started gaining weight.  Overall, I just felt unhealthy.  My first project manager I ever worked with at my company dropped dead at his work laptop, while he worked on a Saturday.  This is a sad fact that I had forgotten for several years, but it popped into my head lately.  Here's the deal - my company doesn't pay an extra bonus if you drop dead at your work computer on the weekend.  And frankly, my ghost is not going to have an upsurge of pride if I die "on the job."  In fact, my ghost will probably shriek "YOU DUMBASS!"  

So after several months of "just trying to keep it together" at the cost of my own health, I've turned the tide and am trying to keep a more balanced life.  My kitchen is filled with lots of produce from a farm stand in Plant City, Florida.  I wear my pedometer and I have a daily steps goal.  And I feel so much better.  Again a reminder that usually one needs to work smarter versus work harder.  

BUT from my triage/reactionary/just keep it together days, I have a ton of product reviews of processed food entrees!  So even though it is Sunday, let's declare it my "New Product Wednesday" day with a product review of Stouffer's Cheeseburger Mac flavor Mac Cups.  Portable, frozen, macaroni and cheese.

As my round belly will attest, I love comfort foods.  I love carbs, I love dairy, I love meat.  A cheeseburger mac macaroni and cheese cup sounded like heaven in plastic.

But ohhh, ohhhh I was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

Get a large spoon, fill it with French's plain yellow mustard, then insert it in your mouth and swallow the mustard.  This is what Stouffer's Cheeseburger Mac Cups taste like.  Now if you like plain yellow mustard, run to your store and buy as many of these mac cups as you want!  

BUT - if you're like me - who rarely ever likes plain yellow mustard (maybe on a really good hot dog, but otherwise fetch me some stoneground mustard or tarragon mustard or Grey Poupon, baby); then you're not going to like these cheeseburger mac cups.

They seriously had no flavor other than mustard.  It was not meaty.  It was not cheesy.  It was just mustardy.  The pack comes with two individual serving cups.  I took 2 bites and threw both cups away.  I wouldn't feed this to anyone I cared about.  

I had high hopes for these little cups of comfort food, but I was left sad and looking for something to wash out the mustard taste in my mouth.

Sorry Stouffer's, on this one I am going to pass!    

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