Thursday, October 20, 2011

This Dog Loves Deepak Chopra, Do You?

Dr. Deepak Chopra was recently in Tampa, Florida to give a lecture on "Healing, Transformation and Higher Consciousness."  I was fortunate to have third row seats.  Imagine my surprise when a woman walked in and took a seat in the first row with not one, but two dogs.  Evidently the two dogs are diabetic service dogs.  I'm not sure why two dogs were needed.  I suspected this was all a scam and that in fact the two dogs were actually rabid Deepak Chopra fans and this whole "diabetic service dog" thing was their way in.  God bless you, puppies - whatever it takes to get a front row seat to Deepak Chopra.  I understand!

I have no clue what kind of dogs these diabetic service dogs were - basically in my world, there's poodles, pugs, golden retrievers and pitbulls.  So I am going to say these dogs were some sort of poodle mix.  Which I am 97% sure is incorrect.  I had to take pictures of the dogs, because frankly I was still in shock that there were dogs in front row seats at Deepak Chopra.  Darn VIP dogs!

Once Dr. Chopra came out and started talking, I forgot all about the cocker spaniel-y/poodle/scammer VIP dogs.  I was mesmerized listening to Dr. Chopra's theories about ourselves, our universe and our place within it all.  I think the concept that we are all interconnected within the universe and that we are constantly rebuilding ourselves molecularly is fascinating.  The lecture was very interesting. 

Yesterday, I finished Brad Warner's book "Zen Dipped in Karma Wrapped in Chocolate."  (Which by the way, is a freaking rocking title.)  Again themes of interconnectedness and how we're not special entities but all parts of the same universe.  I think the universe may be trying to tell me something here.  Hopefully the message is not that I need to get two dogs and start buying them VIP front row tickets to lectures ...

I bought two more of Brad Warner's books "Hardcore Zen" and "Sit Down and Shut Up."  I am reading them out of order, as "Zen Dipped in Karma Wrapped in Chocolate" is his third book.  But that's the way I approach the universe - out of order, chaotic and curious.  Now where's my poodle?


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