Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Still alive! Happy March, Everyone!

Hello My Fabulous LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

As you may be aware, it has been quite some time since I have written.  I have to say the dark, chilly winter was getting me down.  But it wasn't just the torrential rain - it seemed like all around there was sadness.  The shocking movie theater shooting because a guy was texting during the movie previews happened very close to my home in Tampa.  A close friend's mother passed away.  A co-worker's mother passed away.  And now the sad and mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370.  Two people who work for the same company I do were on the flight.  A sad reminder that even though the world is large, we are all interconnected. 

I had the immense fortune of working in Malaysia in 2011.  I flew Malaysia Airlines and I remember commenting that their customer service - from check-in desk to flight attendants was top notch.  (Honestly I find most Asian airlines to have better customer service than European and American airlines.)  I can only imagine the grief and sorrow of the friends and family of the passengers and crew of Flight 370.  I hope the plane is found soon to put an end to the families' unbearable waiting.  

I had an awesome dinner with "Ms. Wisconsin NL" at Domani Bistro Lounge in Seminole Heights, FL.  I had taken pictures and was going to (eventually) write a post about it, but my procrastination struck again - and then THE RESTAURANT BURNED DOWN!  Definitely a loss for the community - their food was delicious, the cocktails were yummy-amazing and our waiter was all kinds of sass.  In fact the entire staff was very friendly and nice to us.  We had a great evening.  I can only hope that they rebuild as I very much enjoyed my time there.    

Oh and our mysterious elevator urinator has added spitting to his/her repertoire - so each week it's a game of "Guess which bodily fluid will show up in the elevator?"  Last Friday evening, we started with saliva and ended with urine.  So that was win-win!  (Not!)  Our condo board is having cameras installed to try to track the offender.  I feel like I am back in the college dorms with all this talk about urine in places it should not be!

This weekend I will be at PaleyFest in Los Angeles.  One of the panels I will be attending is the 10 year anniversary of the TV Show "Lost."  Since the TV show started with a plane crash, I can't help but feel a little weird of the timing with Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

I will also be attending the panel for "Orange is the New Black" and "How I Met Your Mother."  I am sad that HIMYM is ending soon, but glad I'll be able to attend their panel.

Down the street from where I will be attending PaleyFest, I am very excited (although incredibly sad that I will miss it) that actor Alec Mapa will be receiving the Fusion Achievement Award at the Outfest Fusion Gala and that his movie "Baby Daddy" will be screened there that night.  I was one of the many Kickstarter.com financial backers that helped make the film Baby Daddy's release possible.  I am so excited to see Alec Mapa being recognized for his work and advocacy.  

Although the winter has been chilly (for Florida) and it seems like a lot of sadness has been hitting close to home, for me personally things have been really great for 2014.  Received high marks for my day job.  I'm helping a friend who has an organic skin care line.  We were selling products at Indian Rocks Beach Green Fest last weekend and had a great time meeting the community.

I have been doing a ton of volunteering - including being the social media coordinator for a local theater group.  I've lost 30 pounds.  (I miss you, refined sugar!)  I will be seeing six Broadway shows this Spring and Summer.  Deepak Chopra was back in Tampa and I enjoyed hearing his lecture from the front row.  (Close enough to appreciate the rhinestone bling on his glasses!  Hello Diva!)  

I am on month 8 of my Facebook ban - and although people STILL ask me when I am going to rejoin Facebook, I have ZERO desire to reactivate my profile.  (Sorry friends!)  

I have cut ties with toxic people surrounding me.  As Heather Dubrow says in the preview for the upcoming season of "Real Housewives of Orange County" - "I'd rather have one fabulous friend than a dozen pieces of shit."  Amen, Sister, Amen!

My 2014 New Year's Resolution was to put an end to the "one way streets" in my life -- the relationships and activities where I was putting in all the time, effort and energy - and not receiving even a fraction in return.  Or worse - I was giving positive energy and receiving negative effects in return!  Goodbye and good riddance to those "one way streets."  

My resolution then focused on expending my energy into only positive things, people, relationships and activities in 2014.  And I have to say this resolution has really paid off - thirty pounds lost, volunteering my time helping local organizations thrive and succeed and surrounding myself with wonderful people who value me and cheer on my successes versus trying to tear me down - it has been a really wonderful start to 2014.

So forgive me if I have been lax on the blogging - but I've been out living the good life and I hope you have been too!  

I'll be writing more as I have several holidays planned in the next few months, so you'll get to see pictures and read commentary on some of my favorite places on the West Coast.

Until then … peace, love and joy to you all!  Thanks for reading!

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