Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Raunchy, Gritty, Somewhat Inappropriate … And Yet Surprisingly Sweet (Movie: Obvious Child)

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I am back from my NYC trip and I wish I had one more day to lounge before heading back to the Rat Race.  But I am Junior Global Rat, Esquire and I guess there is no rest for the wicked!

Ms. Bermuda and I had free passes to see the Jenny Slate film "Obvious Child."  (Thank you, Gofobo.com!)  So I was more than happy to finish work and head to the movie theater where I didn't have to think … and didn't have to break out my wallet!    

From the very first few minutes of this movie, I thought "Uh oh, this may be TOO MUCH for me."  I'm not a prude in any way, shape or form.  While I may refer to myself as a "gentle, hot house flower" - anyone who knows me would spew liquid out of their nostrils while drinking if they thought anyone actually believed me to be such a delicate creature.  So if a movie is going to get me going "uh oh," then it must be off the charts.

Jenny Slate - formerly of "Saturday Night Live" and presently for pop ups on Comedy Central's "The Kroll Show" (as in Nick Kroll) - stars in this grunge-tastic film about abortion.  Yes, abortion.  Saying I enjoyed the film probably makes me a heathen destined to the volcanic lands of the here after, but I'm pretty sure my ticket to that place was purchased a long time ago.  (And I believe in reincarnation anyway, so there!)  Overall, my thoughts about Jenny Slate's movie "Obvious Child" are in the title to this post … "Raunchy, Gritty. Somewhat Inappropriate … And Yet Surprisingly Sweet."  

At times I was squeamish.  At times I was grossed out (hello opening monologue!)  But what surprised me the most about a film on what I think is a sad subject, regardless if you are pro-life or pro-choice; is how sweet I thought it was at times.  Life isn't pretty and neither is this movie.  The end was probably too sentimental and unrealistic, but hey that's what I love about movies.  If I wanted a dose of reality I would watch the news.

I don't think this movie will be the "feel good hit of the summer," but I thought it was an excellent performance from Jenny Slate and I hope to see more films from her in the future.

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