Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Purple Green Girl, A Dragon and How It All Ends

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Happy July 24th LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

When I was a wee lass, I used to love the Disney animated film "Sleeping Beauty."  Not because I was a fan of spindles or sleeping chicks or royal guys with necrophiliac tendencies ... no I loved that crazy, batty, horned evil fairy chick with the great wardrobe, golden staff and raven ... Maleficent.

She was unapologetic in her fury.  She could turn herself into a dragon.  She had awesome makeup.  And all that purple and green ... Truly, what's not to love?  She was worlds more interesting than that sleeping blond with a spinning wheel fetish.

But as all fairy tales seem to do, the dorky Prince "saves" the day when he kills Maleficent in her dragon form.

I watched it a million times ... and I always rooted for the dragon.  Blah blah blah true love's kiss and all that, I wanted the evil fairy to win.

So when I heard Angelina Jolie was starring in the movie titled "Maleficent" (NOT Sleeping Beauty), I cheered because who else can make prosthetic cheekbones look amazing but Ms. Jolie-Pitt herself?  Sadly the movie went all "Hollywood" and gave the film "a message" and a "happy ending" (and not the kind from massage parlors).  I really just wanted to see Angelina Jolie rage and turn into a dragon.

But no such luck from Hollywood.

Stay tuned for a future post when I wax on more about Angelina Jolie, but for now I turn our story to another time ...

When I was 24 years old, I was driving home from work at about 40 miles per hour when a car turned right in front of me.  You know how they say your life flashes in front of your eyes when you're about to die (or think you are about to die)?  Well for me, as I plowed my car into this (obviously crazy) woman's car; I had a serene sense of calm.  

I thought "Ohhh, so this is how it ends."  As one might when you finally figure out the final twist in an interesting movie.  

I take a lot of comfort in that perceived final moment.

Obviously I did not die - I was bruised and banged up, but still living!  

However I like what happened in what I thought might be the last moment on earth.

I wasn't scared.  I wasn't hopeless.  I wasn't remorseful or filled with regret.  

It was just as if I turned the final page in a great beach read ... "Ahhh, so that's how it ended!"  

I cannot fully articulate how peaceful this moment makes me.  I hope that when death does come for me that I will once again have this same reaction.  No fear.  No anger.  No remorse.  Just a gentle bit of surprise and an ah-ha moment!

I like to see psychics every now and again.  It's my way of wasting money ... I don't smoke.  I don't drink a lot.  I don't buy $1000 purses.  But every now and again I see a psychic for giggles.  

Almost every one says I am an old soul who has bounced around from lifetime to lifetime.  I don't know if that's true or not, but my reaction as I struck the other vehicle with massive force makes me think that maybe this hasn't been my first time in the cosmos.

"Ohhhhh, so this is how it ends."

When I die, I don't think I'll be in a dragon form with a Prince's sword in my chest ... but maybe in the next life.  Who knows?  But until I figure out "how it ends,"  I like to think of myself as that green horned girl in the black and purple cape ... and sometimes even as the dragon herself.

Happy July 24th, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

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