Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Superb Sundae: Trader Joe's Fleur de Sel Caramel Sauce

Hello Readers:

If you're in the Tampa Bay area, you may have been among the anxious awaiters of the new Trader Joe's grocery store in Sarasota, Florida.  For years, we Floridians went without a Trader Joe's grocery store.  To me it was like going without oxygen or sunlight.  (OK maybe not THAT dramatic!)

Then finally, finally, finally a Trader Joe's store opened in Naples, Florida.  And yes, I was one of the insane Tampanians (I refuse to be called a Tampan - sounds like tampon) who drove three hours down to Naples with a gigantic cooler on a regular basis.  (Read about my adventures by selecting "Trader Joes" on the index in the left-hand column of this blog!)

But finally the Sarasota Trader Joe's store opened!  Less than an hour away from my home was all my wonderful Trader Joe's delights.  (Read about my absolute favorite Trader Joe's product here.)  I had heard that the first few weeks were a mad crush of excited pandemonium.  I decided to wait awhile before going, but then 2 weekends ago it was a bright, sunny day.  After weeks of rain, my convertible was begging to be driven.  I started driving with no particular destination and found myself at the Sarasota Trader Joe's.  Evidently, my convertible's auto pilot setting ends up at Trader Joe's versus my home!  

The store was insanely crowded with Floridians who were just bursting with wild excitement.  One gentleman had 12 boxes of Trader Joe's frozen steamer clams in his cart.  Evidently the steamer clams must be good!  Another gentleman in the check-out line had 2 cases of wine and a bag on banana chips.  I wanted to approach him and say "Sir, judging by the alcohol to food ratio in your cart I am pretty sure you are my future ex-husband."  The store was so packed, I decided to get some "staples" and then head out.  

A huge rainstorm suddenly broke out and I was impressed by the Trader Joe's employees who walked some elderly patrons out to their cars, while sheltering them with big umbrellas.  Great customer service, Trader Joe's - just another reason I like your stores!

I was sprinting past the crowds of people when a small glass jar caught my eye ... it was "Trader Jacques' (the French-ified Trader Joe's line) Fleur de Sel Caramel Sauce."  In other words:  SALTED CARAMEL SAUCE.  Oooooooh ... I had no idea what to do with a jar of salted caramel sauce, but I knew I had to get it.  I would figure out what to do with it later.

The jar of salted caramel sauce stayed in my pantry for a few days before inspiration suddenly struck me.  Now I suppose I could have used it to bake an amazing turtle cheesecake.  Or maybe coated pecans and baked the sauce into them like a candy shell.  But no, my idea was something much more simple and quicker to make.  I'm all about fast and easy recipes!  I also love sweet and salty combinations.  I decided to make a salted caramel sundae.  But not just any sundae ...

I took 1/2 a banana, split in half and placed it in a bowl.  I then placed a generous scoop of light vanilla ice cream on top of the banana and drizzled half a tablespoon of the salted caramel sauce on the ice cream.  I then crushed five pretzels and a square of Lindt's "A Touch of Sea Salt" dark chocolate and sprinkled them on top of the sundae.  

The combination of salty pretzels with salty caramel sauce with the rich ice cream, chocolate and velvety banana was perfect.  Crunchy, smooth, salty, sweet - a rollercoaster ride for my taste buds!  I'm going to dub it "Lily's Pretzel Caramel Fabulousness."

The Trader Jacques' Fleur de Sel Caramel Sauce on its own is buttery and rich with a salt undertone that brings out the lush feel of the caramel.  It tastes very decadent and would complement a number of dishes.  (Drizzled on hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream perhaps?  Dipping sauce for Granny Smith apples and pretzel rods - fondue without the fuss?  Filling between brown sugar cake layers?  So many things you could do with this lush sauce!)

If you're a regular "Lily On The Lam" reader, you'll know that I am the world's worst photo stylist ... so here is the Lily's Pretzel Caramel Fabulousness Sundae with a little bit of bling to "style the picture." (FYI- My cat's name is Diva ... it's not a reflection of my personality at all.  Whatsoever.  In no way, shape or form.  Trust me.)

OK it's not pretty, but it was delicious!!

If you're looking for a quick and easy dessert with a complex taste, check out my Pretzel Caramel Fabulousness sundae and Trader Joe's salted caramel sauce!  

Also if you have any recipe ideas for what to do with salted caramel sauce, please add them in the comments section below - I'd love to hear your feedback!

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I heart smoked sea salt!

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