Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Product Wednesday: Gift-Giving Ideas: The Princess Matching Game by Brigette Barrager

In the spirit of this holiday season, I think it's important to remember what is most important during the holidays ... mainly ME, ME, ME!  ;-)  When one of my friends (DDR) was pregnant with her first child, I shared with her my thoughts that "Lily" is an excellent name for a child.  (No bias here, whatsoever!)  She decided to name her daughter Emily.  (Whaaat??)

Undeterred, I decided to refer to that child as Em-Lily (pronounced "M. Hyphen Lily" in an homage to the great John Candy movie "Uncle Buck."  See footnote at the end of this blog post for more info.)  For almost a decade and counting, this poor child has been referred to as "M. Hyphen Lily" by my college alumni friends.  Wait, I mean "this lucky child."

I think the moral of this story is that you should just name your child Lily.  (My friend JBC didn't learn that lesson and that is why her son is now known as O-Lily-ver instead of Oliver.  Should have named him Lily!)

This ME, ME, ME obsession has now extended into my Christmas gift-giving.  I was at a toy store in Orlando, Florida killing time before seeing the mind-twisting Almodovar movie "The Skin I Live In" when my eyes stumbled upon a match game.  When I was a kid, I loved the match game - memory, concentration, intellect.  Much better than mere games of chance.  You had to use your brain and your memory to win.  Loved it!  I thought this might be a good gift for a friend's young daughter.

I picked up the box and saw something that sealed the deal on the box cover.  Do you see what I saw?

No?  Don't see why I was instantly drawn to this game?  Look again ...

Still no clue?   Look closer ...

And closer ...

PRINCESS LILY!  PRINCESS LILY!  It is The Princess Matching Game by Brigette Barrager.  It ranges between $10.19 -$13 depending on the store.  If you are obsessed with all things Brigette Barrager, check out her blog here.

I was ecstatic that I had found a match game that had a card with "Princess Lily" on it!  Well, I always knew I was royalty - somewhere, in some mythical land ... but here's the proof.   I snatched this box right off the toy store shelf.  Some child needs to have this gift!  The gift of Princess Lily!

I can't think of a better way to share the holiday spirit than to give a gift that clearly identifies me as a Princess ... well perhaps a t-shirt with a picture of me in a tiara ... hmmm that may have to be my gift for everyone for Christmas 2012!
Happy Holidays!

Footnote:  From Wikiquote for the fantastic movie "Uncle Buck":  "Marcie Dahlgren-Frost. Dahlgren is my maiden name, Frost is my married name. I'm single again, but I never bothered to remove the frost. And I get compliments on the hyphen."

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