Sunday, December 16, 2012

Goodbye To Many Angels

Dear LilyOnTheLam.Com Readers:

I am beyond heartbroken for the deaths of innocent children and adults in Newtown, Connecticut.  I am speechless and cannot fathom the loss of so many precious lives, most of whom were on this Earth for such a short time.  I want answers on why this had to happen, but I know that no answer can justify such a senseless act.  And I feel helpless in my sorrow.  

I urge those who are feeling the same way I am to volunteer with local children's organizations and/or donate to  There's nothing we can do to bring these beloved children back, but we can help other children in our community and around the nation.  Please check out the projects that need funding on

And in a personal note ... just when I thought my heart couldn't ache more, my beloved cat Mr. Lo passed away this morning at 3:40 a.m.  Thank you sweet friend for 12 1/2 years of unconditional love.  I treasure every second of it and will miss you so very much.  Mere words cannot express how much you mean to me and how very grateful I am to have had you in my life.  

I adopted Mr. Lo when he was two months old from the Humane Society in Minnesota.  My other cats were adopted from the Humane Society of Tampa Bay.  Please support animal groups like the SPCA and the Humane Society in your area.  These animals bring so much love.  I am forever grateful for these organizations and the wonderful cats they have brought into my life.    

Rest in Peace to all the angels taken too soon.

Mr. Lo - the Big Brother of the Household, cuddling with Finnerty, November 2012

Mr. Lo and Finnerty

Mr. Lo - surrogate big brother and protector - with DivaBea

1 comment:

  1. All I can do is send love to the people of Newtown. I cannot, in any way, imagine their pain & grief.
    I am so sorry about Mr Lo ,it's five years since my cat died & I still miss her. Sending you hugs.


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