Friday, September 25, 2015

You Had Me At Sticky Buns

Happy Friday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

And if you're reading this on a day other than Friday, Happy (Insert Day here) to you!

I am ashamed to admit than in the eleven plus years I have lived in Florida, I have spent more time exploring places outside of Florida than inside the state.  For example:  I drive through Bradenton all the time to go to Sarasota but I never stop to actually experience Bradenton.

So a couple weeks ago, I decided to rectify that.  I spent a lovely afternoon visiting various places in Bradenton and then on my way out of town, I spotted THIS sign ...

Latte Luna - Home of the Ham and Cheese Sticky Buns.




I quickly pulled over.  

An investigation needed to be made.  

And NOW.

Latte Luna is a lovely coffee lounge.  If I lived in Bradenton, I would be there all the time.  It is a large house with a multitude of rooms.  There is one room with video games and three other main rooms.  There were all ages of guests when I was there.  

Main counter to order your drinks and food

An older man, who I am pretty sure was Santa Claus on vacation, sat at the table across from me.  He had also ordered the ham and cheese sticky buns before I did.  He gave me his review of them while I waited for my order of boba tea and sticky buns.  Thanks Santa - please don't bring me another lump of coal this year.

Santa said the sticky buns were sweet, savory, a bit different but good.  

Who am I to argue with Santa Claus?  

My order arrived ...

Iced tea with passion-fruit flavored boba!

My iced tea was fantastic.  I have never had flavored boba in my tea before.  I'm used to the flavorless regular black boba.  Each tiny, clear, gelatinous ball exploded with a passionfruit gelee when popped in my mouth.  DELICIOUS!

The ham and cheese sticky buns were mini Hawaiian rolls with ham, cheese, mustard, some sort of sugary glaze and poppy seeds.  I liked them a lot but they were a bit too mustardy for me.  I would like to try these again without the mustard.  But overall they were hearty and satisfied my need for combination foods of savory and sweet.  Well done, Latte Luna!

I love stumbling upon new places.  This discovery was totally random and extremely fantastic.  I will definitely back to Latte Luna in the future!  

What is your favorite coffee house or tea room?  Tell me in the comments section!

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