Friday, September 19, 2014

Great Quotes To Live By

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

This is my 128th blog post this year, which officially makes this year - 2014 - the year of the most LilyOnTheLam blog posts.  (Suck it, 2012!  Your record is broken!)  For those of you who regularly read - thank you for your interest/support/morbid curiosity!  And click some ads while you're here, baby needs to make some money!

As Ferris Bueller says in the classic John Hughes movie, "Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."  I feel like my life is moving at 500 miles per hour and recently I have been telling myself to slow down and remember a certain moment - how it made me feel, what I liked, what I disliked ... and truly enjoy what I can when I can.  I've been trying to keep a journal (yes, on top of already writing on LilyOnTheLam - what can I say?), but I have not been making it as much of a priority as I should.

I have been having a lot of adventures and have another whirlwind month of adventures coming up.  It's exciting and hectic and sometimes scary, but it is the chaos that is my life. 

I stumbled upon a quote on Thursday that very much summarized how I feel - I had never heard it before, have no idea where it came from other than an annotation of "Pinterest" (um is that an acceptable crediting in the MLA Style Guide??)  So I have no idea who first uttered this quote, but whomever you are - it's a good one.

"If you can't stand for me, 
then don't lean on me."

Ooof!  That is sooooo good!  I consider myself loyal and emotionally generous.  Sadly I have encountered those who wouldn't stand on my behalf but yet have no issue asking me for help.  The line between emotionally generous (and generous with time, money, friendship, etc.) and doormat gets hazy!  I have to remind myself the adage "surround yourself with people who have your best interests in mind."  

I am too fickle to get a tattoo - I can't think of anything I would want on my body forever.  However, "If you can't stand for me, then don't lean on me" is something I would strongly consider if I ever did get a tattoo.  

The quote is SO TRUE!  TOO TRUE!  

So on this Friday before entering what is probably a well-deserved weekend, I hope you make yourself a top priority - and surround yourself with people who will stand for you when needed.  Life is short, follow your heart! 

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