Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Role Reversal

Happy Tuesday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

Yesterday, I officially started my new job.  Same company but big promotion to an area of the business that I have never worked in.  It's a global role managing a large team.  I know I can do it, but part of me wishes I could fast-forward six months from now to when I actually know what I am doing.  I hate feeling stupid in new roles.  But I remember how stupid I felt when I started my old job and how quickly I started to get up to speed, so hopefully this "Age of Stupidity" shall pass quickly.

Plus if I fast-forward six months, I'll miss out on a lot of great beach and pool days.  This past weekend, I had my first beach weekend in a very long time.  I also had my first pool day of the season!  I also now have renewed my sunglass tan lines.  Time to buy some bronzer to cover up around my eyes!

Several of my friends contacted me to wish me a "Happy First Day of the New Job," which was very nice!  Everyone I know is insanely busy like me, so when people remember events in my life - big or small - I always feel an extra special warm fuzzy!  

But I have to say that the "Happy First Day" message that made me smile the biggest and brightest was a nice long email from my baby sister.  

I remember the first time my baby sister drove me somewhere.  I kept staring at her behind the wheel not comprehending that she was almost an adult!  In my eyes, she was still three years old - so why was she driving the car??

I had that same feeling when I got this email from my sister wishing me luck in my new job and talking about career topics.  I thought "Holy cow, when did the little toddler who I used as my hair and make-up doll become an ADULT?"  

To get advice from my baby sister and exchange ideas on life decisions blows my mind.  I have changed her diapers!  OK a really long time ago, but still!

When I first started having to adjust to my baby sister as an adult, I had a more difficult time treating her like an adult.  The usual "want to protect loved ones from the world - don't make the same mistakes I made!" line of thought.  But now I see more and more of the accomplished, educated adult when I look at my sister and less the toddler who used to steal bubble gum from my backpack.  It's getting a lot easier to see her for who she is versus who she was.  I still miss the jelly bean-eating toddler, but I love the adult my sister has become as well.  

It's a crazy role reversal for me, but there's also a certain kind of peace and contentment when you're able to worry less about a younger family member and cheer more - as in cheer about her life accomplishments.  It's a new era, but a really exciting and fantastic new era. 

I hope your week is filled with lots of warm fuzzies and happiness!  

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