Friday, June 15, 2012

Hufffing New Car Smell!

Note: After I published this post, I realized there was one too many "F's" in the title.  If there's one thing I despise, it's a superfluous amount of F's!  But since this post is about my new addiction, I think the extra F adds just the right vibe ... so put away your red pens for this blog post.  It's a three F kind of day!

And now on to the blog post ...

My unwashed hippie days have come to an end.  Goodbye walking to places - my beautiful new car is here!!  I can once again exercise my carbon footprint without exercising my feet!  I am too busy sitting in my car trying to figure out how to work all these new bells and whistles and huffing that new car smell like a fiend ... blog writing has taken a backseat!  

Until I complete rehab, please feel free to watch the video for the first song I played in my new car ...

Girl in a Coma - "Smart."  Enjoy!

They're on tour - check them out!

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