Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Your Inner Child Is Talking: Are You Listening?

Dear LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Have you seen this viral video where a 6 year old Canadian girl asks her mom to try to be friends with her divorced dad?  It is hard to believe a 6 year old is so eloquent.  It's worth watching.  Check it out.  Definitely some good life lessons to be learned here.

I must admit I have watched this viral video several times.  Now first of all, being half-Asian I stereotypically love Asian babies and Hello Kitty.  When my little sister was young, we had a layover at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport.  It was there we discovered a little female rabbit cartoon character known as Miffy.  

Now in an odd coincidence, one of the many nicknames that I had for my sister was pronounced Meefeee.  So seeing a rabbit named "Miffy" was like a weird omen.  I quickly purchased my sister two of the Miffy toys and we boarded our plane.  I don't remember where we were going, I just remember Miffy.    

Hello Kitty and Miffy - a win-win

So when the viral video started and I saw the 6 year old was wearing a Miffy shirt, I knew that this was a 6 year old who was wise beyond her years!

OK maybe a Miffy shirt does not equal wisdom, but listening to the 6 year old made my jaw drop.  I seriously want to hire her to be my therapist.  Was this little girl raised by Zen Buddhist monks?  Her talking about just wanting everyone around her smiling was so earnest and sincere.  I will admit I was tearing up watching the video.

I have since seen this video popping up all over the place.  I wonder if every person who has seen the video performs one act of kindness - imagine the butterfly impact of just that?  

Although as I write this, a very hyper and I suspect drunk woman is screeching behind me in the tea lounge where I am typing - so I am trying not to turn around and hit her.  Not exactly the best act of kindness!  Baby steps!  Baby steps!

I love this viral video.  Each time I watch it, I hope that some of its zen messages pierces my cynical soul and inspires me to do better and to be better.

While I personally am not a fan of Kanye West the individual.  I do like his music.  His song "Only One" - his imagining of what his departed mother would say to him from beyond the grave - is beautiful and haunting.  I listen to it while I go for walks along the water.  It is soothing and has a zen peace to it.  There is a line in the song that says "You're not perfect, but you're not your mistakes."  The statement is very comforting to me.  

I was in Bradenton, Florida a couple weeks ago.  There is a "mystical bookstore" where "Shaman Jeff" gives tarot card readings.  Now "Shaman Jeff" looks like an older version of "The Dude" (Jeff Bridges) in the movie "The Big Lebowski."  Now I am 97% sure I wouldn't take spiritual advice from :The Dude" but I have to say that "Shaman Jeff" had a peaceful, calm air about him.  He didn't tell me anything I didn't already know deep in my heart, but sometimes it's good to be reminded of things.  

I do believe that if we take a step back from the mental noise, we can hear the messages the universe has for us.  This may sound a little too new age trippy, but it is what I believe.  I think there are life lessons all around us - we just need to slow down and listen.

When I first watched the viral video of Tiana - the 6 year old Canadian girl.  I thought "This is important.  You should really absorb what she is saying."  Which by the way, I have NEVER said that about any speech from a 6 year old.  (Sorry 6 year olds!)  Maybe I need to buy a Miffy t-shirt too to be as zen as Tiana.  

So for today, I will practice smiling more and try to keep things "steady" and keep my mean thoughts at short heights.  Thank you Tiana, for leading the way.  

As always, thank you for reading!          

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