Tuesday, June 12, 2012

You're Welcome, Google Searchers!

I have been posting my random musings on Blogger.com since the end of 2010.  As part of my blog, I am able to see statistics including from what countries my readers are logging in from and what posts are the most widely read.  

One of my favorite stats however has to be what search terms people looked up on Google.com that brought them to my website, such as:

A Google.com search for "Cat-shaped wine bottle" will bring you to my blog post:  "An Evening with Top Chef Masters 2011 Winner Floyd Cardoz."

A Google.com search for "Physics themed cupcakes" will bring you to my blog post: "To Glee or Not To Glee ... That is the Question."  I'm not sure why, but there you go.  

A Google.com search for "a blog about a mother named Phyllis" will bring you to an awesome pie recipe link on my blog post "Thanks For The Awesome Blueberry Pie Recipe, Phyllis!"  

But the Google.com search words that had me bowled over with laughter was that someone out there in the internet universe Googled "I got a blow job after I proposed" and it brought that person to my blog post "The Lengths One Will Go" - and yes, it's about wedding proposals and blow jobs.  It's also about Ani DiFranco; my life in Buffalo, New York and why having straw up one's derriere is not the best seating option.   

So thank you Google.com searchers for taking a stop at LilyOnTheLam.com when you're looking for your wacky search terms.  Welcome and I hope you stay awhile ...

P.S.  Today someone Google searched "Lily is awesome" and they were referred to my blog ... oh Google, you truly get me!

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