Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Nacho-riffic Sunday

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I read online that Thanksgiving is the holiday where Americans consume the most calories, but that the second most calorically gluttonous day is Super Bowl Sunday.  Now I have no idea if this is true or not - as I make it a rule not to instantly trust everything I read on the Internet.  (Side note: I plan on starting a website detailing my conspiracy theories against Justin Bieber.  KIDDING.  Maybe.)

Anyway, I would not be surprised if Super Bowl Sunday really was the 2nd greatest calorie consuming day in America.  I thought this as I stirred this billion calorie cheese, ground beef, jalapeños and vegetable concoction for today's Super Bowl nacho bar.

But honestly just as good is my homemade pico de gallo/salsa fresca (with a lot less calories!)  So the nacho bar will have options for those watching their calories and for those who will be starting their diets on Monday!

P.S.  I have never had a problem slicing fresh jalapeños before, but these suckers were particularly evil.  I washed my hands like 8 times after handling them but the oils were already branded in my skin.  I made the mistake of rubbing my eye and oh lord, I thought the devil had poked me!  They say that if you eat spicy food that is too much for you, drinking milk will calm it down.  Well according to the internet, an eye wash using milk instead of water will immediately take the sting out if you get jalapeño in your eye.  Folks, this time the internet was definitely right.  I did an eye wash with skim milk and bam! No more fiery, hot stinging! 

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

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