Monday, October 24, 2011

Any Day is a Good Day for Cabaret ....

Please see the October 2012 update below about the upcoming Oct. 20, 2012 "The Bette Set" fundraiser for the Trevor Project.

Happy Monday!  When I was in sixth grade, I decided that my before school winter breakfast would be a poached egg and a glass of V-8 juice.  I don't know why, but to my sixth grade mind this sounded like the most luxurious of breakfasts.  I hosted a Bloody Mary brunch on Saturday (featuring delicious Hangar One roasted chipotle vodka), so this morning I made a protein-packed breakfast of poached eggs, turkey bacon and a glass of bold and spicy Bloody Mary mix (without the vodka, thank you!)  It was a nice childhood memory and a hearty breakfast.  A good start to a Monday.

This weekend was chock full of fantastic social events.  On Saturday, LM and I went to New American Theater in St. Petersburg, Florida to see "The Bette Set: A Musical Journey to Midler Earth."  A cabaret set featuring Bette Midler songs as sung by Michael Raabe and Sara DelBeato.   See a YouTube promo for the show here.  The show was a benefit for The Trevor Project - the national organization providing crisis and suicide prevention for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.  The selection of songs was great.  (Can't tell you the last time I heard "Otto Titslinger"!)  Sara and Michael's voices were fantastic.  Michael's piano playing was over the top terrific as well! 

However, I think the most touching part about the show was hearing Sara and Michael's stories of their youth as intertwined with Bette Midler songs.  They had a slide show with their own childhood pictures (and one particularly hysterical picture where Michael and Sara's heads were nouveau nipple covers ... ya gotta see it to believe it!) 

Michael had one picture of himself at age 14, in a "Wizard of Oz" trucker hat holding a fiftieth birthday cake for Bette Midler.  Not only did the picture show that Michael has been a die-hard Bette Midler fan from an early age, but it also was a poignant reminder of how organizations like The Trevor Project and It Gets Better Project are so important for LGBT youth.  At my high school, a 14 year old in a "Wizard of Oz" trucker hat holding a Bette Midler 50th birthday cake for his own personal Bette Midler party would have been like waving a red flag in front of a pack of angry bulls.  My school was predominantly white and as a 1/2 Asian, 1/2 white student - I felt the scrutiny and ridicule of being different.  I'd have things thrown at me, be spit on and the verbal abuse was at a catastrophic level of cruelty.  It is absolutely necessary that LGBT youth have role models and support groups to help guide them.  Children can be overwhelmingly cruel.  Organizations like The Trevor Project and It Gets Better Project are crucial.  Dan Savage - the author and "Savage Love" columnist - created the It Gets Better Project.  I have always enjoyed Dan Savage's books and was glad to see that his name has now become synonymous with such a wonderful and worthwhile organization.

Michael Raabe and Sara DelBeato's cabaret set was funny, heart-warming and cost me $50 on iTunes as I went home and purchased a ton of Bette Midler songs after hearing Michael and Sara sing!  So Apple, you owe Michael and Sara some finder's fees! 

I was happy to see that Michael Raabe and Sara DelBeato will be doing another benefit in December 2011, but this time as a Wizard of Oz cabaret set called "Friends of Dorothy."  Knowing that Michael Raabe is also a diehard Wizard of Oz fan, I know that this show will be amazing.  The benefit is on behalf of the St. Petersburg Museum of History

If you are near the St. Petersburg, Florida area, check out Michael Raabe and Sara DelBeato.  Their cabaret is warm, fabulous and spiritually uplifting! 

October 2012 Update:  Michael Raabe and Sara Del Beato are bringing back their "The Bette Set" Cabaret described below on Saturday, October 20 - $15 tickets available at Free Fall Theatre.  I had a wonderful time last year and you should check it out.  It's also a benefit for the Trevor Project, so please attend for a good cause!


  1. Just ran across your blog post about our show last year.

    Thanks so much for the kind words. :)

    Sara and I have been doing other shows this past year and we keep getting requests to bring back the Bette show. So we're doing it again this year for one night on Saturday Oct 20 (this time at freeFall Theatre in St. Pete.) Again we are donating the ticket proceeds to THE TREVOR PROJECT.

    tell your friends... :) and thanks again for the wonderful write up.


  2. Very excited that there is an October 20, 2012 showing of "The Bette Set" -- it was such a great show and a great benefit for a wonderful organization!


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