Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Realization That I Am Older Than Dirt!

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I am back from my long weekend in Los Angeles, CA attending three of the events of PaleyFest - from the Paley Center for Media.  I stayed in a studio apartment in Hollywood three buildings down from the building I used to live in, once upon a time.  Because I was staying so close to my former apartment, the entire weekend was non-stop deja vu.  I told my sister that I felt like I was Ebeneezer Scrooge and this was my visit with the Ghost of Christmas Past!

It was unseasonably warm for LA in March, so I was excited as the weather was sunny and temps went all the way up to 90.  Perfect weather for my visit!  

But as a true reminder of my former life in Los Angeles, on Monday around 6:25 a.m. I woke up to the room shaking.  A 4.7 earthquake with an epicenter in Westwood, shook me awake.  (I heard the earthquake has since been downgraded to a 4.4, but I prefer to say 4.7 because it sounds more intense -- ha ha!)  

The earthquake was quick and nothing broke in the sublet (although a local liquor store did not fare as well!).  There were two quick aftershocks.  The bed I was sleeping in was located in an alcove.  I quickly moved to the other edge of the bed, so the alcove wall wouldn't decapitate me if it came crashing down.  Of course that wouldn't help me if the ceiling came crashing down!  But hey, it's all about what you can control when you can control it.  

I actually started laughing once I was fully awake and I realized the room shaking wasn't a nightmare and instead was an actual earthquake.  The reason I was laughing, was because the first year I lived in Los Angeles I had slept through every earthquake.  My friends would talk about the earthquake and I'd say "what earthquake?"  I felt like I was being cheated out of the LA experience!   

So one day I was sitting in my living room and everything started shaking.  Instead of being scared, I started cheering because finally I was awake and experiencing an earthquake!  It was a small one-- my armoire with my television in it did a little dance, but nothing broke or fell.  I suppose I should be more in crisis mode versus laughing during an earthquake, but hey I am safe and uninjured - so I guess laughter was an OK response!

I have a lot more to write about regarding my weekend visit in Los Angeles - the three panel interviews for PaleyFest were AMAZING.  And I spent time "sightseeing through my stomach," eating at some of my favorite cheap eats places.  I'll be writing more over the next couple weeks.

However for today's post, I have one quick story that goes with the title "The Realization That I Am Older Than Dirt!"  I was flying back home to Tampa from Los Angeles and reading the latest issue of "Rolling Stone" magazine.  There was a picture of an 18 year old man with the director of a movie he had just starred in.  I stared at the picture and thought "I know him.  How do I know him?"  

I read the photo description and thought "OH MY GOD, I AM SO OLD!"  I did indeed know the actor in the picture - well sort of … The last time I had seen him he was 2 1/2 years old.  The reason I had recognized his 18 year old self is because he looks a lot like his older sister.  I started laughing because I have seen this new up incoming actor when he was  a wee lad breastfeeding, for heaven's sake!  I AM SO OLD!  

The young actor is the son of well-known actors and my friend was his nanny, so I used to hang out with the kids, their mother and my friend the nanny.  And now the little 2 1/2 year old is a young man starring in two upcoming movies!  I AM SO OLD!       

My trip to Los Angeles felt like I was coming full circle.  I felt like I was visiting a lot of ghosts from my past (stories for later), so flying home and seeing this young man in a magazine felt like the cherry on the sundae of my fun life in Los Angeles.  It was really great to see the man and actor that this little kid I once knew had become.  It makes me think of my little sister and my friends' young children and how cool it will be to see 10-20 years from now what they will do with their lives.  The sky is the limit!  

Oh and … I AM SO OLD!

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