Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Material Girl in a Material World

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

After a summer with limited blog posts, I am on a roll.  I locked myself in a coffee house and wrote several blog posts.  There should be a parade or something ...   So I hope you have been enjoying the daily Lilyisms!  I am sure I will fall back into a silent slump for awhile - but not today!

I have realized that I have the impulse control of a toddler.  Every thing is just one giant shopportunity ... for instance I saw these coffee mugs on my Instagram feed:

"Dr. Bad Jen" on Instagram - founder of the "now on hiatus" Atomic Cosmetics - posted this picture. 

I have 9 billion coffee mugs ... which by the way, I NEVER use - as I usually use my iced coffee tumblers instead.  (I live in Florida, I prefer all of beverages ICED.)  So needless to say, I don't have any freaking need to purchase more coffee mugs.  BUT COME ON -- it's the mother from "Bewitched" (Endora - Agnes Moorehead) and Meryl Streep's character in "The Devil Wears Prada."  These are PERFECTION.  

I hope I can con one of my sassy gay male friends who love TV and movies as much as I do to purchase these mugs so I can come visit them.  Thereby saving my kitchen cupboards from one more superfluous purchase and yet still being able to breathe the rarified air of these fabulous mugs.  If I owned a coffee house, I would have one hundred of these mugs ... but then again maybe not because they would absolutely be stolen in seven seconds flat! 

I am staying strong and not giving in to my material urges to purchase these mugs that I do NOT need.  (And no, this is NOT a shout out to my friends to buy them for me!  If you're going to give me a gift, give me a box of cash - preferably $100's.  Love ya!).  

I once read in one of those "Your birthday means ..." books that people born on my birthday (like Jennifer Lopez and Amelia Earhart and Bindi Irwin) face an ongoing struggle of when to feed hunger and when to deny hunger.  I seriously almost dropped the book when I read that.  I am glad I didn't drop the book however since it was bigger than a phone book!  I could have lost a toe!  

The page might as well "An ongoing struggle of when to feed hunger and when to deny hunger, ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION LILY?"  I mean seriously - what a story of my life ... physical hunger, material hunger, hunger for love and respect (from myself and also from others) ... THE HUNGER IS REAL.  So in keeping with the massive astrology book, I am going to take this moment to DENY hunger and not purchase these amazing coffee mugs.  I hope this earns me extra points in heaven because restraint sucks. 

(If you don't practice the same level of personal restraint as I do, you can find these FABULOUS coffee mugs at Huntees.com https://huntees.com/mugs/.  They also have an Angela Lansbury "Murder She Wrote" and a Divine mug!  Oh the campy wonderfulness of it all!  I can hardly bear it!)  

As always, thanks for reading!    

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