Thursday, June 5, 2014

Best Quote EVER!

Happy Thursday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

It's been a busy week but the weekend is almost here!  I cannot wait!

Last night, "Ms. Morris Day and The Time" and I went to see "Steel Magnolias" at American Stage Theatre.  If you are in or near St. Petersburg, Florida - go see this show.  It is a great production of the classic play/movie.  Since I volunteer at a local Tampa Bay performing arts theater, whenever I go to other theaters in Tampa Bay I am bound to bump into at least a couple people I know.  Last night, there were four people I knew - 2 on stage, 2 in the audience.  Since my "day job" is non-artistic, it's fun to hob knob with the artsy types.

But enough about last night … on with today's post - the majority of which I wrote earlier in the week!

I think of Twitter like a Magic Eight Ball or Fortune Cookie.  I'll log in and check my newsfeed and every now and then words of wisdom will pop up that seem appropriately timed.  (P.S.  This is all part of my master plan to become the next big self-help guru.  I have determined that Oprah and Deepak Chopra are both famous and well-to-do spiritual (or quasi-spiritual) gurus and their names rhyme.  From this I have deduced that the only thing I need to do to gain fame, fortune and become the next great self-help guru is to change my name to Loprah.  Read more about my theory on this in my prior blog post here.)

So consider this a Loprah teaching moment … and send me large amounts of cash … and diamonds … and a couple of Oprah's favorite things ...

On Monday, I saw the following quote on my Twitter feed.  Of course I had pre-written Tuesday and Wednesday's blog posts, so had to wait until today to share the quote with you all …

It is:

"Pray as if it's up to God, work as if it's up to you."

That quote just says it all to me.  I was having dinner with one of my favorite people in the world and we talked about how no one is coming in to rescue you or give you a winning lottery ticket.  Nothing comes on a silver platter.  We are our own knights on horseback.  We both sadly know too many people who are waiting on an external event to create internal change.  Change comes from within.  

So on this busy Thursday, I will be praying as if it's up to God and working hard at my job as if it's up to me!

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