Monday, June 11, 2012

'Cause It's A Long Road To Wisdom ...

Home again in Tampa after spending the weekend in the Midwest for my little sister Squidge's college graduation.  So weird to close one chapter and wonder what will come in the next ... and it's not even my chapter!  

Ended the weekend musing about the tall, blond, Americana-looking, Bible banger who is torn between repression, aggression and a furtive obsession for my breasts.  Not so holy, eh Missionary Man?  He is like the three-eyed fish in the opening credits of "The Simpsons" - attractive and oh so repellant at the same time.  But I'm fishing for my supper and your nuclear-tainted soul cannot come into my boat.  So I throw you back into the ocean, dear Bible-banging fish and wish you God's speed on your journey.

My theme song for both the catch and release of Mr. Americana Bible and for my sister's new journey past undergraduate liberal arts education are one and the same ... The Lumineers and their song "Flowers In Your Hair."  There are many good versions of this song on, but I just adore this stripped down one in the staircase.  It reminds me of when I was very young and lived in a crappy ghetto-style apartment complex.  There was nothing to do, no where to go ... so you sat in the fire escape stairwells and dreamed of a life bigger and brighter while the harsh chemicals, used to strip urine, blood and other bodily fluids from the stairs and floors, tingled our noses. 

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