Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Urban Chickens, Aloe Shakes and the Guru of My Colon

September 2014 Update:  Cephas' Hot Shop is currently closed - please support his rebuilding efforts via a GoFundMePage

September 2013 Update - Cephas has changed his website link to: CephasHotShop.com - check it out today!

Before I start today's Lily on the Lam blog post, I wanted to wish my sister Squidge a very happy 22nd birthday!  Hopefully a shout out counts as a suitable present!

Now on to today's blog ...

Today's Tampa Tribune has a news story by Kevin Wiatrowski on our city's "Urban Chickens."  If you've visited Tampa Bay's Ybor City (pronounced ee-bor, not why-bor!) - Tampa's version of a Latin Quarter (think of a junior version of New Orleans' French Quarter, but just as decadent);  you may have seen free range chickens running around.  It adds an extra touch of "What the f**k???" when visiting the crazy chaos that is Ybor City.  There's nothing like heading to the bars on a Friday night and having to stop for a mother hen and her chicks crossing the street.  What situation isn't made more special, more fantastic, more heartwarming than a free range chicken running across your path?  Life is always better with a live chicken.  And you can quote me on that.

The Tampa news story inspired me to write about one of my favorite places to go in Ybor City where chickens roam free.  If you are a regular reader of Lily On The Lam, you may recall in my post on Chef Floyd Cardoz and Danny Meyer's new NYC restaurant North End Grill that I referred to Cephas Gilbert, owner of Cephas' Hot Shop in Ybor City as the "Guru of my Colon."

Cephas used to have a restaurant in Ybor City.  Unfortunately several years ago, the restaurant had a fire. Since then, Cephas sells his food and drinks from a stand next to the restaurant site.  On Saturdays, the backyard terrace patio is a wonderful outdoor venue for live music, great food and great drinks.

I have been a faithful visitor of Cephas' Hot Shop for over a year, since former paramour Sergio first introduced me to the passionate and inspiring Cephas Gilbert.  Cephas is a prophet of the wonders and health benefits of fresh aloe vera gel.  Check out Cephas' website to learn more about what people are saying about aloe vera gel.  There are many health claims about aloe vera gel, however I am not a physician.  I can only say what the effects are for me - after drinking freshly made aloe vera shakes (fresh aloe vera gel, water and ice, blended until frothy and foamy) I do feel more energetic.  This energetic feeling stays with me for hours, much longer than caffeine or sugar-type effects.

Don't be surprised if Cephas eyes you up and down, correctly guesses your height and then tells you - whatever your weight - that you are fat.  Cephas believes he is the drill sergeant of health and if you are unhealthy, he just needs to talk louder and sterner.  But it's done with love and good intentions.  Cephas believes we are using our large intestine inefficiently, causing a variety of maladies.  He believes that aloe is the key to better health.  Cephas believes we are mistreating our bodies with processed food and believes aloe, changes in what you eat and exercise can help you get on the right path to health.  

The lining of the aloe plant has a laxative property.  The aloe gel that Cephas uses may contain small amounts of this lining, which is why I have given Cephas the nickname "Guru of my Colon."  I definitely feel that regular aloe vera shakes keep things moving and grooving for me.

Cephas recommends three aloe shakes a week for best benefit.  I will say that for the first time aloe drinker, you may find the enzymatic aloe vera gel shake to be a touch bitter.  Some find it just bland.  However the aloe shake is not savored for its taste but for its benefits.  Also, if you have dry skin, make sure you ask Cephas if he has any leftover aloe leaves.  Cephas generally will give them free with purchase and you can rub the remaining aloe gel in the leaves on your dry skin.

Cephas' Hot Shop is open Monday - Saturday from 11 a.m. to usually around 7 p.m., sometimes later.  Check out Cephas' website for yourself to see the reported claims about the benefits of aloe.  Or better yet, go visit Cephas.  He has a TV in the background running a loop on colon health benefits and he never tires of talking about the benefits of aloe.  Seriously.  He can talk up a storm about aloe and your body.    

An actual Urban Rooster next to Cephas' Hot Shop - Ybor City, FL
If an aloe vera gel shake is not your speed, how about some great Jamaican food instead?  Cephas offers traditional Jamaican fare - jerk chicken, curry chicken, goat, oxtail - and my favorite - the fish (pictured below).  Each plate comes with rice and beans, vegetables, a sweet potato and some hot pickled vegetables as well as the protein.  The picture below has been "Lilyfied" - I request fish and vegetables only (hold the rice and beans) to keep my starchy carbs low.  Cephas also sells my favorite Jamaican soda - the grapefruit-a-licious Ting.  You can buy food "to go" during the week and on Saturdays, you can either get your food to go or stay and enjoy live music, dinner and drinks in the backyard terrace.

Delicious Fish and Vegetable Plate from Cephas' Hot Shop
In addition to aloe shakes, great food and beverages and urban chicken viewing, my favorite part about visiting Cephas' Hot Shop is that if you stand there long enough you will see an amazing microcosm of Tampa Bay society.  From hippies to emo punk hipsters, from businesspeople to athletes, old to young, small to large, poor to rich and oh yeah, one quirky blog writer named Lily- there is an amazing array of people who come to visit Cephas.  I've had some of the most interesting conversations with people on the front patio in front of Cephas' aloe stand as I waited for Cephas to blend up my aloe vera gel, water and ice shake.  If you want to meet all of Tampa, come hang out in front of Cephas' Hot Shop for a few hours.  You'll be amazed at all the interesting and friendly people you will meet.  Everyone is happy, fun and chatty.  Perhaps its the aloe.  Perhaps its the good food.  Or perhaps its because hanging out at Cephas' Hot Shop just puts everyone in a good mood.  Who knows?  But if you're new to Tampa, it's a great way to meet new people.  However, bring cash because the front aloe vera stand does not take credit cards.

Cephas Gilbert is a character - a font of positive energy with a heart bigger than Ybor City itself.  I love talking with him and hearing his stories of his life and travels.  So whether your ears want to hear stories, your stomach wants great food, your pretty face wants to be seen by the best people in Tampa or your colon wants some aloe vera gel - or all four, get yourself and your body over to Cephas' Hot Shop in Ybor City.  

And say "hello" to the urban chickens for me.

September 2013 Update - Cephas has changed his website link to: CephasHotShop.com - check it out today!

Cephas West Indian on Urbanspoon

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