Saturday, March 29, 2014

It's Time To Get Personal!

Happy Saturday LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

If you read my March 22, 2014 post, you will know that I purchased a hamsa bracelet at The Grove in Los Angeles.  It is supposed to offer protection from "the evil eye" (for those who believe in that sort of thing).  But upon researching the hamsa symbol further, I had been surprised (and somewhat horrified) to learn that it was also supposed to boost fertility and promote lactation.  

So now when I look at the bracelet on my wrist, I think "Hey just protect me from jealous, evil people - I'm fine on the fertility front and I definitely am not looking to become a wet nurse!" 

Evidently "lactation" is in the air.  (Um yeah and I don't want to be breathing THAT air!)  I have been helping a friend showcase her organic body care line (Etsy store link) at "New Moms" events.  Some of the aromatherapy inhalation products are not appropriate for nursing mothers, so when discussing all the organic products it's important to ask the prospective customer if they are lactating.  

Because mentally I am the equivalent of a 10 year old child, I find it extremely hysterical asking strangers if they are lactating.  My friend also sells a hemorrhoid cream, so if I am not inquiring about your breasts I could also be asking information on the state of your anus.  Life really is a wonderland of delight! 

When I helped at Indian Rocks Beach Green Fest, I was quite delighted in whispering to my friends in a conspiratorial tone "Psst - Hey, got hemorrhoids?"  My friends did not think it was quite as HILARIOUS as I did, but that didn't stop me from asking this particular lovely question throughout the day to anyone I knew.  Again, I must repeat that I have the mental maturity of a CHILD!

Now I don't advocate that you spend this weekend asking strangers if they are lactating or have hemorrhoids.  In fact those questions would probably get me fired if I asked them at my day job.  But I would encourage you to do something that brings you "child-like delight" this weekend - as long as it is morally, ethically and legally appropriate!  Like seeing the new Muppets movie with a large amount of sugar-laden candy.  Or running through the dancing waters at Curtis Hixon Park in Tampa Bay.  (I don't advocate those in the colder climates to do this - hypothermia is not fun!)  Sometimes just being silly and laughing is the best stress release. 

Thank you for reading and have a great weekend whether you are lactating or not!

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