Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy One Year Anniversary,!

Wow, one year ago today I started this crazy little blog.  I had originally started it to document my travel adventures, but then I switched jobs from where I was traveling every week to almost never traveling.  So the blog then started becoming more local restaurant reviews and new product reviews.  And then every now and again I would throw in one of my incredibly humiliating but also rather funny tales from my crazy life.

Now a year later, this is my 80th blog post.  A fact that surprises me, but yet here I am still writing.  (And hopefully here you are, still reading!)

I've received a lot of great emails from readers.  I'm amazed that people from all around the world have tuned in to check my blog out.  It's a tremendous honor and I thank you for it.

Or you may be in the same camp as my little sister who says "Your posts are too long."  To which I say: "PFFFT on you!"  ;-)  But in a warm loving way!

In addition, this blog has also unintentionally served as an "Interested-o-meter" for dating.  I have found that if a guy is not interested in what I am writing about in my blog; it's a pretty good sign that he is not interested in me either.  One man child (you know who you are), kept asking me "What's your blog's name again?  I gotta get around to reading that."  He said it with the same tone and enthusiasm as "I gotta get around to eating my lima beans" and "I gotta get around to getting a rectal exam."

Now to be fair, Man Child spent a great deal of time dodging creditors and working very hard at not growing up - so making time for blog reading was not a top priority in his book.  But after the fortieth time he asked me what my blog web address was, I started responding with such intelligently witty titles like "F*" and "WhyAskMeBecauseWeBothKnowYou'"

The "Interested-o-Meter" can also indicate when a dating relationship may be starting to fail.  When a guy used to read every blog post religiously and then stops reading it, well that may be a sign that he's lost interest in me as well.  My blog has become like the canary in the coal mine of my dating life.  Sometimes a metaphoric dead bird is better than a real time broken heart.

Growing up in Minneapolis, I have a mandatory love of hockey and of the band "The Replacements" and their former lead singer, Paul Westerberg.  On Paul's first solo album "14 Songs," there is a song called "Things."  There's a line in the song that makes me think of what I do when I write about past loves, heartbreak and bad dates.

Paul Westerberg writes:
"Things I'd never tell you, down the line someday, You'll be a song I sing, a thing I give away."

Writing is definitely a catharsis and when heartache can turn to humor, the spiritual load is greatly lifted.  I'm glad with a few (or quite a lot actually, written) words I can take awkward or painful memories and turn them into a laugh and send the bad feelings out the door.  There's definitely certain people from my past to whom I would like to flip the the bird and shout "You'll be a (blog post) I write, a thing I give away!"

I think one of the biggest challenges of my life has been letting go ... truly letting go of bad memories, bad history and the frustrations of things we cannot change.  Bad things happen to good people.  Bad things happen to bad people.  But if you're lucky, you'll get up in the morning and have another day on this Earth.  So embrace your good fortune and disregard the rest that would weigh your soul down.

From my living room, I'm watching a cruise ship set sail.  (Yes, I have an awesome view!)  There's always a new journey to embark on.  But you can't truly set sail while you're still holding on to the baggage of the past.

I once dated a devilishly sexy, former US Skiing Team, ginger-haired Russian who said to me: "My policy on emotional baggage is like the airlines - only one carry-on bag allowed."  Amen, brother!

I won't be so deluded to assume that you will personally be celebrating the one year anniversary of my blog, but if you're looking for an excuse to party - why not?  Take today to think about what's weighing you down in life and for the things you can, just let go.  The only thing giving emotional baggage power is your thoughts and energy.  So drop kick it on its arse and look forward to a new journey.

It's never too late for a brand new beginning ... but why wait until tomorrow, when you can start your new life today?  Just call me ""

And speaking of new journeys, I am about to embark on one soon ... keep posted to to hear more about it!

I've had a great time writing this blog and hopefully you've had a great time reading.  Thanks for all the support!  And keep reading!

P.S. Where's my anniversary gift?  Don't tell me you forgot!


  1. Happy first year anniversary. You are a very gifted story teller and I look forward to reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Enjoy your upcoming trip and you know your readers will want all the details!

    Jennifer's MIL

  2. Thank you, LS! Stay tuned to my blog for "Operation Kitchen Aid" - a story of what is sure to be international hijinks ... it will be posted sometime in the next few weeks!


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