Monday, September 28, 2015

Be Conscious and Live in the Moment

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

Yesterday, I had a great conversation over afternoon tea at Anise Global Gastrobar about the need to be mindful and conscious in the moment.

However later that evening, I ate a Tootsie Roll absent-mindedly.  Now you may ask why it's important to be "present" and "conscious" in the moment while eating a piece of candy.  Well when you have a temporary crown on your back molar and you hit a hard, sticky piece of candy - you need to be extremely mindful of which side of your mouth you are chewing it on.  

And yep, I ripped out the temporary crown and broke it into pieces!  Did the Universe need to send me a louder message reaffirming my need to be mindful?

Then today I took a late lunch to run an errand but had to do a call with an attorney on behalf of my condo board.  I was multitasking trying to do several things at once.  I walked into a parking lot and watched a woman back her car smack dab into a mini van that was perpendicular to her parked car.  

I thought to myself: "This is the universe telling you to stop juggling so many things and focus on one thing - driving."

But my attorney call had run over and I had to take a business conference call as I drove home.  I called in to the meeting and was about to back up when I realized the woman in the mini van was now parked directly behind me.

What the heck?  Is she trying to get hit by every person in the parking lot?  I thanked my lucky stars that I had seen her sitting behind me, because seriously I could have hit the mini van quite easily.  Is this some sort of scam?

Luckily there was no one in front of me so I was able to leave the parking lot despite being boxed in from behind by the dented van.  Despite my gratitude that I had not hit the van too, I felt like the universe was screaming at me to pay attention, focus and not be distracted.

There is a quote from Maya Angelou that I love and have to remind myself of many times when dealing with people:

Being mindful is not only important in candy eating, but in really hearing people through their words and actions.  I do believe that when people are bitchy and snide, it says a lot about why they are as a person.  I saw this quote today and it is definitely going to be part of my quote library in the future!

I read an article on mindfulness by - I think I am going to try their recommendations and see if I become more centered and more focused.  And perhaps I should eat less candy too!

Thanks for reading!

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