Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's Not Easy Being Green - Paul Mitchell Inkworks and Me!

Hello LilyOnTheLam.com Readers:

I'm feeling a bit like Noah on the ark in Tampa Bay lately.  Rain, rain, torrential rain!  I feel like someone moved me to Seattle while I was sleeping!  Move me back, please!

I bought a new convertible last month, so I am particularly disappointed any day that I cannot drive with the top down!  It's rained so much that I've been forced to get my thrills elsewhere.  My birthday is coming up (what are you buying me for my birthday?) so I decided to get a little funky ... OK get a little funky with my hair, that is.  One of the advantages of working from home for my mega-giant corporate overlord is that I can work in my pajamas and wear my hair in a mohawk if I want and my business cronies are none the wiser!  God help me if we ever get video conferencing.  No one needs to see me in Hello Kitty pajamas!

In anticipation of my birthday (I am turning 21 for the 900th time), this past Saturday I headed to the salon.  My color guru, Crystal, darkened my base color from the toffee caramel color I originally had and at my request (insistence?) - mixed up green Paul Mitchell Inkworks to put green streaks in my hair.  I said I wanted a dark green - not a fluorescent lime green and not a "swamp green."  Crystal, being the color guru, came up with the perfect shade - it's like a rich velvety green that you would find in a peacock feather.  PERFECT.  Exactly what I wanted - wisps of lush green peeking out.  Sleek, shiny and delectable.    

I'm not a male bird, but I am a PEACOCK.

My neighbor asked me "Why green?  It's not St. Patrick's Day."  I responded with "I dyed it green for Bastille Day."  She said "Ohhhh ..." and then 15 seconds later - "Wait, what??"  

I love keeping my elderly neighbors confused.  

One of my "friends" looked at my hair and asked me if Crystal was drunk when she did my hair.  And then "Ohhh... so you meant to do that.  You did it on purpose then?"  

There's nothing like feeling frisky and cute about a funky new look and then having a "friend" shoot an arrow to try to deflate that high.  Thanks a lot!  I am trying to keep my mad rage disorder in check, so a certain "friend" - and you know who you are, better count her lucky stars that I didn't lunge out and b*tch slap you!  I'm trying to be a more calm human and sister, you ain't helping the cause!  Paging Deepak Chopra, please.  

I also try to remind myself that when people are crass and judgmental in their comments to me, it is more a statement about them than about me.  So suck it!  

Cue Kermit the Frog in "It's Not Easy Being Green" ...

I did get a break in the rain Monday night to drive with my convertible top down for about 20 minutes.  A certain sweet, delicious, green-eyed man (a.k.a. "The Green Eyed DJ") made me a great playlist, perfect for night driving in the convertible with the cool, rain-washed air gliding over me.  

The first song on the playlist is "Anna Sun" from the Cincinnati band Walk the Moon.  While it may not be easy being green, this song makes my heart happy.

I also very much enjoy an acoustic version of "Anna Sun," click below to hear:

There's also a great stripped down version of "Anna Sun" on RollingStone.com, click here.

The name of Walk the Moon's song is inspired by a Professor at the bandmates' college.  Talk about the ultimate compliment - to have such a great song be named after you.  Over the years, every now and again a guy will giggle naughtily and say "Your name is Lily?  Like the song `Pictures of Lily'?"  At this point I roll my eyes, because the song is supposedly about masturbation.  I'd rather co-opt the Smashing Pumpkins' song "Lily (My Own and Only)" - a lovely light-hearted serenade about stalking.  Hey Walk The Moon, could you write a song about me?  My choices of Lily-themed songs are quite limited.  Again, it's not easy being green.    

Today's life lesson - take the joy from the world and leave the bitterness for the haters.  And the theme song for today's life lesson is the new song from No Doubt called "Settle Down" - I particularly like the refrain "I'm a rough and tough and nothing's gonna knock this girl down."

I hope you have a Happy Tuesday!

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