Monday, July 14, 2014

Ohhhhhh America: Artificially Flavored Banana Creme Twinkies Review

Happy Monday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

In my "Day Job," I have been working with people from all around the world via telephone.  This is nothing new to me, but lately I have been contemplating my communication style to make sure I am the most effective at what I am doing.  (This is for a pay check, after all.  Attention must be paid!)  

When working with an international team, utilizing only one communication style is generally probably not going to be the route to success.  There are cultural nuances that should be recognized in an appropriate way.  Thinking about my own personality and communication style reminded me that I am very Western in the way I interact with others in a work environment.  And that I am very, very (gasp!) American.

What do I mean by that?  I am hard-driving, fast-talking, more "action" than pleasantries and I incorporate a ridiculous amount of baseball metaphors in my speech when talking "corporate."

Baseball is one of my least favorite sports.  (OK I'm actually not a big sports nuts, so most sports are tied for "least favorite.")  So I have no clue why I utilize a buzzword manner of speaking peppered with this particular sport in general.  I guess that's what you get when you're sliding into home, bases loaded, pass me the Cracker Jacks ... little white ball with stitches.

And then something happened that reminded me that I am not only "Very American" in my communication style, but in my mindset overall.  It was a horrific occurrence that I am deeply ashamed about ... so of course I am writing about it for all the world to see!

Before "the big reveal" of the shameful event, let me back up a little bit.  I generally do product review posts on Wednesdays as part of my "New Product Wednesday" series.  These are products that are either new or new to me.  

On the TV show, "How I Met Your Mother" the singer Katy Perry played a guest role as a character named Honey.  This character was always making unfortunate life choices which led the other characters to shake their heads and say "Ohhhhhh Honey."  

I have decided that this week will be "Ohhhhhhh America" week - a head shaking week of things that are American and maybe a little shameful.

I don't know if having "New Product Wednesday" on a Monday is particularly shameful, but hey I own it regardless.

When I was a kid (back in 1412), I liked Banana Flips - banana cake with a cream filing.  It looked like a cake taco.  I loved all things banana and this was right at the top of the list.  Although today I would have to humbly admit that I was probably into all things "artificially flavored banana."  The Banana Flip was discontinued a long time ago, but the internet has recipes of cream filled cakes that simulate a Banana Flip for those who like to bake.  

The other day I was in the store and saw these ...

Hostess Artificially Flavored Banana Creme Twinkies.  I cannot even tell you when the last time I bought A BOX of Twinkies is ... I cannot even tell you the last time I bought a pack of Twinkies ... but it has to be measured in decades.  I actually have a "Twinkie" baking pan that I have never used and most likely purchased during a drunken online shopaholic spree on eBay at 3 a.m.  

I have never made homemade Twinkies, but in case armageddon breaks out - I feel secure that sitting in my cupboard, gathering dust, is a used Twinkie-inspired baking pan.

Yet when I saw this box of banana creme Twinkies, a wave of nostalgia hit me.  Back in 1930 (when I was a spry 987 year old), the Twinkie was reportedly invented - sponge cake with banana cream filling to emulate a "Banana Shortcake."  I have heard anecdotally that they switched to a vanilla cream filling during one of the World Wars when banana prices soared.  However this may be fictitious lore.  I am not a Twinkie scholar.  (A sad fact that haunts my every waking hour.)  

Regardless of the Twinkie origin story, I wanted to try this artificially flavored banana creme Twinkie to see if it reminded me of a banana flip (it did not) or gave me a pre-World War glimpse of Americana (it did not).

I unwrapped the artificially flavored banana creme Twinkie and after taking a bite, I said something shamefully AMERICAN in all regards ...

"This tastes too chemical and artificial.  And it's not big enough."

Yes, I first complained about the taste ... but then also managed to complain about the portion size.  How stereotypically American can I be?  "This tastes like crap and the portion is tiny!"  REALLY?  REALLY?

"Ohhhhhh America.  Ohhhhh Lily on the Lam."  Let the head shaking begin and never stop.

The reason I made the portion comment was actually because I thought the cake to artificially flavored "creme" ratio was off.  I like a 3-1 ratio (or maybe a 2.5 to 1 ratio if you want to get exact) of cake to cream.  I have never been one to like the frosting more than the cake.  But when I actually said "this tastes too artificial and it's not big enough," I rolled my eyes at myself!  A dumb bunny moment!  

Today's Twinkies are smaller (and have less calories) than the mainstream Twinkies.  According to Wikipedia, they are now 135 calories and 38.5 grams whereas the former Twinkies were 150 calories and 42.5 grams.  I actually thought the Twinkies were made smaller post-2012 bankruptcy, but Wikipedia states this change occurred prior to the bankruptcy.  (Hostess fun fact?)  

I am not going to mention that traditional Twinkies had a shelf stable life of 26 days and the "new" ones have a life of 45 days.  (Gross!)  Is it any wonder they taste even more artificial to me?  (Although frankly did a Twinkie ever taste NOT artificial?)

In retrospect, I have to chide myself for even conducting this experiment with my taste buds and my stomach.  Did I really think the outcome of this was that I would think these were good?  Oh denial - another classes American trait!

My opinion on Hostess Artificially Flavored Banana Creme Twinkies?  Get yourself a piece of angel food cake, some lightly sweetened whipped cream and slice half a banana on it ... this will taste worlds better than all the Banana Creme Twinkies ever will.  Unless you really dig artificial tasting food ... and smaller portions.  (Check out this article about a Nutrition Professor losing 27 pounds in two months eating Twinkies and other convenience food store products.  Or this abstract on sugar and mortality.)  So if artificial food is your thing, the artificially flavored Banana Creme Twinkie is for you!

Stay tuned to LilyOnTheLam.Com this week for more head shaking "Ohhhhhh America" posts!    

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