Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Obsession Continues ...

Happy Sunday, LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers!

Next weekend in Los Angeles, California will be the first ever Hello Kitty Convention.  The old gal is 40 years old and she is having a party!  I seriously considered going for the event because sadly I am a ravenous Hello Kitty fan.  In fact, I suspect there is a subset of the population who rabidly hate me and downgrade me for my love of Hello Kitty.  To them I say a resounding "Suck it!"  There are worse things to be addicted too.  Love me for my Hello Kitty obsession or just walk on by!

As I have been traveling up a storm lately and will be traveling up a storm again very soon, I decided that a cross-country trip for Hello Kitty was probably not the best idea.  I hemmed and hawed for so long that finally all the convention tickets sold out.  Fate's way of saying "You waited too long, sister!  No Hello Kitty for you!"

I don't know if there is a huge scalpers' market for Hello Kitty convention tickets, but I don't want my picture splashed across newspapers with the headline "Elderly, Senile Crazy Cat Lady arrested in Undercover Hello Kitty Convention Ticket Scalping Raid."  I fully own my questionable obsessions, but I don't need to publicize them THAT widely.

Since I cannot go to the Hello Kitty Convention in LA, I did manage to pick myself up this little souvenir of the Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris, France when I was stuck for an incredibly stressful 2 days when flying home from Budapest.

When friends' children come over, invariably one of the kids will ask me if they can have my Hello Kitty from Australia or China or San Francisco ... and now this delightful one from Paris.  I usually gasp in real horror and say "NO, NO, A MILLION TIMES NO!" and then run off sobbing.  

That may be an exaggeration, but it also may not.

To further publicize how sad my obsession has become, I recently ordered this item ALL THE WAY FROM ISRAEL on eBay.

It's a frying pan that makes mini pancakes with various Hello Kitty forms on them.  

I know what you're thinking - "Who doesn't need a Hello Kitty pancake pan?"  

You are so right.

EVERYONE needs a Hello Kitty pancake pan.  But don't even think of stealing my Israeli pan!

I have a Hello Kitty waffle maker which evidently they no longer manufacture.  I live in perpetual fear that my waffle maker will one day break and I can no longer have waffles in the shape of Hello Kitty.  (Oh the anticipated tragedy!)

But at least for now, I can offer my guests a choice of Hello Kitty waffles or pancakes or both.    

Side Note:  Mrs. Jacksonville right now is reading this and yelling out "When are you having my daughters over for Hello Kitty brunch, you Hello Kitty-lovin' loon?!"  Soon, soon - as soon as I stop traveling all the time!

So on this lovely Sunday, I hope you all are out there indulging any harmless obsessions you may have.  Meanwhile I'll be whipping up some Hello Kitty pancakes and staging my own mini Hello Kitty convention in my living room.

Thanks for reading!

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