Sunday, July 22, 2012

Consider Yourself Invaded Canada!

Dear Readers:

By the time this blog post has been published, I will have slipped past the United States - Canada border for my Summer 2012 campaign to increase Canadian readership.  (Read more about my fiendish plan here and here.)

Canada has been #7 in countries by readership for months now.  The Netherlands has been chasing that #7 spot, but has Canada been upping their readership dramatically?  Ohhhh no.  Shame, shame, shame on you, Canada!!  My neighbor to the North has not been giving the time and attention it so righteously deserves.  Am I not good enough for you, Canada?  Do I have to sprinkle some "eh's" into my vernacular?  What's this really all aboot? 

Canada, I am the monkey who has your ice cream cone and I am NOT letting go!

Photo Credit - LilyOnTheLam.Com - Delhi Zoo, December 2011

Time for Canada to start reading LilyOnTheLam.Com or else! 

Stay tuned to to discover where in Canada I am conducting my "READ LILY ON THE LAM NOW!" campaign!

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