Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy 12-12-12!

Hello Readers and a Happy 12-12-12, December 12, 2012 to you all!

On 10-10-10, I was walking on top of the Great Wall of China.  On 11-11-11, I was in a little cobblestone village area on a really amazing date with lots of passionate smooching.  But 12-12-12, the agenda includes work and cleaning my messy house.  I guess I should have planned better.  No monumental event has been scheduled for today - unless the world ends per Mayan prophecy.

I have been taking a pottery class.  Last week, I made this awesome cake plate and last night, I split it in half trying to get it unstuck from the board it was resting on.  I was horrified.  It was such a gorgeous piece!  You would have thought someone punched my best friend in the mouth.  I was that floored at the tragic events!

I am the most junior in my pottery class.  One of the students, made a pineapple and a turtle in Open Studio.    

I don't know why but the pineapple and the turtle together make me think of some piece of modern art that I will just stare at and stare at and never divine the grand meaning of it all.  Which has been apropos of my musings on many things lately.  Definitely a lot of "What's it all about, Alfie?" moments.  

Even though I don't understand the "grand meaning" of the pineapple and the turtle, they do make me smile.  If I can't have a grand event for 12-12-12, perhaps I can have a grand feeling instead - a call to arms to find what makes you happy, what makes you laugh, what makes you smile and embrace it, cherish it and nourish it!

I was traveling in Australia with my baby sister Squidge and she was telling me that her and her friends amuse themselves  with misspelled versions of food names.  I know, I know - "what the what?"  Check it out here.  One of the misspelled words was "Ponople Shramp" (a.k.a. Pineapple Shrimp.)  For some reason this set me off on a Tourette's like outburst where I barked "PONOPLE SHRAMP!" every 2 minutes.  I still say it now and then and my sister gives me this kind look of "Oh you poor stupid child, you don't know when to give up the joke."  SHRAMP!

So whether what makes you smile is a pineapple, a turtle, a misspelled SHRAMP or anything else - take some time on 12-12-12 (or whenever your calendar allows) and think about what makes you happy.  Sometimes the smallest things can bring us the greatest joy.  Honor it today and every day!  Happy 12-12-12, everyone!

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