Thursday, October 1, 2015

Use Your Powers Wisely: The Curse of the Monkey's Paw

Hello LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

In keeping with my current theme of blogging from coffee and tea houses in the Tampa Bay area, I am at Kaleisia Tea Lounge on East Fletcher Avenue.  

The atmosphere is very Japanese modern.  They even have a Japanese shoji screened area where you sit on cushions on the floor, without shoes.  A little bit of Japan in Tampa Bay!  

Their "large size" tea is called the Teatanic - which makes me hum Celine Dion songs as I slurp lychee flavored boba out of a ginormous mason jar.

In the picture above is a Thai iced tea, medium sweetness (because I am sweet enough!) with "lychee poppin' boba" and Kaleisia's wild tuna pasta salad.  The pasta salad is CRAZY good.  Very light tasting but with a fresh herby punch of flavor.  The menu at Kaleisia has many yummy sounding items, some vegan and some gluten-free.  Check it out here.  

But I'm not here to talk about tea, I am here to talk about THE CURSE OF THE MONKEY'S PAW!

(Insert sinister music here!)  

Years ago, I watched an episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer buys a Monkey's Paw and is granted three wishes.

But like anything that comes too easy in life, there are challenges too.  Each wish that Homer makes does not turn out to be a blessing.  So finally he decides to just wish for a turkey sandwich - not a possessed evil zombie turkey, just a regular turkey sandwich.  

And when he eats it, he at first enjoys it but then realizes it's a little dry.  Once again, even his simple wish does not come true.  The Monkey's Paw couldn't even deliver a good turkey sandwich.

Well somewhere in my hoarder's condo, I must have a Monkey's Paw laying around because my wishes are coming true -- but not in the way I would want them to.  I keep screaming out "Be more specific in your wishes!"

For example, I went out with a 6'4" guy - but either I'm growing or he's shrinking because I swear he wasn't taller than 6'2".  So I said to myself "Hmmm, maybe I need to find a 6'5" guy."  

THE NEXT DAY - I met a 6'5" guy!  The Universe delivered!  But here's the Monkey's Paw in action because the guy was crazy!  (He of the "You  Need to Tighten the Lid on Your Box of Crazy" LilyOnTheLam blog post.)

I chastised myself "You should have specified - 6'5" guy who is NOT crazy when you made your wish to the universe!"  Come on, get it together sister!

So then later in the week, I started work at 6 a.m. and had some tough conference calls.  I had a one hour break in my schedule and I decided to go out for breakfast to clear my head.  Ever since I had the amazingly delicious basil pesto pressed Cuban bread sandwich at DI Coffee Bar (check it out here), I have been craving Cuban toast and Cuban cheese toast.  

(Side note:  Lily's favorite place for Cuban cheese toast in Tampa Bay?  La Teresita Cafeteria - which is open 24 hours a day on the weekends so I can get Tostada con queso any time I want it!)

I asked the universe to please, please, please make sure that the local diner had Cuban toast on their menu.  I hadn't been to this diner in years - it's in walking distance from my home but I always forget it's there.  Which is odd because I love all places that serve breakfast.  I hold them in high esteem, close to my heart!  

I opened the diner's menu and I saw ... wheat, white and rye as their bread selections.  Sigh.  Even English Muffins!  But no Cuban toast.

But then I looked at the side dish menu AND THERE IT WAS!  CUBAN TOAST!  I ordered it with a very giddy tone.  (Carbs make me happy!)

Cuban Toast
It arrived pressed in true Cuban toast fashion.  I took a bite ... and damn that Monkey's Paw!  

It was just ... OK.  

It tasted old, not fresh.  And instead of butter it tasted like it had been pressed with one of those artificial cafeteria margarine-style spreads ... but even worse than margarine - more like the stuff that doubles for WD-40.  SIGH.  

Damn you, Monkey's Paw!  Once again my lack of specificity had screwed me!  I should have wished for GOOD-TASTING Cuban toast versus just Cuban Toast!

Last night, I was looking online at some job listings on a career website where I did not log in or in any way share my personal information.  I was just checking what's out there in the universe.  

Today, in a very odd coincidence - the internal recruiter for the company I was looking at contacted me on LinkedIn.  But the job he is hiring for is about 3 steps backward in my career.  Damn you, Monkey's Paw!  

Once again I screamed at myself:  "BE MORE SPECIFIC IN YOUR WISHES TO THE UNIVERSE!"

Still, I must say that this "Cosmic ATM" where I think of something and it appears quickly is pretty crazy cool.  Yeah, the "blessing" is a bit off the mark but still the fact that it's even materializing at all is pretty awesome in my book.  Homer Simpson may agree that even a dry turkey sandwich is better than no turkey sandwich.

I just need to be MORE specific in my wishes!  I will beat you one day, Monkey's Paw!

As always, thank you for reading!  

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