Monday, June 11, 2012

Doesn't Everyone Love Breasts? (Otherwise known as: Awww Come On, Minnesota!)

I read this blog post "Silly Woman, Titties are for Titillation and Selling Cars" on the Angry Black Lady Chronicles and as a person who spent the majority of her life as a Minnesota resident, I have to say "tsk, tsk" to the Minneapolis Central Library for their breast-feeding gaffe.  Check it out - ABLC is a great blog.

By the way, you may have noticed that the author of said blog post on ABLC is the star of my very own blog post:  "Midnight Radio:  How I Found My Doppelgänger Via Twitter."  So therefore I am going to take credit Mitt Romney-style for something I had no part in and say "You're welcome for the fine blog post that someone else wrote on ABLC."        

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