Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Brave and Strong

Happy Wednesday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I believe that every day is a new start where we can choose to be inspired or deflated (or even defeated).  Sometimes we can find inspiration from others around us.  Sometimes we have to dig deep and find our strength from deep within.  Today, I am in awe of the courage, bravery and strength of a Columbia Senior Emma Sulkowicz.  

While I wish the circumstances that created this show of strength had never happened, I admire that she did not let a terrible event defeat her and instead she stands as an example of staying strong and brave to those who may not feel like they can stand on their own.  

This video inspires me and reminds me that we all need to be strong in the face of adversity.  There is no benefit to staying silent.

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