Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July! Now Eat A Cookie!

To my American Readers - Happy Fourth of July!  

To my Non-American Readers, Happy Wednesday!  

I celebrated this great day of Independence by seeing the amazing James Earl Jones and the spectacular John Larroquette (along with the wonderful Candice Bergin, Angela Lansbury and Eric McCormack) in Gore Vidal's The Best Man on Broadway.  It is playing through September 9, 2012 and I highly recommend it.  However if you don't know who Eric McCormack is, PLEASE watch some of his work before you arrive to the show.  (Either "Will and Grace" or his upcoming new show "Perception" on TNT.)  If I had a dollar for every elderly person in the audience who said "Who is this Eric McCormack?", I'd be rolling in dough.  I curbed my urge to jump up and scream "HE'S WILL TRUMAN - HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING UNDER A ROCK?"  But these same geriatrics almost peed themselves over Angela Lansbury.  I love her too though.

After the show, I was craving a burger so I headed over to Five Napkin Burger in Hell's Kitchen, but as usual there was a long wait.  I spotted a cookie and coffee shop next door called Schmackary's.  I walked in and saw the most drool-inspiring cookies I have ever seen.  This was no ordinary cookie shop!  I wanted one of EVERYTHING!  Since it was ridiculously hot outside, I decided to get an ice cream sandwich.  You pick two cookies - either two of the same flavor or two different kinds of cookies and they press real vanilla bean ice cream in-between the cookies.  I love quality vanilla bean ice cream with the black vanilla specks.

I decided to be "patriotic" and went with the Red White 'N Blue Cookie - a seasonal cookie special.  They looked so good that I didn't carefully read the description - it's a soft, tender cookie with dried cherries, blueberries, cranberries and white chocolate in an oatmeal cookie base.  I am glad I did not read the description carefully because I hate white chocolate, but I LOVE THIS COOKIE.   

I also picked an Oatmeal Scotchie (butterscotch oatmeal) cookie for the other part of my ice cream sandwich.  If you love butterscotch, you have to try this cookie.

Below is my ice cream sandwich - the first picture is the Oatmeal Scotchie.  

The next picture is the Red, White 'N Blue Cookie (my favorite).

Put them together with some quality vanilla ice cream and you have one very happy Lily.

Word of Caution:  This cookie ice cream sandwich is a big one, so bring a friend!  I could only eat half, but ohhh what a delicious half!

Schmackary's also has a seasonal Maple Bacon cookie - candied bacon, maple syrup, toffee bits and sea salt.  I didn't have the chutzpah to try a Maple Bacon Cookie ice cream sandwich, but once I tasted how great Schmackary's cookies are I definitely will be back to try the Maple Bacon cookie!

The young man behind the counter was extremely polite and very friendly.  I was overwhelmed by all the good-looking cookies and the young man patiently answered all my questions with a cheery disposition.  I was surprised by the high level of quality customer service.  I'm used to 20-something ennui and "uh yeah, umm whatdya want?" style service from the younger set.  But this younger gentleman was quintessentially quality customer service at its finest.  I thought "Wow, excellent cookies and excellent customer service?  Well done, Schmackary's!"  

It was only when I looked up Schmackary's website to reference in this blog post, that I realized the younger gentleman who made my cookie ice cream sandwich was none other than the owner and founder of Schmackary's, Zachary Schmahl!  Well now I am even more impressed-- I like supporting businesses run by good, friendly, hard-working people ... especially when their product is a line of amazing cookies!

Schmackary's has a regular menu and then seasonal specials ... in flavors such as Red Velvet, Key Lime, Cookies and Cream, Peanut Butter Cup and Chocolate Duet.  Descriptions of these cookies can be found on Schmackary's website.

I have traveled all around the world and seen some of the most beautiful places on Earth.  I am proud to be an American and live in such a wonderful country that has offered me so many opportunities that I might not have had in another country.  I do think that we need to do even more than ever before to encourage in-country business growth and entrepreneurship to keep America strong.  

Support your local businesses - people with a dream, determination and moxie - it is values like these that will keep America moving forward.  I very much enjoyed discovering Schmackary's in Hell's Kitchen, New York City.  It was started in 2011 and already is a popular spot.  Schmackary's cookies are a delicious way to support a local business and young businessman!  If you're in New York City, be sure to check it out.  Your taste buds and stomach will send you a love letter thank you card!

Happy Fourth of July, Everyone!

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Schmackary's on Urbanspoon

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